rlp@cbosgd.UUCP (J. Knapp) (05/04/86)
Here is a type of fractal generation program that you've probably not seen yet. It generates something like a topographical map of a random relief. The relief is divided into 15 altitude zones, each with a different color. The resulting maps can be very pretty. This is a TTP application. Run the program without parameters and you will get the usage directions. The algorithm is due to (who else) Benoit Mandelbrot. It is based on the "Brownian plane-to-line" function of Paul Levy. note: This program is public-domain. I put no restrictions on its use. Comments/improvements are welcome. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- begin 666 levy.ttp M8!H ':* "9O 0CRP 9D1!ZP" 0H(4 M&"A(4T(D2 P0 IG $ #! 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rlp@cbosgd.UUCP (J. Knapp) (05/04/86)
Here is the source code for the uuencoded file 'levy.ttp' posted previously: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * levy.ttp: Brownian Relief Fractal Generation Program for the Atari 520ST * * This program is distributed in the public domain with no restrictions on * its use. * * The algorithm implemented herein is described in B. B. Mandelbrot "Fractals: * Form, Chance, and Dimension" (Freeman 1977) p. 207. It was first defined * by P. Levy "Processus Stochastiques et Mouvement Brownien" (Paris: * Gauthier-Villars 1948). * * program author: J. M. Knapp AT&T Bell Labs Columbus OH (cbosgd!nscs!jmk) * * Background (from Mandelbrot): * * [The Brownian model of the landscape] finally provides us with our * long-sought example of a curve that (a) is devoid of self intersections, * (b) is practically devoid of self contacts, (c) has fractal dimension * clearly greater than 1, and (d) is isotropic. * * More precisely, the dimension of these coastlines is 3/2, which is of * course much higher than most of Richardson's values [e.g. 1.26 for the * coast of Britain]. The Brownian artificial coastline is therefore * limited in its applicability. It recalls northern Canada, Indonesian * Islands, perhaps western Scotland, and the Aegean. It is applicable to * other examples as well, but certainly not to all. * * It is a pity, because a relief of dimension D=5/2 and coastlines of * dimension 3/2 would have been easy to explain. Indeed, the Brown-Levy * function is an excellent approximation of the relief that would have * been created by superimposing independent rectilinear faults. The * generative model proceeds simply as follows. Starting with a horizontal * plateau, break it along a straight line chosen at random to introduce * a kind of cliff, a random difference between the levels of the two * sides of the break. Then start all over again, ad infinitum. The * process merely generalizes the Poisson process. With no need for * mathematical or physical details, we can see that the argument seizes * at least one aspect of tectonic evolution... * * From B.B. Mandelbrot "Fractals: Form, Chance, and Dimension" * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <fcntl.h> /* PUT YOUR ST HEADER FILES HERE */ /* the following are Lattice C header files */ #include <gemlib.h> #include <osbind.h> #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define NX 320 /* max number of horizontal pixels */ #define NY 200 /* max number of vertical pixels */ #define NCOLOR 15 /* number of colors excluding background */ #define GRMODE 0 /* graphics mode 0 (320x200) */ #define SAVEFILE "levy.pi1" /* DEGAS default save-file */ #define FSIZE 32034 /* size of DEGAS save-file */ #define SEED 2211955 /* default pseudorandom seed */ /* help */ #define US0 "TTP parameter usage:\n\n" #define US1 "number of iterations:\n" #define US1a " -n<N> must always be specified\n\n" #define US2 "optionally [default