UC.BRI%DEEP-THOUGHT@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Brian Totty) (07/02/86)
I have a couple of questions that people maybe able to help me out with... 1) Does anyone have the code to pipe an AES message (specifically a redraw message) to an application. I believe this was mentioned in Tim Oren's Professional GEM column (on CompuServe?) but I don't have it. The code should be pretty short. 2) Has anyone had any trouble using menu_ienable and menu_icheck? I probably forgot to initialize something, and would be open to any suggestions so I can track down the problem. The menu bar is on the screen, and I get menu messages fine, but my menu_ienable calls often cause no results, and sometimes crash with 2 bombs. I created the menu with the RCS. Is there something I don't know? 3) The GEM documentation describes two ways to select a height for a font vst_point and vst_height (or something like that). I want a way to switch between the small and normal system fonts in any resolution, and be compatible with future changes. I can find the cell size of the standard font character when I get graf_handle (or somewhere in the beginning). Anyway...how can I set the size to be this character box. If I use vst_height, I have to specify the distance from the top to the BASELINE, but I only know the cell height. And I can't use vst_point (though this appears to be character cell mode) since this is in printer points apparently. ALL I WANT TO DO IS SWITCH FROM SMALL TO LARGE CHARACTERS!! Am I misunderstanding or what???? Help. 4) What happens if I do a wind_set with WF_WORKXYWH. Will the window be set? I normally use wind_set with WF_CURRXYWN to set the border. Just curious. 5) More coming later ... probably. Thanks for any help. --- Bri uc.bri@deep-thought.mit.edu ...!eddie!bri -------