wrd@tekigm2.UUCP (Bill Dippert) (05/31/86)
Since I cannot at the moment get thru: (Message inbox:14) Received: from tektronix.TEK (tektronix.ARPA) by tekigm2 (4.12/5.14) id AA19271; Fri, 30 May 86 22:20:38 pdt Received: by tektronix.TEK (5.31/6.12) id AA25927; Fri, 30 May 86 22:19:53 PDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (ucbvax-spine.ARPA) by cad.berkeley.edu (5.5/5.6) id AA14385; Fri, 30 May 86 18:09:12 PDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.51/1.13) id AA02660; Fri, 30 May 86 18:09:03 PDT Date: Fri, 30 May 86 18:09:03 PDT From: MAILER-DAEMON@ucbcad (Mail Delivery Subsystem) Subject: Returned mail: Host unknown Message-Id: <8605310109.AA02660@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> To: <wrd@tekigm2> ----- Transcript of session follows ----- 550 mitre.tcpld... 550 Host unknown 550 <arpa!abrams@mitre>... Host unknown ----- Unsent message follows ----- Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.51/1.13) id AA02656; Fri, 30 May 86 18:09:03 PDT Received: by cad.berkeley.edu (5.5/5.6) id AA14364; Fri, 30 May 86 18:08:56 PDT Received: by tektronix.TEK (5.31/6.12) id AA12431; Fri, 30 May 86 08:40:09 PDT Received: by tekigm2 (4.12/5.14) id AA03520; Fri, 30 May 86 08:40:29 pdt Message-Id: <8605301540.AA03520@tekigm2> To: mitre.arpa!abrams@ucbcad.BERKELEY Subject: AW+ vs vi Date: 30 May 86 08:40:27 PDT (Fri) From: Bill Dipert <tektronix!tekigm2!wrd> Marshall: What I meant was that having used UNIX at work (and home via modem) and using Atariwriter Plus, I find that AW+ is just more versatile. To start with vi is still basically a line editor not a page editor as AW/AW+ are. It is extremely frustrating to me to have to constantly put in editor commands in vi documents when AW+ does most things automatically. The only advantage that I could see previously between AW and vi was that vi had typeover mode and AW had only insert mode. However, AW+ has both modes and thus is at least equal to vi in that respect. As far as change word, and delete word I use search and replace (altho I will admit that I am not sure that you can delete a word as opposed to substituting another word?) -- s & r, cut and paste, etc. seem to me to be as easy or easier in AW+ as they are in vi. Granted, you cannot move the cursor word by word in AW+. I do do that in vi but then get frustrated when I overshoot and have to start over. Again this is due to vi being a line editor. In AW+ it is a matter of backing up the cursor, which you cannot do from line to line in vi (or at least I am not aware of the ability). I am sorry, but I think people are selling Atari short as a business machine. What other computer offers built in graphics, text, etc. IBM PC's require a new board for everything (i.e. a board for the color monitor, another board for graphics, etc.). Granted I have one 800XLE (800XL 256k enhanced) that is used mainly for games, altho the kids are beginning to get into word processing for school reports. But my 130XE is used 60% of the time for word processing, and 35% of the time for tele- communications (including getting into UNIX via Tek) and 5% of the time for games, but only in a testing mode. (Game playing is on the 800XLE or the 1200XL.) Not that I am advocating bring an Atari to work (altho I have considered it, having four machines to play with) -- but if your office has a lot of IBM PC's or Apple Mac's an Atari 1040ST would cause quite a stir. (I would even bet that one 1040ST with appropriate software would eventually drive out some IBM and Apples and I do not even like the 1040ST due to mice!) (Personally at work we use almost exclusively Tek 4107/4109 terminals connected to either VAX or Gould with UNIX, some IBM PC's and Compaq's are showing up now, tho.) Sorry to be so long winded, I hope I gave you my viewpoint. --Bill-- tektronix!tekim2!wrd