[net.micro.atari16] Software Catalog

franco@iuvax.UUCP (03/06/86)

Below is a catalog of the Bloomington, Indiana ST User's Group Public Domain
software.  We are willing and happy to place anything reasonable in size on
the net for all to scoop up.  Please look this list over.  If you see
something of interest, mail me a note indicating such (franco@indiana.CSNET).
We will put anything that is mentioned by a large number of people on the
net (even if it has to be UUENCODED and provided it is not too big - the
bird demo (bird flying across the screen), for example, is pretty big - I
will have to check to see what squeezing does to it).

                      BLOOMINGTON ST USERS GROUP
                     Public Domain Software Index




   DESK1.ACC   -Control panel
   DESK2.ACC   -Breakout (game)
   DESK3.ACC   -Spooler (works only in desktop)
   DESK4.ACC   -RAMDISK (360K) for the 1 MEG upgraded ST without TOS in ROM
   DESK5.ACC   -VT52 terminal emulator
   DESK6.ACC   -Fontloader
   DESK7.ACC   -Displays amount of free RAM
   PUZZLE.ACC  -15 Squares Puzzle
   CLOCK.ACC   -Digital Clock
   MRAMDISK.ACC-RAMDISK (100k - inf) Works with TOS in ROM
   SNAPSHOT.ACC-Takes snapshot of screen in DEGAS format
   CALENDAR.ACC-Displays current day within current month - use mouse to change
   TTOOL.ACC   -File, Memory and Sector Editors - needs work


   BASIC.PRG   -100K Basic interpretor executable (Atari supplied)
   BASIC.RSC   -Resource file for above
   TBI68K.TOS  -Tiny BASIC - allows lots of array space
   LOGO.PRG    -100K Logo interpretor executable (Atari supplied)
   LOGO.RSC    -Resource file for above
   A68.TTP     -Assembler
   XLISP.TTP   -Public Domain XLISP
   FORTH.BLK   -Dragon Group FORTH demo disk...full blown FORTH
   FORTH.TOS   -       minus file transfer capability
   FORTH.DAT   -
   PROLOG.LSP  -PROLOG built ontop of XLISP (slow)
   FORTH.TOS   -PD forth (different from previous FORTH.TOS)
   KERNAL.TOS  -Subset of the above


   FIBON.LOG   -Computes fibonnaci numbers.  Used as benchmark, test stack
   FLAKY.LOG   -Draws snowflakes (from ANTIC)
   HANOI.LOG   -Solves Tower of Hanoi Problem graphically

   BUG.BAS     -Bug wanders in search of food, leaves trail.  Test RND
   BUG1.BAS    -Bug wanders in search of food, leaves no trail.  Test erase
   BOUNCE.BAS  -Ball is bounced against floor. HZ motion, CoRes < 1
   CIRCLE.BAS  -Builds many concentric circles.  Speed test for Basic
   ENIGMA.BAS  -Encode/Decode secret messages based on German WWII machine
   FIBONACC.BAS-Computes fibonacci numbers recursively.  Test stack, speed
   GRAVITY.BAS -Path of spaceship near star of great mass, leaves trail
   GRAVITYW.BAS-As above except that spaceship bounces off screen boundaries
   ITSYBITS.BAS-Plays itsybitsy spider.  Test of sound chip
   PI.BAS      -Computes integers A,B s.t. A/B is nearly pi.  Speed test
   SCALES.BAS  -Test of sound chip
   3CONES.BAS  -Three cones generated with sound
   SILENT.BAS  -Plays Silent Night (MIDI port only)
   MOUSE.BAS   -Mouse demo
   SOLIDST.BAS -Draws perspectives of objects...can use objects in .DAT below
   VDITST.BAS  -Does as named
   MEM.BAS     -Some sort of memory tester
   FINAN.BAS   -Package of about 20 programs for managing your finances
   MOL.BAS     -Molecule viewer - needs .DAT files below
   NACL.DAT    -Sodium Chloride
   B10H14.DAT  -I should mention that some of these are mislabeled
   C7H7O2N.DAT -Another molecule
   CRC6H6.DAT  -Another molecule
   4B5H7.DAT   -Another molecule
   MOL7.DAT    -Another molecule
   BIORYT.BAS  -Find your biorythm curve for any day - even before you were born

