rpc@ihlpm.UUCP (R P Cagle) (04/29/86)
Has anyone else with Lattice C (3.03) for the ST tried to run LC1.TTP and/or LC2.TTP from within a shell program or a make program? I downloaded a "tiny shell" accessory from a BBS and a PD make program from net.sources and neither of them seem to be able to start LC1.TTP correctly. LC1.TTP comes up and causes an error something like this: "Your computer doesn't have enough memory to run this application" This same error occurs each time I try to run it, even after a reboot. Now I know that sizeof (tiny_shell.acc || make.ttp) + sizeof (LC1.TTP) cannot fill up all 1Meg in my 1040ST! (Or can it?) Running LC1.TTP from the GEM desktop with the same parameters works fine. Tiny shell works fine for other programs, including Lattice's editor (ED.TTP). Am I incorrect in assuming that these programs CAN be started from a shell or a make program? After all, LC.TTP runs them! If anyone knows how this can be done, please let me know. Robert Cagle. ihnp4!ihlpm!rpc