values in ()]:\n" #define US3 "-s<int> sets random seed (2211955)\n" #define US4 "-x<1-320> # of horizontal pixels (320)\n" #define US5 "-y<1-200> # of vertical pixels (200)\n" #define US6 "-u<N> update screen every N iterations\n" #define US7 " (default: only update when done)\n" #define US8 "-f<filename> save-file name (levy.pi1)\n" #define US9 "-d<file> display previously-stored file\n" #define US9a "-i to generate island-dominated relief\n\n" #define US10 "examples:\n" #define US11 " -n10000 -i\n" #define US12 " -n100 -s9349490390 -fcoast.pi1\n" #define US13 " -dcoast.pi1\n\n" #define US14 "press any key to abort run in progress\n\n" /* VDI globals */ short contrl[12], intin[128], intout[128], ptsin[128], ptsout[128] ; short oldpalette[16] ; /* storage for old palette */ /*************/ main(argc,argv) int argc ; char *argv[] ; { short *relief ; /* pointer to 'relief' data structure */ long ncyc ; /* number of iterations of generation process */ long iseed ; /* pseudorandom seed */ int xl, yl ; /* extent of each axis of screen region */ short handle ; /* VDI screen handle */ short update ; /* screen update every 'update' iterations */ char fname[80] ; /* save-file */ short loadf ; /* load flag: if true then load & display pic */ short island ; /* if true --> generate island-dominated relief */ /* VDI palette (increasing altitude) */ static short palette[NCOLOR+1] = { 0x000, 0x003, 0x004, 0x005, 0x660, 0x550, 0x440, 0x340, 0x040, 0x050, 0x432, 0x543, 0x653, 0x444, 0x555, 0x777 } ; short xpalette[NCOLOR+1] ; /* palette xlated to VDI ordering */ short cginit(), cgopen() ; /* begin */ conflush() ; /* clear console input buffer */ /* process argv[] options */ options(argc,argv,&xl,&yl,&ncyc,&iseed,&update,fname,&loadf,&island) ; if (loadf) /* load and display DEGAS file */ { handle = cginit(palette,xpalette) ; /* open screen */ if (readfrac(fname,palette) < 0) /* send file data to physbase */ { gemdos(0x1) ; /* PAKTC */ cgclose(handle) ; /* file read error */ exit(1) ; } Setpallette(palette) ; /* set new palette */ gemdos(0x1) ; /* PAKTC */ cgclose(handle) ; /* done, restore screen */ exit(0) ; } /* generate new relief */ srand48(iseed) ; /* randomize */ /* allocate 'relief' data structure */ if((relief = (short *)malloc(sizeof(short)*xl*yl)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Not enough memory\n") ; gemdos(0x1) ; /* PAKTC */ exit(1) ; } level(relief,xl,yl) ; /* initialize to level 'plain' */ handle = cginit(palette,xpalette) ; /* initialize graphics device */ if (cycle(handle,relief,xl,yl,ncyc,update,island)) /* generate relief */ { plotrel(handle,relief,xl,yl,island) ; /* plot relief */ gemdos(0x1) ; } if (writefrac(fname,xpalette) < 0) /* save screen to DEGAS file */ { gemdos(0x1) ; cgclose(handle) ; /* file write error, clean up & quit */ exit(1) ; } cgclose(handle) ; /* close graphics device */ exit(0) ; /* done */ } /* fractal generation routine */ int cycle(handle,relief,xl,yl,ncyc,update,island) short handle ; short *relief ; int xl, yl ; long ncyc ; short update ; short island ; { int icyc ; /* cycle counter */ printf("working...\n") ; for (icyc = 0 ; icyc < ncyc ; icyc++) { if (drand48() < .5) /* either inc or dec half-plane */ inc_hplane(relief,xl,yl) ; else dec_hplane(relief,xl,yl) ; if (update && icyc && !