[net.micro.atari16] ST Public Domain Software Library, Disks 1 & 2

HALL@SU-SUSHI.ARPA (Keith Hall) (02/28/86)


This is a followup of my message on Feb. 9.  Sorry it took me so long
to get organized.  I thank everyone who sent me encouraging messages,
suggestions, and offers to assist.  I have thus far sorted thru approx
600 files, took what I thought would be of most interest to the serious
ST user, and compiled a set of 8 single-sided/4 double-sided disks.
More disks are on their way.  If you don't yet have a library, or are
trying to get a user group started, I will distribute disks in our
library on either single- or double-sided disks.  The charge for a
single-sided disk is $6 in which case you can select the disks you
want individually.  I am posting the directory listing of each single-
sided disk on this bulletin bboard in groups of two.  If you want double-
sided diskettes, please order the pair of disks listed on one of my
announcements together (in order to simplify my copying procedure) as
one double-sided diskette for $10.  I will ship 1st class domestic, so
if you are overseas or desire special shipping, please add the appropriate

There is plenty of public domain software, but acquiring, testing, and
documenting each piece (I have learned!) is extremely time-consuming.
So I ask for others' help: if you are liason to a user group or have
written software yourself for the public domain, I will be happy to
trade with you disks on a one-for-one basis, which would augment both
our libraries.  Just drop me a note and we'll compare lists for overlap.

So here are the first two disks:

ST Public Domain Software Library
****** DISK #1 -- MISC UTILITIES ******

READ_ME         The contents of this disk (what you are reading).

ACCS            (folder)  A collection of desk accessories.

  FREERAM.ACC     Displays no. of bytes unused (available to application).

  RAMD97K.DOC     Instructions for using ramdisk below.

  RAMD97K.ACC     Creates 97kbyte ramdisk at system boot.  Must install
                  (and can save using SAVE DESKTOP) drive "D".

  RAMDISK.ACC     Creates ramdisk and loads entire contents of disk onto
                  ramdisk.  Must install pseudo disk drive "D", which will
                  then be the ramdisk.

  SAMPLE.ACC      Sample desk accessory which when selected creates
                  full-screen resizable ellipse filled with Atari logo.

  SPOOL.ACC       Printing spooler.

BTERM.C         C source for dumb-terminal emulator uses procedures
                defined in BXFER.C.

BXFER.C         C source for Lattice C which implements file transfer
                using CompuServe "B" protocol.  Untested.

CALC.PRG        Simple, four-function calculator.

COMPARE.PAS     Pascal program to check for equality of two files.

COMPARE.PRG     Compiled version of above.

DEBUG.C         Utility C code which provides "printf-like" procedures
                for use in debugging in GEM.

DEG2NEO.TTP     Degas to Neochrome format picture converter.

DISKDOC.PRG     VERY useful utility from Antic to inspect and repair
                disks.  Data may be viewed by file or by sector.  This
                program makes full use of GEM features; I was suprised
                to see a program so polished in the public domain.

DSBOOT.PRG      Makes double-sided disks bootable.

DUMP.DOC        Instructions for program below.

DUMP.TOS        Provides hexadecimal/ASCII dump of file.

EFFCTNEO.PRG    Displays Neochrome (.NEO) files using various special

FILECOPY.PRG    Program to read files into temporary storage then dump
                them from memory onto (presumably) other disks to make

FIXREAL.PAS     Utility Pascal procedure which rounds real numbers to
                specifed precision.

FONT.C          Program to convert fonts from 8-bit Ataris to Degas

FONT.PRG        Compiled version of above.

FORMATED.PRG    Atari disk format utility which includes setting as
                executable the boot sector, and defining a serial number
                in the boot sector.  Untested.

HI25.PRG        Program for monochrome systems which adjusts the height
                of the characters to yield 25 lines of text on the screen.

HI25.S          Assembler source for above.

HI50.PRG        Like HI25.PRG except that the characters' height is
                adjusted so that 50 lines will fit on the screen.

HI50.S          Assembler source for above.

ICON8.DOC       Instructions for following program.

ICON8.TOS       Icon editor which displays and allows editing of eight
                icons simultaneously.

KOA2DEG.PRG     Koala to Degas format picture converter.

LISTFILE.PAS    Pascal program to dump source code to a printer, with
                consideration given to page width and length.

LISTFILE.TOS    Compiled version of above.

MAKE1MEG.TOS    Adjusts values of memory parameters so that machine
                believes 1 meg of memory is available.  (They would
                normally be set automatically at boot time.)  This
                effect is the opposite of that caused by the following

MAKE512K.TOS    Convinces machine that only 512K of memory is available.

