I should like to connect a 1040 ST to a large mainframe computer, an IBM 3084-QX running VM/CMS and MVS/JES. There are 3 ways to connect ASCII terminals to this machine, the way preferred by the operators is to use Yale ASCII. Yale ASCII is a protocol conversion system developed at Yale and supplied by IBM. Yale ASCII software runs on a IBM Series/1 mini and emulates IBM 3270 terminals for a number of ASCII terminals. The mainframe thinks the Series/1 is a 3272 local control unit with a number of 3277 terminals attached to it. The most desirable (according to the CC) ASCII terminal is a PC or a PC clone running YTerm, another program from Yale. The second best ASCII terminal is a DEC VT100. Some TeleVideo, Data Media, Lear Siegler, and ADDS ASCII terminals are also supported. A number of postings on this network have suggested that PC/INTERCOMM (Mark of the Unicorn, Inc.; Cambridge, MA) which emulates a VT100 terminal for the ST and a Hayes compatible modem would be a good choice. Does anyone have an ST connected to Yale ASCII? Any other VT100 emulators which might work or maybe even a version of YTERM for the ST? Any comments about PC/INTERCOMM and Mark of the Unicorn? If I receive any replies I will summarize and post them. MOEWS@UCONNVM.BITNET