[net.micro.atari8] Happy Computer PD Software

ugwayne@sunybcs.UUCP (Wayne Nelligan) (10/18/86)

Hello fellow computer enthusiasts:

  From one computer user to the next, I offer you a piece of software I have
just completed. It is called Warp-Boot 1.1.

It is another 3-sector boot file loader. But this one is different!

It will work on any type of drive, but if you are fortunate to own an
Atari 810 or 1050 drive with the Happy Enhancement, it will automatically
load your files at warp speed. I offer this program to any interested
parties as public domain software. I am using a friend's account to
log-on to this system, but I can be reached at the following:

Brian Styles
P.O. Box 371
West Seneca, NY 14224 USA

PH: (716) 674-1501