RDROYA01@ULKYVX.BITNET (Robert Royar) (09/04/86)
I teach a writing course at this university and have been developing a set of programs too run on an IBM-PC and a Vax system. But my computer is an ST. I would like to be a little subversive and demo the "environment" on my 1040 (color). Our school has large screen projection TVs that they use for demos with Apple computers. Since the demo will be for our entire department, I would like to be able to use the projection system (Sony). My question is what do I need to connect the ST to a system like this. Or what more info would one of you kindly readers need to help me out. There is a DIN and an RCA (phono plug) input on the projector, but the department that maintains them doesn't know much about the technical info, and the technical info guys don't know anything about computers. So I'm pretty much on my own. Any help would be appreciated. Who knows I might be able to convince the department that it's time to develope an ST based writing lab! Robert Royar Department of English University of Louisville Louisville, KY 40292 BITNET: rdroya01@ulkyvx
jhs@MITRE-BEDFORD.ARPA (09/06/86)
If the projection system has an RGB input, all you should need is a cable or adaptor to make the connections from the Atari RGB output to the right input connections on the projector. At worst you might have to wire up such an adaptor. -John Sangster jhs@mitre-bedford.arpa