[net.sf-lovers] SF Poll II - The Man Page! "Best" 300. Complete List. see inside.

gjerawlins@watdaisy.UUCP (Gregory J.E. Rawlins) (06/28/85)

    <<description: this is a long listing containing a suggestion on some new
    directions for the poll to take, the current "best" 300 or so and finally
    the complete List as it stands right now. Because it's so long i put
    "=====" separators in so that you can easily find the next section>>

    Hi. I started this Poll a month ago little suspecting how much work
was involved (fortunately!). When i started the List it grew basically
as linear function of the recommendations. However that soon changed as
many people started recommending series that i'd never heard of. This 
necessitated library and bookstore scouting. In the process it struck me
that it would be stupid to just go dig up one particular work by an author
since almost invariably someone else would recommend some other work by
the same author (Anthony is probably the worst offender). So what i started
doing last week was whenever i met a book i didn't know i'd add as many 
books by the same author as i could track down. Then i started thinking
wouldn't it be nice to have online access to all this information?
We'd no longer have queries like "....what else has s/he written" and
the subsequent 139 replies all saying the same thing.
    -we could have yearly votes on "best" books, keeping cumulative
    	totals as well, so that after 4 years, say, the top 100 would
    	really be (a good approximation of) "the top 100". This would
        be a really useful tool for all sorts of people, people just
        looking for something new to read, completist (like me :-), 
        and (believe it or not) bookstores.
    -we might have a "man page" for Heinlein (for example)
    	ideally, i'd like to have as much information as is necessary to
    	know which books are recommended, what other books that author
    	has written, the publisher, publication date, publisher's 
    	address etc. and what (if any) major awards this book has won.
    It's unclear how this is to be paid for however. Perhaps we could
have a species of moderator who you mail with some keyword in the
header and request information. We might get really fancy and have it
all done automagically.

    What do you think? Since i'm on holiday as of tomorrow (far away
from any terminals alas) this will have to be opened to net discussion.
    Make up your minds and i'll see you in a month.
Here are the top 300 (or so). so far 82 people have written in and
the List contains a total of 1,101 (!!!!) books. Moon is a Harsh
Mistress is still number one. Get your vote in soon (to allow
for net delivery time) as i'll probably be closing the Poll at the
end of August (after all i _do_ have some work to do).

31    The Moon is a Harsh Mistress [1966] [Hugo 1967] [computers, penal lunar colony revolts] -----Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]

27    Ringworld [1970] [Hugo 1971] [Nebula 1970] [hard science, planetary engineering] -----Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ]

26    The Lord of the Rings: [epic fantasy, quest, linguistics] -----Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel [1892-1973]

25    Dune [1965] [Hugo 1966] [Nebula 1965] [ecology, superman, esp, war] -----Herbert, Frank [1920- ]

23    The Mote in God's Eye [1974] [first contact, hard science, war] -----Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ] & Pournelle, Jerry

22    The Foundation Trilogy: [Hugo 1966] [sociology, future history, galactic empire] -----Asimov, Isaac
22    Startide Rising [1983] [Hugo 1983] [Nebula 1983] [hard science, dolphin intelligence, contact] -----Brin, David, Ph.D. [1950- ]

18    Childhood's End [1953] [maturing of human race, aliens] -----Clarke, Arthur C[harles] [1917- ]

16    The Left Hand of Darkness [1969] [Hugo 1970] [Nebula 1969] [psychology, unusual sex roles] -----Le Guin, Ursula K[roeber] [1929- ]
16    Lord of Light [1967] [Hugo 1968] [superhumans, mythology, religion] -----Zelazny, Roger [1937- ]

15    The Book of the New Sun Tetralogy: [soft sf, world creation] -----Wolfe, Gene
15    Stranger in a Strange Land [1961] [Hugo 1962] [superman, sociology] -----Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]
15    Rendezvous with Rama [1973] [Hugo 1974] [Nebula 1973] [JWC 1973?] [first contact, hard science] -----Clarke, Arthur C[harles] [1917- ]