   ART.LSP     -
   EXAMPLE.LSP -Object example
   FACT.LSP    -Computes Factorials (benchmark)
   FIB.LSP     -Computes Fibonacci Numbers recursively (benchmark)
   HANOI.LSP   -Solves tower of Hanoi problem
   HDWR.LSP    -Hardware objects, mix and match to create design
   IFTHEN.LSP  -Animal world expert system (small)
   INIT.LSP    -Required at startup of XLISP
   OBJECT.LSP  -Object example
   QUEENS.LSP  -Solves n-queens problem
   QUEENS2.LSP -Solves n-queens problem with graphical output

   LIFE.S      -Source for game of LIFE (assembler)
   LIFE2.S     -Source for game of LIFE (assembler)
   RAM.S       -RAMDISK source
   HI25.S      -25 lines of text in Hi-Res mode
   HI50.S      -50 lines of text in Hi-Res mode
   TBI68K.S    -Source for Tiny BASIC

   ACSKEL.C    -
   APSKEL.C    -
   BOB.C       -
   DCOS.C      -
   DROP2.C     -
   DROP3.C     -
   FIB.C       -Fibonacci benchmark
   FLOAT.C     -
   FOOLISH.C   -
   FRACT1.C    -
   FRACT2.C    -
   FRACT3.C    -
   FRACT4.C    -
   FRAME.C     -
   GETTIX.C    -
   HZ.C        -
   INTMATH.C   -
   POINTER.C   -
   QSORT.C     -
   RFRAME.C    -
   RSQSORT.C   -
   RSIEVE.C    -
   TERM.C      -
   XLREAD.C    -
   BICALC.C    -
   NEOCON.C    -Convert pictures from DEGAS (PI1) format to NEOCHROME format
   CC.C        -
   CPRIMER.C   -C demo, needs include file ALPHA.H
   GETOPT.C    -
   MKBOOT.C    -
   NEOCON.C    -
   NRAMDSK.C   -
   RAMDSKI.C   -
   SRAMDSK.C   -
   STSTUFF.C   -
   SYSERR.C    -
   SYSTEM.C    -
   TERM.C      -
   TPA.C       -
   UPACK.C     -
   WBOOT.C     -
   XLBFUN.C    -Start of XLISP source files
   XLCONT.C    -
   XLDBUG.C    -
   XLDMEM.C    -
   XLEVAL.C    -
   XLFIO.C     -
   XLFTAB1.C   -
   XLFTAB2.C   -
   XLGLOB.C    -
   XLINIT.C    -
   XLIO.C      -
   XLISP.C     -
   XJUMP.C     -
   XLLIST.C    -
   XLMATH.C    -
   XLOBJ.C     -
   XLPRINT.C   -
   XLREAD.C    -
   XLSTR.C     -
   XLSUBR.C    -
   XLSYM.C     -
   XLSYS.C     -End of XLISP source files
   XMDM.C      -XMODEM source (CWRU version)
   ALPHA.H     -For CPRIMER.C            |
   CTYPE.H     -For XLISP                |
   MATH.H      -For XLISP                | Include Files for C Source
   SETJUMP.H   -For XLISP                |
   XLISP.H     -For XLISP                |


   MEMEDIT.PRG -San Leandro BBS memory editor                   |
   MEMEDIT.PRG -Another memory editor - limited distribution    |
   MEMEDIT.RSC -Resource file for above                         | Editors
   SECEDIT.TOS -Sector Editor (edits disks)                     |
   UE.TTP      -Microemacs (indispensible)                      |

   STERM.TOS   -Terminal with ability to upload/download        |
   STERM.SRC   -Source for above                                |
   STTALK.EXE  -PD STTALK                                       | Terminal
   STTALK.PRG  -Needed for STTALK                               | Emulators,
   KERMIT.TTP  -PD Kermit                                       | File XMIT
   XMOTER.PRG  -XMODEM/terminal emulator                        |
   XMDM.PRG    -XMODEM/terminal emulator                        |

   NRAMDSK.PRG -RAMDISK                                         |
   RAMDSK.PRG  -RAMDISK                                         | RAMDISKs
   RAMDSKI.PRG -Improved RAMDISK                                |
   SRAMDSK.PRG -72K RAMDISK                                     |

   STSQ.TTP    -Squeeze files for faster transmission           |
   STUSQ.TTP   -Unsqueeze                                       |
   UPACK.TTP   -Pack many files for fast transmission           | Pack, Unpack
   STPACK      -Improved packer                                 |
   STUPACK     -Improved unpacker                               |

