[net.micro.atari16] GDOS for the Atari GEM?

demillo@uwmacc.UUCP (Rob DeMillo) (08/08/86)

A question for the Atari folk ---

I have recently heard rumors that Atari will be making available
a RAM loadable version of GDOS? Is this rumor true? If so: great!
When will it be available? From who(m)? How much? Etc etc etc...

On the same note: I recently started playing around with GEM for
an IBM XT. It *does* have GDOS --- believe me, it's nice. Having
different fonts, device drivers, etc is pretty amazing. (You wouldn't 
believe the screen dumps I have been able to do to my printer...)
GDOS actually makes the GEM interface tolerable....

Neil? Whaddya say?

                           --- Rob DeMillo 
                               Madison Academic Computer Center

	usenet: (ihnp4,harvard,seismo,topaz,decvax)!uwvax!uwmacc!demillo
	arpanet: demillo@easter      (isn't that easier?)
	"I am not so sure
	 what you want me for!			'War Games'
	 Either your machine is a 		   - Crosby, Stills and Nash
	 fool, or me..."