MUSH.TOS        Provides interpretation, register dump, and partial
                stack dump of program state which caused crash.  Useful
                for debugging.

NEO2DEG.PRG     Neochrome to Degas format picture converter.

NOVERIFY.PRG    Cancels the read-after-write verification which normally
                occurs when writing to disk.

PRINTDIR.DOC    Instructions for program below.

PRINTDIR.PRG    Program to print recursively the directory structure
                of an entire disk.

PRINTDIR.RSC    Resource file for above.

RAMCOPY.FIL     Text file which contains list of programs to be copied
                into ramdisk when the following program is executed.
                Useful, for instance, when collecting various frequently-
                used utilities in the ramdisk.

RAMCOPY.PRG     Program to copy files listed in RAMCOPY.FIL into ramdisk
                (device H:).

SECED.DOC       Instructions for program below.

SECED.PRG       Editor for disk sectors.  Useful for inspecting and
                restoring damaged disks.  Hexadecimal and ASCII values
                are displayed.

SETTIME.TOS     Program to query the user for time and date and set the
                system clock accordingly.

SLIDENEO.PRG    Displays all Neochrome pictures in the current directory
                in succession, creating a slide show.

SLIDEDEG.PRG    As above, except for Degas picture files.

SLIDEPIC.PRG    As above, except for .PIC (old Neochrome) picture files.

SQUSQ.DOC       Instructions for using STSQ.TTP and STUSQ.TTP below.

STSQ.TTP        "ST SQueeze": utility to compress binary or text files.

STUSQ.TTP       "ST UnSQueeze": the inverse of STSQ.TTP above.

TIMESET.PAS     Pascal source for another program to set the system clock.

TIMESET.PRG     Compiled version of above.

VARRECS.PAS     Type declarations of variant records which can be used
                to coerce types (i.e., circumvent type-checking).

VERIFY.PRG      Cancels the effect of NOVERIFY.PRG.  Read-after-write
                verification resumes when writing to disk.
****** DISK #2 -- DEMOS ******

READ_ME         Contents of disk (what you are reading).

BOINK.PRG       Bouncing, rotating checkered sphere complete with
                sound effects; Atari's answer to Amiga demo.

CHESS.PRG       Impressive demo of forthcoming 3-D chess game.

CIRCLES.PRG     Balls bounce in confines of rectangle with rectangular
                grid superimposed.

COLOR512.PRG    Displays all 512 color simultaneously; RGB components
                of each color is displayed when pointed to by mouse.
                Use color monitor in low-res mode.  Space bar quits demo.

CORES.PRG       Hexagons form colored columns; bad termination sometimes
                requires reboot.

COSINE.PRG      Colored lines form overlapping waves.

CUBE.PRG        3-D rotating cube; space bar quits demo.

HEX.PRG         Colored hexagons spiral to form larger hexagons; bad
                termination sometimes requires reboot.

KALEIDSC.PRG    Octagonal kaleidoscope.

MANDBROT.PRG    Program to request parameters of, then plot fractal.

MANDELBR.DOC    Explanation of program below.

MANDELBR.PRG    Displays Mandelbrot fractal, and allows region selected
                by mouse for "zoom-in".

PIECHART.PRG    Sample multi-color piechart.

PIESLICE.PRG    A cylinder is drawn then slices move in and out.

PROFESS.PRG     Demo of VIP-Professional shows layout of spreadsheet.

PROFESS.RSC     Resource file for above.

QAX.PRG         More lines moving around the screen.

QUIX.PRG        Monochrome lines bounce off screen borders (as in arcade
                game of same name).

QUX.PRG         Collections of moving parallel lines provide illusion of
                transforming 3-D image.

RTXDEMO.C       C program executed in demo below.

RTXDEMO.PRG     Demo of multitasking OS kernel being developed for ST.

SIEVE.PRG       Sieve of Eratosthenes benchmark for Personal Pascal.

SPARKLER.DOC    Instructions for below.

SPARKLER.PRG    Electronic version of firework.

STARDEMO.PIC    Picture file for program below.

STARDEMO.PRG    Teaser for forthcoming game.

ZAPLINES.C      Demonstrates graphics, sound effects from C.

ZAPLINES.DOC    Instructions for program ZAPLINES.

ZAPLINES.PRG    Compiled version of above.

I can be reached as:

  Keith Hall

  1510 Oak Creek #305
  Palo Alto, CA  94304

  phone:  415-324-0284  (friendly answering machine will talk to
                         you in my absence)

  email:  hall@su-sushi.arpa