   RPDDSKCP.TTP-Rapid disk copier                               |
   FASTCOPY.TTP-Another fast disk copier                        |
   COPYDISK.TTP-Formats and copies disks at the same time       | Other useful
   COPYDISK.RSC-Resource file for above                         | Utilities
   COMMAND.TOS -Command Line Interface                          |
   SPEED.PRG   -Checks Floppy Drive Speed                       |

   MEMTEST.PRG -Memory tester                                   |
   EXTRACT.PRG -Library Extractor                               |
   WBOOT.PRG   -Writes boot sector onto disk                    |
   NOVERIFY    -Do not read while writing disks                 |
   VERIFY      -Toggle between VERIFY and NOVERIFY              |
   SMAKER      -Source maker  (only source code available)      |
   OMAKER      -Object maker  (only source code available)      |
   PRINT.TTP   -Print untility                                  | Miscellaneous
   TPA.TTP     -                                                | Utilities
   TIME.TTP    -                                                | 
   GETOPT      -              (only source code available)      |
   MK512.TOS   -Make 1040ST look like 520ST                     |
   MK1MB.TOS   -Make 1040ST look like 1040ST                    |
   MSHRM.TOS   -Mushroom analyser                               |
   ADDRES.PRG  -Address book - includes phone numbers           |
   HIGH.PRG    -Quickly takes resolution from low to med        |
   LOW.PRG     -Quickly takes resolution from med to low        |

   ADVENTUR.FNT-                         |
   ARCHAILF.FNT-                         |
   BLOCK.FNT   -                         |
   COMP.FNT    -                         |
   CURSIVE.FNT -                         |
   GOTHIC.FNT  -                         |
   HEX.FNT     -                         |
   ITALIAN.FNT -                         |
   MODERN.FNT  -                         | 
   OLDSTYLE.FNT-                         | FONTS - for use with DESK6.ACC
   OUTLINE.FNT -                         |         (particularly good for
   ROMAN.FNT   -                         |          NEOCHROME picture ed.)
   SCRIPT.FNT  -                         |
   SQUARE.FNT  -                         |
   ST.FNT      -The normal ST FONT       |                  
   STANDARD.FNT-                         |
   STYLISH.FNT -                         |
   TECH.FNT    -                         |
   UNDERLIN.FNT-                         |


   DUMP.DOC    -File dumper                                     |
   GETOPT.DOC  -                                                |
   KERMIT.DOC  -Use of KERMIT                                   |
   OMAKER.DOC  -Use of object maker                             |
   SMAKER.DOC  -Use of source maker                             |
   RD1040.DOC  -Installation of 360K RAMDISK for 1M upgraded STs| Utility
   SECED.DOC   -Use of the sector editor                        | Documentation
   UE.DOC      -Microemacs bindings                             |
   UUENC.DOC   -Use of UUencoder, decoder                       |
   WBOOT.DOC   -Use of warm boot utility                        |
   STTALK.HLP  -STTALK help file                                |
   XMODEM.DOC  -Use of XMODEM                                   |

   CATALOG.DOC -Catalog of Bloomington User Group               | User Group
   PURG.DIR    -Catalog of Purgatory BBS                        | Catalogs,
   CASE.ST     -Catalog of Case Western Reserve U. User Group   | ST Products
   PRODLIST.DIR-New products for 520ST                          |

   1MEGUPG.DOC -Text showing how to upgrade 520ST to 1 MEG      | Upgrade
   RGBMON.DOC  -RGB signal location, doc for 520ST              | Info

   ADRES.DOC   -Use of ADDRES utility
   CC.DOC      -Use of CC to run C programs
   MEMLOC.DOC  -Useful memory locations and meaning

   XLISP.DOC   -Use of PD XLISP                                 |
   4xFORTH.DOC -Use of Dragon FORTH demo                        |
   EDITOR.DOC  -Use of Dragon FORTH editor                      |
   GRAPHIC.DOC -Use of Dragon FORTH graphics                    |
   PRINT.DOC   -Use of Dragon FORTH print utility               | Languages
   RUN.DOC     -How to run Dragon FORTH demo                    |
   STATUS.DOC  -Pertains to Dragon FORTH demo                   |
   WIDTHS.DOC  -Pertains to Dragon FORTH demo                   |

