[net.micro.atari16] Keyboard chip

ACS19@UHUPVM1.BITNET (07/31/86)

Well, it would seem that the keyboard chip is OK in the rev 1.0
I am still foggy on the differences though, since they are not plug in
replacements (which might mean trouble if it should blow).  The mod I have done
keeps time perfectly when the power is off, and when the power is disconnected.
The battery backup which has been circulating for some time doesn't work.  It
merely freezes the time.   More on this mod in another posting, and look on
your local bbs for some files describing it (I'm sure they will float around).
The mod is $15 and all parts are available from Radio Shack.  So don't pay $50
if you can solder.  This is PERFECTLY SAFE, and in no way does it affect any of
the chips in the ST, except the keyboard chip (and the lines are only
intercepted from the motherboard (probably could be done with a daughter-board)
On thing, you need a small program to take the time from the chip and set the
gemdos time.  About 12 lines of assembly, even less in C.

Look for it soon, on a BBS near you.


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