14    Sundiver [1980] [mystery, dolphin intelligence, contact] -----Brin, David, Ph.D. [1950- ]

13    The Stars My Destination [1956] [aka Tiger, Tiger!] [teleportation, interplanetary war] -----Bester, Alfred [1913- ]
13    The Forever War [interstellar war] -----Haldeman, Joe[seph]
13    Stand on Zanzibar [1968] [Hugo 1969] [overpopulation, sociology] -----Brunner, John [Kilian Houston] [1934- ]

12    The Demolished Man [1953] [Hugo 1953] [telepathy, murder mystery] -----Bester, Alfred [1913- ]

11    The Lensman Series: [classic space opera] -----Smith, E[dward] E[lmer], Ph.D. [1890-1965]
11    The Dying Earth [1950] [col.] -----Vance, Jack [/John Holbrook] [1916- ]
11    I, Robot [1950] [laws of robotics] -----Asimov, Isaac
11    Dragon's Egg [1980] [hard science, interesting aliens] -----Forward, Robert L., Ph.D.

10    The Shockwave Rider [1975] [computers, networks] -----Brunner, John [Kilian Houston] [1934- ]
10    The Sheep Look Up [1972] [ecological disaster] -----Brunner, John [Kilian Houston] [1934- ]
10    The Persistence of Vision [col.] -----Varley, John
10    The Compleate Enchanter -----de Camp, L[yon] Sprague [1907- ] & Pratt, Fletcher
10    Mission of Gravity [1954] [classic hard science, aliens] -----Clement, Hal [nee Harry Clement Stubbs] [1922- ]
10    Gateway [1977] -----Pohl, Frederik [1919- ]

9    Way Station [1963] [Hugo 1964] [first contact, teleportation] -----Simak, Clifford [1904- ]
9    To Your Scattered Bodies Go [1971] [Hugo 1970] -----Farmer, Philip Jose
9    The Time Machine [1895] [classic time travel, sociology] -----Wells, Herbert George, B.Sc. D.Litt. [1866-1946]
9    The Dispossessed [1974] [Hugo 1975] [Nebula 1974] [allegory, capitalism vs socialism] -----Le Guin, Ursula K[roeber] [1929- ]
9    The City and the Stars [1953] [aka Against the Fall of Night] [future evolution of man] -----Clarke, Arthur C[harles] [1917- ]
9    Starship Troopers [1959] [Hugo 1960] [war, politics] -----Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]
9    Rite of Passage [1968] [Nebula 1968] [rite of passage] -----Panshin, Alexei
9    Protector [1973] [human origin, hard science] -----Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ]

8    The Witches of Karres [1966] [magic, rites of passage] -----Schmitz, James H. [1911- ]
8    Macroscope [1969] [hard science, cosmic adventure, ftl communication] -----Anthony, Piers [nee Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob] [1934- ]
8    Little Fuzzy [1962] -----Piper, H. Beam [1900-1965????]
8    2001: A Space Odyssey [1968] -----Clarke, Arthur C[harles] [1917- ]

7    The Vlad Taltos Books: [scientific magic] -----Brust, Steven [K. Zoltan]
7    Tea With the Black Dragon [fantasy, computers, magic] -----MacAvoy, R. A.
7    Neutron Star [1968] [col.] [contains eponymous story - Hugo 1967-novella] [hard science] -----Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ]
7    A Canticle for Leibowitz [1960] [Hugo 1961] [religion, post-holocaust] -----Miller, Walter M. Jr. [1923- ]

