[net.micro.atari16] Fear not, would be UUDECODERS.


No more tears out there in NETLAND for all those inaccessible uuencoded
programs. I have written a version of UUDECODE in ST BASIC. The program is
included below.

How to use -- Simply run this like any other BASIC program. It will prompt for
the input file name (the uuencoded file), and the output file name.

I have successfully decoded three programs (four files) on my ATARI 1040ST
using this program, including UNITERM and microEMACS, which were posted on
this BBS. I haven't had any failures yet.

      1. I had to work around several ST BASIC bugs, some of which are
         mentioned in the comments to the program. This means that if
         ST BASIC is updated, or if the bugs are somehow specific to
         my system, you may have to edit this program to get it to work.

      2. The output file name must be specified by the user at the
         appropriate point. This is unlike "standard" UUDECODE, where
         the output file name is read from the "begin..." line of the
         input filename. This is due to problems with the BASIC statement
         LINE INPUT #. These problems only seem to occur after opening
         a file.

      3. The first line of the UUENCODED file should be the "begin..."
         line. This first line is ignored. Encoded binary is assumed to
         begin on the second line. (Also not standard UUDECODE, and also
         due to the LINE INPUT # bugs.)

      4. If your UUENCODED file does not contain exactly 45 encoded
         bytes per line, then this program will not operate correctly
         as is. There is no problem here if every line in your encoded
         file begins with M. Only special case: last line of encoded binary
         can begin with any character between ! and M (refer to an ascii
         table). (While this is not "standard", I have run across no
         exceptions as yet.)

      5. The program assumes it has completed if it reads in a line
            -- which reads "end"; or
            -- which begins with a space; or
            -- which is blank.
         (Only the first of these is standard, but as before, I haven't
         found any problems yet.)

Despite the caveats, I have not had any trouble UUDECODING anything yet.

(But, I regret that I cannot assume legal responsibility for any losses
incurred by the user.)

As far as I know, UUDECODE is public domain. Presumeably, then, this program
is also. (Could I really find anyone who'd pay for ThiS?)

GOOD LUCK! and let me know how things turn out.

    -- Patrick Simon
       September 11, 1986


I have to thank John Sangster (jhs@mitre-bedford.ARPA) for providing me with
the functional specs of UUDECODE.

**********STANDARD DISCLAIMERS, ETC.*****************************************

If this program fails to operate as specified, return for a full refund.

As with any test(y) program, please exercise appropriate caution
in the use of this decode program. In particular, I suggest that if the disk
you are using contains the only copy of anything important, you aren't using
appropriate caution.

Princeton University bears no responsibility for any part of this bulletin.
(Is it legal for me to say the same for me?)

---------------------- cut here ---------------------------------------
11    ' /*
12    '  * Uudecode -- decode a uuencoded file back to binary form
13    '  *
14    '  * Slightly modified from a version posted to net.sources once;
15    '  * suitable for compilation on an IBM PC.
16    '  *
17    '  * modified for Lattice C on the ST - 11.05.86 by MSD
18    '  *
19    '  * rewritten for ST BASIC on the Atari ST - September 9, 1986,
20    '  *   by Patrick Simon
21    '  *
22    '  */

23    ' Initializations.
24    DIM I(4)
25    FULLW 2 : CLEARW 2 ' Use full output window, clear it.
26    MASK = 63 : SP = ASC(" ")

30    ' Get input filename and open file.
40    INPUT "Enter name of uuencoded file > ", IFILEN$
50    OPEN "I", #1, IFILEN$

60    ' Get output filename, open, and set up pointers.
70    INPUT "Enter name of output file > ", OFILEN$
80    OPEN "R", #2, OFILEN$, 45
90    FIELD #2, 45 AS CBUF$

110   ' Input and ignore first line of input file (original filename).
120   LINE INPUT #1, INLINE$ ' Due to a bug in ST BASIC, LINE INPUT #
130   LINE INPUT #1, INLINE$ '  must be called 2x, just to get first
140                          '  line. Even then we lose the 1st character.

