[net.micro.atari16] upside-down DA, source and uuencoded binary

csc@watmath.UUCP (Jan Gray) (09/12/86)

This silly desk accessory turns your ST screen upside down.  It was mainly
a "see if it can be done" experiment which I thought you might enjoy.

It allocates memory for another screen, moves the hardware screen there, and
repeatedly flips the "logical" screen onto the new screen.  Unfortunately
I couldn't coerce the 68000 to take less than 120 ms per flip, so leaving
the ST some computing cycles you get about a 4 Hz update rate.

Following are the C sources (which work with the new Alcyon C release) and
a uuencoded binary.  Unpack it, uudecode it, upload it and install it as
ud.acc.  It's cute, but you'll tire of it quickly, believe me.

Jan Gray
University of Waterloo but doing a workterm at Northern Software (519) 885-5921

 * Upside-down DA...a somewhat disappointing experiment
 * Jan Gray 1986
 * link: accstart,ud,aesbind,osbind

#include "gemdefs.h"
#include "osbind.h"

#define	NULL		0
#define	SCR_BYTES	32000L
#define	SCR_ALIGN	512L			/* must page align screen */
#define	Supexec(code)	xbios(38, code)

typedef unsigned char	Byte;			/* must be unsigned! */

Byte	RevBytes[256];

Byte	*RealScreen;				/* real screen address */
Byte	*FlipScreen;				/* flipped screen address */
Byte	*Phys;					/* passed to setPhysBase() */


	extern int	gl_apid;
	char	menuName[20];
	int	menuID;
	int	event;
	int	msg[8];
	int	ret;



	RealScreen = Physbase();
	FlipScreen = (Byte *)((Malloc(SCR_BYTES + SCR_ALIGN) + (SCR_ALIGN-1))
				& ~(SCR_ALIGN-1));

	menuName[0] = NULL;
	menuID = menu_register(gl_apid,  menuName);

	for (;;) {
		/* Wait for accessory open message */
		strcpy(menuName, "  Upside-down");
		do {
			event = evnt_mesag(msg);
		} while (!(msg[0] == AC_OPEN && msg[4] == menuID));

		/* Flip screen */
		Phys = FlipScreen;
		 * Wait for accessory open message or 130 ms timeout.
		 * 130 ms should give roughly 50% duty cycle.
		strcpy(menuName, "  Rightside-up");
		do {
			event = evnt_multi(MU_MESAG | MU_TIMER,
					   0, 0, 0,
					   0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
					   0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
					   msg, 130, 0,
				 	   &ret, &ret, &ret, &ret, &ret, &ret);
			if (event & MU_TIMER)
		} while (!((event & MU_MESAG) &&
			   msg[0] == AC_OPEN && msg[4] == menuID));

		/* Restore screen */
		Phys = RealScreen;

buildRevBytes()				/* Build the byte reversal table */
	register int	i;

	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
		RevBytes[i] =	((i & 1) << 7) | ((i & 2) << 5) |
				((i & 4) << 3) | ((i & 8) << 1) |
				((i & 0x10) >> 1) | ((i & 0x20) >> 3) |
				((i & 0x40) >> 5) | ((i & 0x80) >> 7);

#define	VBASE_HIGH	(Byte *)0xff8201L
#define	VBASE_LOW	(Byte *)0xff8203L
 * setPhysBase -- set the physical screen to Phys.  I don't use Setscreen()
 * because it seems to clear the old logical screen...I don't want the
 * ST to know that anything funny is going on, just to go merrily on its
 * way writing to what it thinks is the physical screen...
	*VBASE_HIGH = (Byte)((unsigned long)Phys >> 16);
	*VBASE_LOW  = (Byte)((unsigned long)Phys >> 8);

 * Copy the flip of the real screen to FlipScreen.  Scans the real screen
 * from last byte to first, writing to the flip screen from first byte
 * to last.
	register /* a5 */ Byte	*real	= RealScreen + SCR_BYTES;
	register /* a4 */ Byte	*flip	= FlipScreen;
	register /* a3 */ Byte	*rev	= RevBytes;
	register int		count	= SCR_BYTES/8;

	 * Copy bytes of the real screen to the flip screen, through
	 * the byte reverse table.  Unrolled 8 times for speed.
	 * Written in assembler (probably not optimal assembler...)
	 * because Alcyon C 4.14 generates really really stupid code
	 * (like "andi #$ff, d0" followed by "andi.l #$ff, d0").  Oh, God.
	 * Expected time: 4 us/byte * 32000 bytes = 130 ms
	while (count-- > 0) {
#define	COPY	*flip++ = rev[*--real];
		asm("moveq #0,d0");		/* clear upper byte of d0.w */

#define	COPY	asm("move.b -(a5),d0");		/* 10->12 cycles == 1.5 us */\
		asm("move.b 0(a3,d0.w),(a4)+");	/* 18->20 cycles == 2.5 us */


/* Writing strcpy here saves us from linking with gemlib */
strcpy(dst, src)
register char	*dst;
register char	*src;
	while (*dst++ = *src++)
begin 644 ud.acc
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jhs@mitre-bedford.ARPA (09/13/86)

Heck, if all you want to do is turn a screen upside down, buy an Atari 800xl.
All you have to do there is write one number to one memory location and the
screen turns upside down!  (:^/)