6    This Immortal [1965] [Hugo 1966] [aka And call me Conrad] [immortal superman] -----Zelazny, Roger [1937- ]
6    The War of The Worlds [1898] [classic alien invasion] -----Wells, Herbert George, B.Sc. D.Litt. [1866-1946]
6    The Space Merchants [1953] [extrapolation, satire on advertising] -----Pohl, Frederik [1919- ] & Kornbluth, Cyril M.
6    The Puppet Masters [1951] [alien invasion] -----Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]
6    The Hobbit [1937] [juvenile] -----Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel [1892-1973]
6    The Cyberiad [1965] [humour] -----Lem, Stanislaw [1921- ]
6    The Chronicles of Amber Pentalogy: [alternate magic worlds] -----Zelazny, Roger [1937- ]
6    Tactics of Mistake [1971] -----Dickson, Gordon R[upert] [1923- ]
6    Silverlock [1949] [fantasy with characters from literature] -----Myers, John Myers 
6    Nostrilia [1975] [composed of...] [future history, human animals] -----Smith, Cordwainer [nee Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger Ph.D.] [1915-1954]
6    Nine Princes in Amber [1970] -----Zelazny, Roger [1937- ]
6    Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen [alternate history, military] -----Piper, H. Beam [1900-1965????]
6    Foundation's Edge [1982] -----Asimov, Isaac
6    Fahrenheit 451 [1953] [censorship] -----Bradbury, Ray[mond] [Douglas] [1920- ]
6    Dreamsnake [hard science, post-holocaust] -----McIntyre, Vonda N.
6    Creatures of Light and Darkness [1969] -----Zelazny, Roger [1937- ]
6    City [1952] [future humanity] -----Simak, Clifford [1904- ]
6    Chronicles Part I: [1977] -----Donaldson, Steven R.

5    The Ship Who Sang [1969] [hard science, cyborg, many worlds, psychology] -----McCaffrey, Anne [Inez] [1926- ]
5    The Man in the High Castle [1962] [Hugo 1963] [alternate history] -----Dick, Philip K[endred] [1928-1984]
5    The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy [1979] -----Adams, Douglas [1952- ]
5    The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy: [humour, philosophy] -----Adams, Douglas [1952- ]
5    The Dragonriders of Pern Trilogy: [soft sf] -----McCaffrey, Anne [Inez] [1926- ]
5    The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth [1971] [col.] -----Zelazny, Roger [1937- ]
5    The Day of the Triffids [1951] [catastrophe] -----Wyndham, John [nee John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris] [1903-1969]
5    The Belgariad Pentalogy: [fantasy, sword & sorcery, epic] -----Eddings, David
5    More Than Human [1953] [symbiosis, group mind] -----Sturgeon, Theodore [nee Edward Hamilton Waldo] [1918-1985]
5    Lucifer's Hammer [1977] [catastrophe] -----Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ] & Pournelle, Jerry
5    Lord Valentine's Castle -----Silverberg, Robert [1936- ]
5    Davy [1964] [post-holocaust return to medieval times] -----Pangborn, Edgar [1909-1976]
5    Cities In Flight [anti-gravity, future history, space opera] -----Blish, James [Benjamin] [1921-1975]
5    Callahan's Crosstime Saloon [1977] [humour] -----Robinson, Spider
5    A Case of Conscience [1958] [Hugo 1959] [religion] -----Blish, James [Benjamin] [1921-1975]