   WINDOW1.DOC -GEM tutorial                                    |
   WINDOW2.DOC -GEM tutorial continued                          |
   WINDOW3.DOC -GEM tutorial continued                          | GEM
   GEMCL3.C    -Sample code for WINDOW1.DOC                     | Tutorial
   GEMCL4.C    -Sample code for WINDOW2.DOC                     |
   GEMCL6.C    -Sample code for WINDOW3.DOC                     |

Word Processing:

   STWRITER.PRG-Atari supplied word processor
   STMAN       -Manual for STWRITER
   QUICKREF    -Quick reference section for manual
   XYZZX.TXT   -Set printer parameters
   XYZZX.DAT   -Used by STWRITER to send proper esc sequences to printer
   TEMPLATE.STW-Template to be placed over keyboard - shows f-key defs
   DRIVRTST.STW-Puts printer through its paces for evaluation

Picture Processing:

   NEO.PRG     -Like McDraw except in color and with some features missing
   SLIDENEO.PRG-Presents slideshow of .NEO files
   SLIDE.PRG   -Presents slideshow of .PIC files (see Demos)
   WIND.PRG    -See pictures singly in windows (for .PIC files)
   WIND.RSC    -Resource file for above
   READPIC.PRG -Shows NEOCHROME pictures individually without a window
   NEOCON.TTP  -Converts pictures from DEAGS format to NEOCHROME format


   AAFAUCET.PIC-Water faucet in same room occupied by robot in ROBOTTV.NEO
   AAFLAG.PIC  -American flag and Atari logo
   AAREPORT.PIC-Weather map (very pretty - one of JF's favorites)
   AATRUMP.PIC -Trumpet (pretty)
   AAWORM.PIC  -Worm goes for a walk (interesting)
   AMIGA.PIC   -Atari figure pulls switch on Amiga LOGO sending it down and out
   ANGE1.PIC   -"Angel" (ugly angel but shows off shading ability of NEO)
   APLATE.PIC  -Indiana License Plate with ATARI 520ST written on it
   ATARI.PIC   -Atari logos all over the place (JF's least favorite)
   CHAOS.PIC   -What title says it is
   DEGAS.PIC   -Sample of FONTS available in DEGAS
   DRAGON.PIC  -Picture of a dragon fighting two warriors
   GHOST.PIC   -Ghostbuster LOGO
   HOUSE3.PIC  -Modern house in forest at Christmas
   JOCKEY.PIC  -Jockey riding Sofa (well done)
   SPIRAL.PIC  -(not terribly appealing)
   SAILBO.PIC  -Sailboats on sunny summer day
   SPACE2.PIC  -Four spaceships (not very appealing)
   SUPERM.PIC  -Picture of Superman before an American flag
   WHEELS3.PIC -Automobile against stark blue sky (ugh)
   AAFALL.NEO  -Waterfall at twilight (one of the best - animates well)
   AAINSECT.NEO-Large mothlike creature
   AATRAIN.NEO -Blue steam engine (not the greatest)
   CHROME.NEO  -Neochrome ad (not very interesting)
   FRACTAL.NEO -Mild technical interest
   GREATWAV.NEO-Large ocean wave (mildly intertesting, so-so color)
   MAP431.NEO  -
   ROBOTTV.NEO -Robot watches TV as canary and comet look on (cute)
   SCICOVER.NEO-Fractal generated cover of some issue of Sci Am

Pictures with sound:

   1ALITE.PIC  -Title frame of Audiolite demo
   2ALITE.PIC  -Elves opening castle doors
   3ALITE.PIC  -Inside room with fireplace clock
   4ALITE.PIC  -Inside room above with encased snowman
   5ALITE.PIC  -Inside room above with encased skier
   6ALITE.PIC  -Picture of Trumpet
   7ALITE.PIC  -
   8ALITE.PIC  -
   1ALITE.SNG  -Song accompanying 1ALITE.PIC
   2ALITE.SNG  -Song accompanying 2ALITE.PIC
   3ALITE.SNG  -Song accompanying 3ALITE.PIC
   4ALITE.SNG  -Song accompanying 4ALITE.PIC
   5ALITE.SNG  -Song accompanying 5ALITE.PIC
   6ALITE.SNG  -Song accompanying 6ALITE.PIC (Pachebel's Canon)
   7ALITE.SNG  -Song accompanying 7ALITE.PIC 
   8ALITE.SNG  -Song accompanyong 8ALITE.PIC
   ALITE.PRG   -Runs the Audiolite demo (one of the best demos around)


