[net.micro.atari16] North American 520ST in Italy?

robt@molihp.UUCP (Robert L Thurlow) (04/15/86)


A fellow I met  yesterday is moving to Italy in about a month.  He has a
520 ST he bought  here in  Vancouver,  and is  wondering  about the best
course  to take.  He has a stock  520ST, a  single-sided  drive, a color
monitor,  and a  Panasonic  1092  printer.  What will 50Hz  power from a
step-down  transformer do to the power bricks on the computer and drive?
Will the colour  monitor get upset?  Will the printer  get upset?  Seems
to me that it should all like 50Hz power, but sometimes things get warm,
and  sometimes   they  die.  If  there  is  anyone  with  any  practical
experience out there, advice would be  appreciated.  Please send mail; I
will summarize to the net if there is any interest.

# UUCP : ...!ubc_vision!molihp!robt			Robert Thurlow	   #
<DISCLAIMER : my thoughts are my own, and are void where prohibited by law.>