beatyr@pur-ee.UUCP (Robert Beaty) (09/12/86)
<<<<<>>>>> This is the uuencode program to go with the uudecode program posted previously. Same things apply - cut at the marks, remove address at the end of this posting, and feed to OSS Pascal. Have Fun! ****** cut here ****** Program uuencode; CONST {$I gemconst } header = 'begin'; trailer = 'end'; defaultMode = '644'; defaultExtension = '.uue'; offset = 32; charsPerLine = 60; bytesPerHunk = 3; sixBitMask = $3F; TYPE {$I gemtype } string80 = string[80]; VAR infile: file of integer; outfile: text; infilename, outfilename, mode, mess : string80; lineLength, numbytes, bytesInLine: integer; uuline: array [0..59] of char; hunk: array [0..2] of integer; chars: array [0..3] of integer; x : Str255; i : integer; one_waiting, eof_infile : Boolean; waiting_Byte : integer; {$I gemsubs } procedure Abort (message: string80); begin {abort} x:=Concat( '[3][ ', message,' ][ Exit ]' ); i:=Do_Alert( x, 1 ); close(infile); close(outfile); halt end; {abort} procedure Init; procedure GetFiles; VAR i: integer; temp: string80; ch: char; path, name : Path_Name; begin {GetFiles} path:='A:\*.*'; { this is the default path for the input file } name:=''; { reset the name of the file } if not(Get_In_File( path, name )) then abort ('No input file specified.'); infilename := name; IO_Check( False ); Reset(infile, infilename); IO_Check( True ); if IO_Result <> 0 then begin mess:=Concat( 'Cannot open file ', infilename ); abort( mess ); end; i := pos('.', infilename); if i = 0 then outfilename := infilename else outfilename := copy (infilename, 1, pred(i)); outfilename := concat(outfilename, defaultExtension); mode := defaultMode; x:=Concat( '[0][ Coding to file ', outfilename, ' ][ Fine ]' ); i:=Do_Alert( x, 1 ); IO_Check( False ); reset(outfile, outfilename); IO_Check( True ); if IO_Result = 0 then begin x:='[2]['; x:=Concat(x,' Overwrite current |'); x:=Concat(x,outfilename,'? ]'); x:=Concat(x,'[ Yes | No ]'); i:=Do_Alert( x, 0 ); if i = 2 then abort ('Overwrite cancelled.'); end; close(outfile); IO_Check( False ); rewrite(outfile, outfilename); IO_Check( True ); if IO_Result <> 0 then begin mess:=Concat( 'Cannot open ', outfilename ); abort( mess ); end; end; {getfiles} begin {Init} GetFiles; bytesInLine := 0; lineLength := 0; numbytes := 0; writeln (outfile, header, ' ', mode, ' ', infilename); end; {init} procedure FlushLine; VAR i: integer; procedure writeout(ch: char); begin {writeout} if ch = ' ' then write(outfile, '`') else write(outfile, ch) end; {writeout} begin {FlushLine} writeout(chr(bytesInLine + offset)); for i := 0 to pred(lineLength) do writeout(uuline[i]); writeln (outfile); lineLength := 0; bytesInLine := 0 end; {FlushLine} procedure FlushHunk; VAR i: integer; begin {FlushHunk} if lineLength = charsPerLine then FlushLine; chars[0] := ShR( hunk[0], 2 ); chars[1] := ( ShL(hunk[0],4) ) + ( ShR(hunk[1],4) ); chars[2] := ( ShL(hunk[1],2) ) + ( ShR(hunk[2],6) ); chars[3] := hunk[2] & sixBitMask; for i := 0 to 3 do begin uuline[lineLength] := chr((chars[i] & sixBitMask) + offset); lineLength := succ(lineLength) end; bytesInLine := bytesInLine + numbytes; numbytes := 0 end; {FlushHunk} function get_a_byte : integer; { This function returns a byte input from the file 'infile' a file of two byte integers. } var two_bytes : integer; begin if one_waiting then begin get_a_byte:=waiting_byte; one_waiting:=False; end else begin two_bytes:=infile^; IO_Check( False ); Get(infile); { get two bytes from the file } IO_Check( True ); if IO_Result=0 then begin { this is a normal in the file read } get_a_byte:=ShR( two_bytes, 8 ) & $00FF; { get the first byte } waiting_byte:=two_bytes & $00FF; { and the lower second byte } one_waiting:=True; end else begin { this is an EOF mark } get_a_byte:=ShR( two_bytes, 8 ) & $00FF; { get the first byte } eof_infile:=True; { stop all this } end; end; end; procedure encode1; begin {encode1}; if numbytes = bytesperhunk then flushhunk; hunk[numbytes]:=get_a_byte; numbytes := succ(numbytes) end; {encode1} procedure terminate; begin {terminate} if numbytes > 0 then flushhunk; if lineLength > 0 then begin flushLine; flushLine; end else flushline; writeln (outfile, trailer); close (outfile); close (infile); end; {terminate} begin {uuencode} if Init_GEM >= 0 then begin Init; eof_infile:=false; while not eof_infile do encode1; terminate; Exit_GEM; end; end. {uuencode} ****** cut here ****** ---------- ... ihnp4!pur-ee!beatyr <- usenet ... <- arpa-net ... beatyr@pur-ee.UUCP <- UUCP ----------