[net.micro.atari16] open reply to letter

I6191008@DBSTU1.BITNET (04/22/86)

In the Message from 16 Apr 86 15:45 Keith Nemitz writes:
(excerpt, Keith's replys headed by '>>>', NO FLAMING)
Let's look at the ST features:

>1. Standard 3 1/2" 80 track drives (you can also use 5 1/4" drives)
>   360K single side, 720K double side.
>   >>>your DS can't read your SS.

Sorry Keith, but the ST CAN read SS with DS drive. I do it regularly.
You can even read other formats, if you change the controler registers.

>2. Standard Parallel port that uses IBM printer cables.
>   >>>my friend tried to use his $700 IBM color printer with it and faied.

Don't know what he did. It should work. I know somebody who did it.

>3. Standard RS232 port that uses any modem
>   >>>fine (I have 2 serial ports up to 1meg-bit transfer rate).

Sorry RS232 is a STANDARD. There is a newer standard if you want higher
baudrates (RS443?). With your non standard 1meg-bit you can not go
farther then 1-2 meters (more?). With RS232 probably 50-200 meters.

>4. Choice of Color or Mono
>   >>>your color screen is incompatable with your mono screen.

Ok, here you got a point. But does the Mac use 640 x 400 with color?

>5. Midi interface
>   >>>nice feature since you can't used digitized sound like mac.

The Midi interface is NOT meant to make music. It is meant to program
/control syntesizers etc. That's is a much more sophisticated job then
programming dumb soundchips. Modern bands can not live without Midi.

This is not flaming. I won't argue about which computer is better. I
like my ST+ (european version comes with 1mbyte) even I think that
some features could be added (e.g. bus extension). Keith likes to
work with his Mac, because he likes the features of the Mac. So what?
We should rather look for a way to transfer software from the Mac to
the ST and vice versa then to argue about which is the better computer.
Anyway, in 10 years people will laugh about the ST and the Mac.
Johann Zuschlag (I6191008@DBSTU1.BITNET)