   BIRD.PRG    -Bird flies across screen (beautiful)
   BIRD1.BRD   -Background picture (any NEOCHROME file will do relabeled)
   BIRD2.BRD   -Secondary picture shown between flights (can be same as above)
   BIRD2.ANI   -The bird file


   ACSKEL.PRG  -Developer kit demo
   APSKEL.PRG  -Developer kit demo
   BOINK.PRG   -Now classic bouncing r/w checkered ball against grid bkg
   CHKDMO.PRG  -Checkwriting demo from HABA (use lo.pic, lo-res)
   CHECK4.RSC  -Resource file for above
   CHESS.PRG   -Plays a game of chess while you watch (nice effects)
   COSINE.PRG  -Lines appear to move accross screen in beautiful pattern
   CUBE.PRG    -Cube shrinks, expands, spins.  Demonstates shading changes
   CUBEMANU.PRG-Manually control the cube of the previous demo
   DBMASTER.PRG-Make labels
   DEMO1.PRG   -
   DRDOODLE.PRG-Incomplete drawing and typing program
   DOODLE.RSC  -Resource file for above
   EFFECTS.PRG -Bombs system
   FIREWRKS.PRG-Move mouse to position, left click to set off
   FRACTAL.PRG -Generates pictures using fractals (very slow)
   FRACT1.PRG  -Another fractal program
   FRACT2.PRG  -Another fractal program
   FRACT3.PRG  -Another fractal program
   FRACT4.PRG  -Another fractal program
   GEMDEM.PRG  -Builds fractal tree, sierpinski, etc.
   GOLDFISH.PRG-Goldfish swims around monotonously
   HEX.PRG     -Many colors filling many hexagons - lots of movement
   LO.PIC      -Check picture for check writing demo
   LOWDEMO.TOS -Interesting demo
   MANDEL.PRG  -Mandelbrot example
   MENUTST.PRG -Play with menu driver
   MENUTST.DEF -Goes with above picture
   MOVELN.PRG  -Animation of polygons you create
   MOUNT.PRG   -Draws mountains out of polygons
   NEWSIN.PRG  -Like COSINE above
   PIANO.PRG   -Piano keyboard allows one note to be played at a time
   PIECHART.PRG-Produces piechart to play with
   PIEMAN.PRG  -Slices of a pie move in and out asyncronously
   QUIX.PRG    -String art
   QUX2.PRG    -String art
   SDEMO.PRG   -Siren, gunshot, other sound effects
   SOUND.PRG   -Move mouse to change frequencies of two tones
   SPIRAL.PRG  -Create a spiral to suit your taste
   STARRAID.PRG-Ad for STARRAIDERS game or something like that
   STARDEMO.PIC-Picture that goes along with above
   STCALC.PRG  -Elementary 4 function calculator
   STRART.PRG  -String art
   STRNGA.PRG  -String art
   SUNDOG.PRG  -Ad for game called SUNDOG - needs SUNDEMO.DAT
   SUMDEMO.DAT -For above
   SUPERBOX.PRG-Pretty color patterns on screen (lo-res)
   TITLE.PRG   -Pretty, symmetrical pictures.  Set res to low
   VALD414.TOS -Inc. CAD tool.  Use c(ircle), e(llipse), r(ect.) keys, mouse
   VIPSOUND.PRG-Thus Spake Zarathustra - ad for VIP professional
   512COLOR.PRG-See 512 colors on the screen at the same time


   MGRD.PRG    -Spaceship moves, shoots asteroids and other spaceships
   MEGAROID.RSC-Resource file for above
   HISCORE     -Goes with above
   MASTERMIND  -ST version of famous game - well done (in BASIC)
   TARGET.TOS  -Two cities try to destroy each other - control projectiles
   JOURNEY.BAS -Low level ADVENTURE style game
   LIFE.TOS    -Famous game
   LIFE2.TOS   -Another variant
   LIFE.DOC    -Documentation for the game of LIFE
   BACKGM.BAS  -Game of Backgammon against the computer
   OTHELLO.BAS -Game of Othello either against computer or second player
   CRIBBAGE.BAS-Game of Cribbage against the computer
   4SCORE.PRG  -Game of Fourscore - computer can be beaten
   MAZEMKER.PRG-Produces mazes for your printer - then you find path 
   ELIZA.TOS   -Clone (not quite) of famous piece of AI work