[net.micro.atari16] Ramdisks

ACS19@UHUPVM1.BITNET (05/03/86)

This message is empty.


     Whatever you do, do not buy a ramdisk, unless you are rich...  There are
     a few ramdisks available through the public domain which are very good.
              Here are some, and their features:
     Mike's ramdisk(my own): works with ROM TOS and is reallocatable to the
     extent of the GEMDOS bugs.  Uses drive D, and will allow you to change
     resolutions if you do not load in any other desk accessories when you
     change the resolution (including itself).  This is version 0.95
     Intersect Ramdisk: From Florida, allows the use of drive c, d, e, but not
     at the same time.  Shows free memory (which doesn't work right all the
     time), and allows you to reallocate without losing bytes (per
     GEMDOS bug).  I have found this to be nice, but I have had troubles
     with it.  Also a desk accesory.
     Various ramdisks labeled RMDK709, RMDK300...: These install themselves as
     Desk accesories, and are there all the time, ie. you boot with it
     and it is present.  Not deselectable, but they are small programs.
     Mike's and Intersect allow you to allocate a ramdisk of any size up to
     the extent of your memory.  Mine is about 8K, Intersect is 12K with a
     2K resource file that must be used with it.

     Non-public domain ramdisks include (the first) MDisk (by michtron)
              program once and it sets up a ramdisk.  You can run it as many tim
run the program once for drive C, twice to add drive D, etc.  Use very little
ram space since it does a terminate and stay resident call to protect the
read/write vectors.  You can not change the resolution at all.
Duto folder... ok...
When you use copy2.prg, which transfers file to a ramdisk, you can have files
Dmatically into the ramdisk when you boot up, and after you allocate
the ramdisk.
A-ram (from Antic): another from the desk accesories... from what I heard it
is alright...
Solar-Ram:  who knows... supposedly the entire solar-pak with all its utilities
is pretty nice (that's what I heard)
So many others, it's not worth commenting on.  Depending on what you want to do
you can best decide for yourself what the best ramdisk is for you.

My next version will put the icon onto the desktop for you, assuming I have
found the way to do it ( I can do it from SID)...

On another note, are there any execs for the AS/9000N out there that can make
receiving all these reader files easier.  They contain so much junk in the
header that it is a pain to receive and edit them. We use
VM/SP 2.1, but will be switching to VM/SP 4.0 very soon, now.

Also, is there a way to transfer files (binary or otherwise) via BITNET?
I would be willing to send my latest version, as binary.
And, where do I get the articles listed in some of the letters, and what
file servers at where have related info?  (as you can tell, I'm a nubie...)
Sorry if you got my previous message and it was junked, I am using a primitive
exec for sending mail via BITNET, and it can only be used in the line mode, and
I input all of the text as the 'Subject' (oh boy...).
              From Houston,
              Michael Vederman
