[net.micro.atari8] Need printer info

rgenter@ENTERPRISE.BBN.COM (Rick Genter) (08/20/86)

     Can anyone recommend a *CHEAP* letter quality printer for my Atari 800?
I don't care about speed; I would like something that is easy to interface
with AtariWriter+.  Also, does anyone know off the top of their head if any
of the printer drivers built into AW+ is the functional equivalent to an
EPSON MX-80.  I tried specifying EPSON FX-80, but they must be quite different,
because my document came out quite bizarre.  I'm using Atari 825 for right

     If you reply to me directly, use the address given below; I'm not sure
this machine is in the master host tables.
					- Rick
Rick Genter 				BBN Laboratories Inc.
(617) 497-3848				10 Moulton St.  6/512
rgenter@labs-b.bbn.COM  (Internet new)	Cambridge, MA   02238
rgenter@bbn-labs-b.ARPA (Internet old)	linus!rgenter%BBN-LABS-B.ARPA (UUCP)

jhs@mitre-bedford.ARPA (08/21/86)

By the way the Atari 1027 LQ printer is selling for about $75 to $80 at some
mail order outlets.  It is fairly slow, but at that price, I would have to say
it is without a doubt CHEAP, especially because it interfaces directly to the
800 or XL with no additional cost for an interface.
-John S.
jhs @ mitre-bedford.arpa

"Dominic_Campagna.WBST147"@Xerox.COM (08/21/86)

I'm using the Star Micronics SG 10  on my 800XL and it works great with
the Super Atariwriter software. I got it from Computer Mail Order for
$239 plus the Apeface interface which was $39.95. ZYou should be aware
of the fact that it is a NLQ printer but it does a great job.

jhs@mitre-bedford.ARPA (08/21/86)

Most of the standard printers like the Epson, Panasonic, Okidata, etc. will
work if you have a Centronics interface.  I bought an 850 interface and both
printers that I hooked up worked right the first time.  The P: R: Connection
is another good choice of interface.  If you are interested in cheap
interfaces, I understand that the joystick ports can be used as an 8-bit
parallel output if you are good at writing driver software.  All you need
there is two DB 9-S connectors and maybe a simple external circuit to provide
some sort of handshake via the Trigger input(s).  There have been some
articles on this but I don't have references.  An excellent local source of
help (if not too busy) is Paul Swanson, 663-4463 (BBS on 663-4221).  Paul is
located in Billerica, MA.

If you don't want to tie up the joystick ports and you have an 800XL, I can
give you schematics for a general-purpose interface via the parallel bus
connector.  If you DON'T have an XL, you can always buy one for $69.95 if you
act quickly!  (Toys R Us has them at that price right now.)

Good luck!

-John Sangster