[net.micro.atari16] ST Wish List

aking@J.BBN.COM (Allen King) (05/17/86)

I've been enjoying my 520 now for about two months, spending my time making
a Mandelbrot demo to learn GEM and VDI. The demo is flashy in that it gives
a full-screen low resolution picture quickly, with the resolution increasing
as you watch. I'll post it when its done.

After using the developers kit for a while, I've cataloged my impressions
in the form of a wish-list of desireable software improvements. If you have
found programs with the desired functionality, or if you have
found work-arounds to like problems, please share the wealth. 

Being an engineer, and also an engineer at heart, I usually spend most of 
my time worying about the parts of the system that don't work. However
least one get the wrong impression, most of the ST software I have does work.
I recommend ST as a viable entry, and quite an echonomical one at that.
Especially when one considers the public domain software to hack with.
But now for the wishes:

1. Link68 seems to not know about absolute pathnames. I like to keep directories
small, but to get it to work, libraries and applications must be mashed 
together. Does anybody have any magic (besides moveing default files 

2. If anyone has done a comparison of MAKE's please send your
findings out the net. 

3. Has anybody integrated mouse pointing into Micro-Emacs? T'would be

4. And Search Rules for the compiler! Do they exist? I hate putting absolute
pathnames in my sources, but hate moby folders that take the whole screen
even more.

5. If anybody has a Copy.TTP and/or Move.TTP, please post them. Perhaps
they exist in some repository which I haven't found. Or I could just
write them, but ...

6. It seems that Application Document types are known system-wide, but
the application handlers themselves must be in the current folder.
Also, I often want one application handler (e.g. micro-emacs) be
in effect for multiple document types (e.g. source.c and source.s).

7. Is there an option to save the desktop before an application starts
so that exiting the application and returning to the desk wouldn't involve
spinning the disk? Perhaps pickey, but it takes a few seconds
and happens quite often. Perhaps the Moby RAMDISK is the way out.

8. My friend made me extremely gealous over lunch the other day quoting
how his Thinkware C on a MAC+ did a compile-bind-go in 10 seconds. I'm
struggeling with a 90 second compile and a 5 minute load using the developers
kit. (I guess GEM libraries are big.) I know that both are about 5x faster
using RAMDISK, but I need more memory on my 520 to fit everything.

9. My warantee will be up in a month, and I'm going to get the old soldering
iron out. Does anybody have any experience with putting in 1M chips?  
Does the ST's MMU handle them? (it seems to have pins enough, what about
refresh? (Neil?)) I believe it would require flying wires on a few address
lines, but no piggybacking. The thought of doing compiles and links from 
a 1.5M RAMDISK really turns me on!

10. I'm looking for a set of graphics primitives that will make porting 
my pet children's game to other PC's as well as the ST easy. Does GEM
foot that bill? How stiff would lisence fees be for customers
who didn't already have GEM, given the package wouldn't expose bare GEM 
functionality to the user. Anybody know of other packages or conventions
that work?

11. Boy, would I like to have a copy of Switcher to go quickly between
contexts quickly. What I'd really rather have is multiprocess windows 
like the Sun, but lets be realistic!  Two practical questions though:
Is it possible to bring up a GEM application on the same desktop
as (using MAC terms) the finder? and Does GEM support any sort of
multi-tasking? Does any one out there have any hints?

"You can tell a craftsman by his tools", 
	"the men from the boys by the size of their toys".