(icyc % update)) plotrel(handle,relief,xl,yl,island) ; /* update screen */ if (Bconstat(2)) { conflush() ; /* a key was pressed, flush and abort */ return(FALSE) ; } } return(TRUE) ; } /* increment half-plane */ inc_hplane(relief,xl,yl) short *relief ; int xl, yl ; { register short *endcolp, *ap ; /* end-of-column pointer, array pointer */ register short iy, ryl ; /* row index, reg yl holder */ int m, b ; /* slope & intercept of random line */ ryl = yl ; /* put yl in register */ rndmb(xl,yl,&m,&b) ; /* get random line parameters m & b */ ap = relief + yl * (xl - 1) ; /* point to beginning of last column */ endcolp = ap + yl ; /* point to end of last column */ /* increment all elements below random line */ while (xl--) /* for all columns */ { iy = ((m * xl) >> 8) + b ; /* starting y-value to increment */ if(iy < 0) iy = 0 ; /* can't start before 0th element! */ if (iy < yl) /* no action if past last element in col */ { ap += iy ; /* point to 1st value to inc */ while(ap < endcolp) /* increment rest of column */ (*(ap++))++ ; endcolp -= ryl ; /* point to end of previous column */ ap -= (ryl << 1) ; /* point to beginning of previous column */ } else { ap -= ryl ; /* point to end of previous column */ endcolp -= ryl ; /* point to beginning of previous column */ } } } /* decrement half-plane */ dec_hplane(relief,xl,yl) short *relief ; int xl, yl ; { register short *endcolp, *ap ; /* end-of-column pointer, array pointer */ register short iy, ryl ; /* row index, reg yl holder */ int m, b ; /* slope & intercept of random line */ ryl = yl ; /* put yl in register */ rndmb(xl,yl,&m,&b) ; /* get random line parameters m & b */ ap = relief + yl * (xl - 1) ; /* point to beginning of last column */ endcolp = ap + yl ; /* point to end of last column */ /* decrement all elements to right of random line */ while (xl--) /* for all columns */ { iy = ((m * xl) >> 8) + b ; /* starting y-value to decrement */ if(iy < 0) iy = 0 ; /* can't start before 0th element! */ if (iy < yl) /* no action if past last element in col */ { ap += iy ; /* point to 1st value to dec */ while(ap < endcolp) /* decrement rest of column */ (*(ap++))-- ; endcolp -= ryl ; /* point to end of previous column */ ap -= (ryl << 1) ; /* point to beginning of previous column */ } else { ap -= ryl ; /* point to end of previous column */ endcolp -= ryl ; /* point to beginning of previous column */ } } } /* set all elements to 0 (level plane) */ level(relief,xl,yl) short *relief ; int xl, yl ; { register short *ap, *endp ; /* array pointer, end pointer */ ap = relief ; endp = relief + xl*yl ; while (ap < endp) *(ap++) = 0 ; } /* return slope (m) and intercept (b) of random line through plane */ /* (slope is scaled by 256) */ rndmb(xl,yl,m,b) int xl, yl ; int *m, *b ; { float dx, dy ; /* delta-x, delta-y */ int x0, y0 ; /* random point on plane */ double drand48() ; dx = 0 ; dy = 0 ; while((dx = 2.0*drand48() - 1.0) == 0) ; /* prevent division by 0 */ dy = drand48() ; x0 = xl*drand48() ; y0 = yl*drand48() ; /* (x0,y0) random point */ *m = (256.0*dy)/dx ; *b = y0 - (*m*x0)/256 ; /* calculate y-intercept */ } /* initialize screen device */ short cginit(palette,xpalette) short *palette, *xpalette ; { /* translation from color index to palette index PI = ctrans[CI] */ static short ctrans[NCOLOR+1] = { 0, 2, 3, 6, 4, 7, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 12, 15, 13, 1 } ; short colind ; /* color index */ short handle ; /* screen handle */ short cgopen() ; handle = cgopen() ; /* save old palette */ for (colind = 0 ; colind < NCOLOR+1 ; colind++) oldpalette[colind] = Setcolor(colind,-1) ; /* initialize color look-up table */ for (colind = 0 ; colind < NCOLOR+1 ; colind++) xpalette[colind] = palette[ctrans[colind]] ; Setpallette(xpalette) ; return(handle) ; } /* plot relief */ plotrel(handle,relief,xl,yl,island) short handle ; short *relief ; int xl, yl ; short island ; { int iy, ix, icol ; /* row index, column index, color index */ short minval, maxval ; /* min, max altitude */ register short *ap ; /* array pointer */ /* extents of color regions (increasing altitude): */ /* continental relief */ static float cext_con[NCOLOR+1] = { 0, .15, .25, .35, .40, .45, .50, .55, .65, .70, .75, .80, .85, .90, .95, 1.00 } ; /* island relief */ static float cext_ile[NCOLOR+1] = { 0, .30, .55, .65, .68, .71, .74, .77, .85, .88, .91, .93, .95, .97, .99, 1.00 } ; float *cext ; /* integer (absolute altitude) extents of color regions */ short icext[NCOLOR+1] ; /* set extents pointer */ if (island) cext = cext_ile ; else cext = cext_con ; minmax(relief,xl,yl,&maxval,&minval) ; /* find max and min altitude */ /* calculate integer extents */ for (icol = 0 ; icol < NCOLOR+1 ; icol++) icext[icol] = minval + cext[icol] * (maxval - minval) ; icext[NCOLOR]++ ; /* tricky: bump last value by one */ ap = relief ; /* point to beginning */ for (ix= 0 ; ix < xl ; ix++) /* for all columns */ { register short colm[NY] ; /* color indices for screen column */ for (iy = 0 ; iy < yl ; iy++) /* for all rows */ { register short *cp, colind ; /* color pointer, color index */ cp = icext ; /* point to color region 0 */ colind = 0 ; while(*ap >= *(cp++)) colind++ ; colm[iy] = colind ; ap++ ; } column(handle,colm,ix,yl) ; /* plot column */ } } /* find maximum & minimum values of altitude */ minmax(relief,xl,yl,maxval,minval) short *relief ; int xl, yl ; short *maxval, *minval ; { register short *ap, *endp ; /* array pointer, end pointer */ *maxval = *relief ; *minval = *relief ; ap = relief ; endp = ap + xl*yl ; while (ap < endp) { if (*ap > *maxval) *maxval = *ap ; if (*ap < *minval) *minval = *ap ; ap++ ; } } /* flush any characters in console input buffer */ conflush() { char ch ; while(Bconstat(2)) ch = Bconin(2) ; } /* process argv options */ options(argc,argv,xl,yl,ncyc,iseed,update,fname,loadf,island) int argc ; char *argv[] ; int *xl, *yl ; long *ncyc ; long *iseed ; short *update ; char *fname ; short *loadf ; short *island ; { int help ; int optind ; /* set defaults */ help = FALSE ; *iseed = SEED ; *ncyc = 0 ; *xl = NX ; *yl = NY ; *update = 0 ; sprintf(fname,"%s",SAVEFILE) ; *loadf = FALSE ; *island = FALSE ; optind = 1 ; while ((optind < argc) && (*argv[optind] == '-')) { switch(*(argv[optind]+1)) { case 's': case 'S': *iseed = atol(argv[optind]+2); break; case 'n': case 'N': *ncyc = atol(argv[optind]+2); break; case 'u': case 'U': *update = atoi(argv[optind]+2) ; break ; case 'f': case 'F': sprintf(fname,"%s",argv[optind]+2) ; break ; case 'd': case 'D': sprintf(fname,"%s",argv[optind]+2) ; *loadf = TRUE ; break ; case 'y': case 'Y': *yl = atoi(argv[optind]+2) ; break ; case 'x': case 'X': *xl = atoi(argv[optind]+2) ; break ; case 'i': case 'I': *island = TRUE ; break ; default: help = TRUE ; break ; } optind += 1 ; } if((optind != argc) || (argc == 1 )) help = TRUE ; if( help ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s", US0); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US1); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US1a) ; fprintf(stderr,"%s", US2); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US3); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US4); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US5); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US6); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US7); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US8); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US9); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US9a) ; fprintf(stderr,"%s", US10); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US11); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US12); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US13); fprintf(stderr,"%s", US14) ; fprintf(stderr,"press any key to continue") ; gemdos(0x1) ; exit(1); } } /* close graphics screen and enable cursors */ cgclose(handle) short handle ; { v_show_c(handle) ; Cursconf(1,0) ; Setpallette(oldpalette) ; v_clsvwk(handle) ; appl_exit() ; } /* open graphics screen and disable cursors */ short