[net.micro.atari16] UEMACS Documentation - by pop demand

franco@iuvax.UUCP (03/01/86)

Here is the documentation for the PD microemacs:  The second set of key
bindings are due to the people at Case Western Reserve University.  I have
forgotten, for the moment, where this microemacs originated.

Microemacs Documentation - Public Domain

C-@		set mark
C-A		move to start of line
C-B		move backward character
C-C		run CLI in a subjob
C-D		delete forward character
C-E		move to end of line
C-F		move forward character
C-G		abort command
C-H		delete backward character
C-I		insert tab
C-J		insert CR-LF, then indent
C-K		kill forward
C-L		refresh the screen
C-M		insert CR-LF
C-N		move forward line
C-O		open up a blank line
C-P		move backward line
C-Q		insert literal character
C-R		search backwards
C-S		search forward
C-T		swap characters around point
C-U		universal argument
C-V		move forward page
C-W		kill region
C-X		control-X prefix - see below
C-Y		yank back from killbuffer
C-Z		quick save and exit
esc		meta prefix - see below
del		delete backward character

M-C-H		delete backward word
M-!		reposition window
M-.		set mark
M-<		move to start of buffer
M->		move to end of buffer
M-B		move backward word
M-C		initial capitalize word
M-D		delete forward word
M-F		move forward word
M-L		lower case word
M-U		upper case word
M-V		move backward page
M-W		copy region to kill buffer
M-del		delete backward word

C-X C-B		display list of buffers
C-X C-C		quit without saving
C-X C-F		adjust file name
C-X C-L		lower case region
C-X C-N		move window down
C-X C-O		delete blank lines
C-X C-P		move window up
C-X C-R		get a file, read only
C-X C-S		save current file
C-X C-U		upper case region
C-X C-V		get a file, read write
C-X C-W		write a file
C-X C-X		swap point and mark
C-X C-Z		shrink window

C-X !		run a command in a subjob
C-X (		begin macro
C-X )		end macro
C-X 1		make current window only one
C-X 2		split current window
C-X =		show the cursor position
C-X B		switch a window to a buffer
C-X E		execute macro
C-X F		set fill column
C-X K		make a buffer go away
C-X N		move to the next window
C-X P		move to the previous window
C-X Z		enlarge display window

These are the key bindings, as they are in the 

	ue.tos version of 01/18/86.

To change these bindings, recompile 'keybind.c', and link everything.
[Two related files are (1) 'keynames.h' which #defines the F1 et al;
(2) 'keymap.c' which maps the scan codes to ascii values using the
intelligent key board of the ST.]

The standard control-, meta-key bindings, as they were in the original
MicroEmacs, are also valid.

	The Function Keys alter the buffer and/or file content; so be
cautious.  All the other special keys (the HELP-UNDO group, and the
numeric keypad group) only change the display, and/or windows; so you
can be playful with these.  The commands 'kill', 'yank' and 'read-file'
don't work as they do in full Emacs; so watch out.

F1,	delbword,	/* delete preceding word			*/
F2,	delfword,	/* delete the next/current word			*/
F3,	kill,		/* kill current line to its end			*/
F4,	yank,		/* insert the deleted stuff back		*/
F5,	killbuffer,	/* kill [current] buffer; verifies if changed	*/
F6,     listbuffers,	/* list buffers, and their sizes; not accurate	*/
F7,	usebuffer,	/* switch to another existing/new buffer	*/
F8,	filewrite,	/* save current buffer to specified file	*/
F9,	filevisit,	/* read-in a file to edit			*/
F10     filesave,	/* save current buffer to its file		*/

HELP,	help,		/* alas, not much help yet!			*/
UNDO,   quickexit,	/* quick save and exit				*/
INSERT,	backpage,	/* display page preceding current one		*/
HOME,	forwpage,	/* display page following current one		*/
UPARRO, backline,	/* move cursor to preceding line; readjust displ*/
DNARRO,	forwline,	/* move cursor to next line; readjust display	*/
LTARRO,	backchar,	/* move cursor to preceding char		*/
RTARRO,	forwchar,	/* move cursor to following char		*/

keypad keys
KLP,	mvdnwind,	/* scroll window contents up (move window down)	*/
KRP,	mvupwind,	/* scroll window contents dn (move window up)	*/
KSLASH,	splitwind,	/* split current window into two		*/
KSTAR,	onlywind,	/* make the current window the only one		*/
KMINUS,	prevwind,	/* move cursor to preceding window, if any	*/
KPLUS,	nextwind,	/* move cursor to following window, if any	*/
KENTER,	ctlxe,		/* re-execute the key-board macro		*/
KDOT,	swapmark,	/* swap mark with dot; (shift-F1 sets mark)	*/
K0,	showcpos,	/* show cursor position numerically		*/

K7,	gotobob,	/* move cursor to beginning of buffer		*/
K8,	reposition,	/* reposition so that current line is at the top*/
K9,	gotoeob,	/* move cursor to end of buffer			*/
K4,	backword,	/* move cursor to beginning of word		*/
K5,	backline,	/* move to prev line; same as up arrow		*/
K6,	forwword,	/* move cursor to end of word			*/
K1,	gotobol,	/* move cursor to beginning of current line	*/
K2,	forwline,	/* move to next line; same as dn arrow		*/
K3,	gotoeol,	/* move cursor to end of current line		*/