goldenberg%vaxwrk.DEC@decwrl.ARPA (06/14/85)
From: goldenberg%vaxwrk.DEC@decwrl.ARPA (Ruth Goldenberg) I just finished a first reading of a Zelazny story in the July IASFM, and I'm surprised not to have noticed it mentioned here already. (Did I miss it?) It's called "24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai". I'm not going to try to describe its plot or review it. I will say, however, that this story should really cheer any of you out there like me who have been disappointed by Zelazny's more recent work. My library is still in boxes after a move, so I can't quote titles that disappointed me other than to cite the Amber series, which seemed awfully light and puffy and beneath him. In my opinion, this story should be classed up there with Lord of Light; Dream Master; This Immortal; (~)Door of his Mouth, Lamps of his Eyes; Rose for Ecclesiastes and other great short stories. I think it has soul (which is doubtless as difficult to define as quality and possibly more rare). I haven't been buying sf magazines or many anthologies the past 5-10 years. If Zelazny's been writing stories of this quality that I've missed, I hope someone like Jerry Boyajian or SZKB will point me to them. "...I'd go mental in a corner, and joy would be my middle name." reg