cgopen() { short handle ; short work_in[12], work_out[57] ; int iwk, set_type ; appl_init() ; for (iwk = 0 ; iwk < 10 ; work_in[iwk++] = 1) ; work_in[10] = 2 ; /* raster coordinates */ v_opnvwk(work_in,&handle,work_out) ; v_hide_c(handle) ; /* bye mouse */ Cursconf(0,0) ; /* bye cursor */ v_clrwk(handle) ; /* clear screen */ set_type = vsm_type(handle,1) ; /* marker type = point */ return(handle) ; } /* plot column on graphics screen */ column(handle,colm,ix,npoints) short handle ; register short *colm ; int ix ; int npoints ; { register short pxy[2] ; *pxy = ix ; *(pxy+1) = npoints ; while((*(pxy+1))--) { vsm_color(handle,colm[*(pxy+1)]) ; v_pmarker(handle,1,pxy) ; } } /* save screen data to disk in DEGAS format */ int writefrac(fname,palette) char *fname ; short *palette ; { char *scrnp ; int fd, n ; short gmode[1] ; scrnp = (char *)Physbase() ; /* get pointer to display frame */ *gmode = GRMODE ; if ((fd = open(fname, O_RAW | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"open of '%s' failed\n",fname) ; return(-1) ; } n = write(fd, gmode, 2) ; /* write graphics mode */ n += write(fd, palette, 32) ; /* write palette */ if ((n += write(fd, scrnp, 32000)) != FSIZE) /* write screen */ { fprintf(stderr,"file write error: only %d bytes written\n",n) ; close(fd) ; return(-1) ; } close(fd) ; return(0) ; } /* read file (DEGAS format) */ int readfrac(fname,palette) char *fname ; short *palette ; { int fd, n ; short gmode[1] ; char *scrnp ; if ((fd = open(fname, O_RAW | O_RDONLY)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"open of '%s' failed\n",fname) ; return(-1) ; } scrnp = (char *)Physbase() ; n = read(fd, gmode, 2) ; /* read graphics mode */ n += read(fd, palette, 32) ; /* read palette */ if ((n += read(fd, scrnp, 32000)) != FSIZE) /* read screen */ { fprintf(stderr,"file write error: only %d bytes read\n",n) ; close(fd) ; return(-1) ; } close(fd) ; return(0) ; }
turner@imagen.UUCP (05/08/86)
> Here is a type of fractal generation program that you've probably not > seen yet. It generates something like a topographical map of a random > relief. The relief is divided into 15 altitude zones, each with a different > color. The resulting maps can be very pretty. This is a TTP application. > Run the program without parameters and you will get the usage directions. > > The algorithm is due to (who else) Benoit Mandelbrot. It is based on > the "Brownian plane-to-line" function of Paul Levy. > > note: This program is public-domain. I put no restrictions on its use. > Comments/improvements are welcome. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ lineater, \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the program looks good, how about posting the sources for us poor hackers still learning about fractals ? -- ---- "If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes" -Blade Runner Name: James M. Turner (not the James M. Turner at Lisp Machine Inc.) Mail: Imagen Corp. 2650 San Tomas Expressway, P.O. Box 58101 Santa Clara, CA 95052-8101 AT&T: (408) 986-9400 UUCP: ...{decvax,ucbvax}!decwrl!imagen!turner CompuServe: 76327,1575 GEnie : D-ARCANGEL
turner@imagen.UUCP (05/08/86)
> > Here is the source code for the uuencoded file 'levy.ttp' posted previously: > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE *** foot-in-mouth alert, foot-in-mouth alert, please ignore my previous posting re: posting the sources, i should look before i leap, sorry -- ---- "If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes" -Blade Runner Name: James M. Turner (not the James M. Turner at Lisp Machine Inc.) Mail: Imagen Corp. 2650 San Tomas Expressway, P.O. Box 58101 Santa Clara, CA 95052-8101 AT&T: (408) 986-9400 UUCP: ...{decvax,ucbvax}!decwrl!imagen!turner CompuServe: 76327,1575 GEnie : D-ARCANGEL