[net.micro.atari8] Synapse SynCalc

wrd@tekigm2.UUCP (Bill Dippert) (05/11/86)

Previously I have been trying to find out how to get SynCalc for the 130XE to
load on a 130XE/1050 combo.  Had also made commens about Synapse not answering
my letter.  Well today I was pleasantly surprised!  Received a package in the
mail from a "Software-Direct" with a PO Box in San Rafael CA.  Did not remember
sending for anything so opened it with curiosity and a little trepidation.
What to my surprise but a new disk copy of SynCalc(R) with the following

"Broderbund Software

May 7, 1986

William Dippert
Portland, OR ....

Dear Mr. Dippert

Thank you for your interest in Synapse.  We had a problem with the early
release of SynCalc for the 130XE.  Our copy protection scheme was
extreemly sensitive to certain drives.  We have since changed the
protection routine and have not experienced any problems.

I have enclosed a replacement disk.  I have made sure that the disk in
not defective, so, should you continue to experience difficulties loading
the program contact me.

Again, thank you for your interest in Synapse.  If you have any questions
please contact our Technical Support Department.


Tammy Chance
Tech. Support"

May I express publicly via the net, my apologies for anything previously said
against Synapse.  They certainly do seem to be interested in supporting us, the
Atari User, even though their software prices have gone done to the point of 
probably significantly decreasing their profit margins.  Tammy's letter (even
with its spelling errors) was a definite upnote and proves that anyone can make
a mistake, but its how you rectify the mistake.  

Again, I appreciate the support from Synapse and if you have been having
similar problems, please contact Tammy.



wrd@tekigm2.UUCP (Bill Dippert) (05/11/86)

Forgot the most important thing:  the new version of SynCalc loads beautifully.
Spent some time just loading, and reloading it, just to check it out.  Works
fine--noises made while loading definitely sound different from the original
version.  Since I am not sure what significance these noises are, I do not know
what the frequency changes means.