150   ' Now set up screen for user.
160   CLEARW 2
170   GOTOXY 1,2 : PRINT "Decoding "; IFILEN$; " to "; OFILEN$
180   GOTOXY 1,4 : PRINT "# lines read in: "
190   GOTOXY 1,5 : PRINT "# bytes output: "

200   ' Initialize some variables for main body of program.
210   NUML = 0 : BYTEOUT = 0

220   LINELOOP: ' Now loop for as long as there are input lines.
230      LINE INPUT #1, INLINE$           ' LINE INPUT should work OK by now!
231      IF INLINE$ = "end" THEN GOTO 500 ' All done
232      NUML = NUML + 1

240   ' For each line, must "decode" each byte.
241   ' First byte contains # bytes to ***output*** from this line.
242   ' Then, after decoding, each set of 4 input bytes contains 6*4 = 24
243   '  bits of information to output, 8 bits per output byte, thus
244   '  3 output bytes.

250   ' Set up string position pointer for INLINE$
260      SPTR = 1

270   ' Get first byte = # bytes to output; exit if line has zero to output
280      GOSUB DECODE : NN = C : N = NN : IF NN = 0 THEN GOTO 500

285   ' Process one line of input
290      MPTR = 1
300      WHILE N > 0          ' Decode set of 4 input bytes.
310         FOR J = 1 TO 4
320            GOSUB DECODE : I(J) = C
330         NEXT J
340         C1 = ((I(1) *  4) MOD 256) + INT(I(2) / 16)
350         C2 = ((I(2) * 16) MOD 256) + INT(I(3) /  4)
360         C3 = ((I(3) * 64) MOD 256) + I(4)
370         IF N>0 THEN MID$(CBUF$,MPTR,1)=CHR$(C1) : MPTR = MPTR + 1
380         IF N>1 THEN MID$(CBUF$,MPTR,1)=CHR$(C2) : MPTR = MPTR + 1
390         IF N>2 THEN MID$(CBUF$,MPTR,1)=CHR$(C3) : MPTR = MPTR + 1
400         N = N - 3
410      WEND                 ' If more in this line, go back again.

415   ' Finished processing line.
420      PUT #2, NUML               ' Send decoded stuff to output file.
430      BYTEOUT = BYTEOUT + NN     ' Show status to user.
440      GOTOXY 20,4 : PRINT NUML
445      GOTOXY 20,5 : PRINT BYTEOUT
450   GOTO LINELOOP                 ' Get next line ...

500   ' Hopefully, we have now decoded the input file.
510   CLOSE #1 : CLOSE #2
520   END

1000  DECODE: ' Subroutine to decode a single character
1010     IF LEN(MID$(INLINE$,SPTR)) = 0 THEN INLINE$ = INLINE$ + " "
1020     CH$ = MID$(INLINE$, SPTR, 1) : SPTR = SPTR + 1
1030     C = (ASC(CH$) - SP) AND MASK
1040  RETURN


This is a follow up to the UUDECODE program in ST BASIC I posted to this BBS.

Additional notes:

     1. The UUDECODE program does append spaces to the end of the line if it
        thinks they were removed in transit.

     2. The file length (in bytes) is always a multiple of 45. The extra
        bytes are filled with garbage and hopefully ignored. (This is not
        standard UUDECODE.)

     3. This being a BASIC program, it is slow. Typical time, about 1 sec
        per line of coded info (using a ram disk). [about 40 minutes for
        UNITERM, which was 135,000+ bytes before decoding.]

     4. I had trouble UUDECODING the MONST program posted recently here. It
        turns out there were 2 carriage returns at the end of each line.
        Editting with either UEMACS or 1ST WORD fixed the problem (enter
        editor, make no changes except to save the file). The problem was
        probably caused initially by me using KERMIT incorrectly.

I have received several messages from network servers warning me that my
original message was not delivered. If anyone needs a copy, let me know.
Also, if anyone finds any bugs and or helpful fixes, let me know.

Thanks, and good luck!
---Patrick Simon