4    Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang [1976] [post-holocaust, cloning] -----Wilhelm, Kate [1928- ]
4    Titan [1979] -----Varley, John
4    Time Enough for Love [1973] -----Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]
4    The Warlock in Spite of Himself [fantasy] -----Stasheff, Christopher
4    The Wanderer [1964] [Hugo 1965] [catastrophe] -----Leiber, Fritz [Reuter, Jr.] [1910- ]
4    The Two Faces of Tomorrow [1979] [ai] -----Hogan, James P[atrick]
4    The Snow Queen [1980] [alien civilization, anthropology] -----Vinge, Joan D.
4    The Ophiuchi Hotline -----Varley, John
4    The Myth Adventures Series: [humour, many worlds, magic] -----Asprin, Robert L[ynn] [1946- ]
4    The Midwich Cuckoos [1957] -----Wyndham, John [nee John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris] [1903-1969]
4    The Lathe of Heaven [1971] [dreams come true] -----Le Guin, Ursula K[roeber] [1929- ]
4    The Final Reflection [a star trek novel] -----Ford, John
4    The Dosadi Experiment [1977] [hard science, psychology] -----Herbert, Frank [1920- ]
4    The Deathworld Trilogy: [1976] [hostile planet] -----Harrison, Harry [1925- ]
4    The Darkover Series: [fantasy/sf] -----Bradley, Marion [Eleanor] Zimmer [1930- ]
4    The Best of Cordwainer Smith [1975] [col.] [human animals, future history] -----Smith, Cordwainer [nee Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger Ph.D.] [1915-1954]
4    Soldier, Ask Not [1968] [Hugo 1964-novella] [future society, military] -----Dickson, Gordon R[upert] [1923- ]
4    Slan [1946] [supermen] -----van Vogt, A[lfred] E[lton] [1912- ]
4    Operation Chaos [scientific magic, alternate fantasy world] -----Anderson, Poul [William] [1926- ]
4    Neuromancer [hard science, computers] -----Gibson, William
4    Men, Martians and Machines [1955] [adventure, robots] -----Russell, Eric Frank [1905- ]
4    Flowers for Algernon [1966] [Hugo 1960-novella] [Nebula 1966] [intelligence] -----Keyes, Daniel [1927- ]
4    Empire of the East [future history] -----Saberhagen, Fred [Thomas] [1930- ]
4    Downbelow Station [politics, revolution, aliens] -----Cherryh, C.J.
4    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? [1968] [androids] -----Dick, Philip K[endred] [1928-1984]
4    Dangerous Visions [ed.] [1967] [best 60's "new wave" sf] -----Ellison, Harlan [1934- ]
4    Bill the Galactic Hero [1965] [humour] -----Harrison, Harry [1925- ]
4    A Wrinkle in Time [1962] [fantasy, juvenile] -----L'Engle, Madeleine

