[net.micro.atari16] recording colour monitor output

jenkin@utai.UUCP (Michael Jenkin) (05/14/86)

As part of a Psychology experiment at York University, a subject 
will be given an st (running DEGAS) to play with.  The session must
be recorded (what functions were used, what was drawn, etc.) for later
study.  Ideally a video recorder would be attached to the display and
recorded for later study, or failing this, the keystrokes/mouse actions
might be recorded.   So..

(1) Has anyone attached a vcr to the video-out on the st to record the
    display?  Is it possible to convert the video-out signal to
    composite video?  (and no, the st does not have a composite out jack).
(2) Is it possible to record all user actions in DEGAS?  

Michael Jenkin					University of Toronto
USENET:	{decvax,ihnp4,allegra}!utcsri!utai!jenkin
CSNET:	jenkin@Toronto 
BELL: 	416-978-7321