3    World of Ptavvs [1966] [telepathy, aliens] -----Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ]
3    Ubik [1969] -----Dick, Philip K[endred] [1928-1984]
3    True Names [computers] -----Vinge, Vernor
3    Too Many Magicians [1966] [fantasy, murder mystery] -----Garrett, Randall
3    The Weapon Shops of Isher [1951] -----van Vogt, A[lfred] E[lton] [1912- ]
3    The Tales of the Five: [fantasy] -----Duane, Diane
3    The Skylark Series: [space opera] -----Smith, E[dward] E[lmer], Ph.D. [1890-1965]
3    The Saga of the Pliocene Exile Tetralogy: [time travel, aliens, esp] -----May, Julian
3    The Practice Effect [1984] [alternate universe, humour] -----Brin, David, Ph.D. [1950- ]
3    The Mists of Avalon [1982] [fantasy, retelling of Arthurian cycle] -----Bradley, Marion [Eleanor] Zimmer [1930- ]
3    The Martian Chronicles [1950] [col.] [colonization, first contact] -----Bradbury, Ray[mond] [Douglas] [1920- ]
3    The Many-Coloured Land [1981] -----May, Julian
3    The Lord Darcy Series: [magic, alternate history] -----Garrett, Randall
3    The Little Fuzzy Series: [sympathetic aliens, humour] -----Piper, H. Beam [1900-1965????]
3    The Last Unicorn [1968] [fantasy] -----Beagle, Peter S[oyer] [1939- ]
3    The Harper Hall of Pern Trilogy: [soft sf] -----McCaffrey, Anne [Inez] [1926- ]
3    The Goblin Reservation [1968] -----Simak, Clifford [1904- ]
3    The Fountains of Paradise [1978] -----Clarke, Arthur C[harles] [1917- ]
3    The End of Eternity [1955] -----Asimov, Isaac
3    The Einstein Intersection [1967] [Nebula 1967] [post-holocaust, allegory] -----Delany, Samuel R[ay] [1942- ]
3    The Demon Princes Series: [future civilization] -----Vance, Jack [/John Holbrook] [1916- ]
3    The Deep Range [1957] [undersea farming] -----Clarke, Arthur C[harles] [1917- ]
3    The Cosmic Computer (junkyard planet) [future history, interstellar federation] -----Piper, H. Beam [1900-1965????]
3    The Caves of Steel [1954] [underground cities] -----Asimov, Isaac
3    The Big Time [1958] [Hugo 1958] [time warfare, alternate worlds] -----Leiber, Fritz [Reuter, Jr.] [1910- ]
3    The Barbie Murders -----Varley, John
3    Tau Zero [1970] [hard science, interstellar ship] -----Anderson, Poul [William] [1926- ]
3    Tales of Known Space [col.] -----Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ]
3    Stardance -----Robinson, Spider & Jeanne
3    Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers [1973] [burlesque of space opera] -----Harrison, Harry [1925- ]
3    SongMaster [politics] -----Card, Orson Scott
3    So You Want to Be a Wizard [juvewnile] -----Duane, Diane
3    Roadmarks [1979] [time travel] -----Zelazny, Roger [1937- ]
3    Retief at Large -----Laumer, Keith [1925- ]
3    Needle [1950] [alien virus, detective story, symbiosis] -----Clement, Hal [nee Harry Clement Stubbs] [1922- ]
3    Martians, Go Home [1955] [humour, martian invasion] -----Brown, Fredric [William] [1906-1972]
3    Lest Darkness Fall [1941] [time travel, alternate history] -----de Camp, L[yon] Sprague [1907- ]
3    Jack of Shadows [1971] [alternate earth, magic, superman] -----Zelazny, Roger [1937- ]
3    Inferno [1975] [fantasy, mythology, retelling of dante's inferno] -----Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ] & Pournelle, Jerry
3    God Stalk [1982] [fantasy] -----Hodgell, P. C.
3    Gladiator-at-Law [1955] [extrapolation, satire on business] -----Pohl, Frederik [1919- ] & Kornbluth, Cyril M.
3    Dragonflight [1968] -----McCaffrey, Anne [Inez] [1926- ]
3    Double Star [1956] [Hugo 1956] [politics] -----Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]
3    Doorways in the Sand [1976] -----Zelazny, Roger [1937- ]
3    Dinosaur Beach -----Laumer, Keith [1925- ]
3    Damiano [historical fantasy] -----MacAvoy, R. A.
3    Cat's Cradle [1963] [end of the world] -----Vonnegut, Kurt Jr. [1922- ]
3    Beauty [1978] [retelling of beauty and the beast] -----McKinley, Robin
3    Babel-17 [1966] [Nebula 1966] [linguistics] -----Delany, Samuel R[ay] [1942- ]
3    Another Fine Myth [1978] -----Asprin, Robert L[ynn] [1946- ]
3    Again, Dangerous Visions [ed.] [1972] [best 70's "new wave" sf] -----Ellison, Harlan [1934- ]
3    A Spell for Chameleon [1977] [BFA 1977] -----Anthony, Piers [nee Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob] [1934- ]
3    A Fall of Moondust [1961] [hard science, rescue on the moon] -----Clarke, Arthur C[harles] [1917- ]
3    1984 [1949] [dystopia, totalitarianism] -----Orwell, George [nee Eric Arthur Blair] [1903-1950]

2    Year of the Unicorn [1965] -----Norton, Andre [/Alice Mary] [1912- ]
2    Worlds of the Imperium [1962] [alternate worlds] -----Laumer, Keith [1925- ]
2    Wasp [1957] [adventure, humour] -----Russell, Eric Frank [1905- ]
2    Waldo & Magic, Incorporated [two novellas] [scientific magic] -----Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]
2    Venus Equilateral [1947] [interplanetary communications, techies] [col.] -----Smith, George O[liver] [1911- ]
2    Up the Line [1969] [time travel] -----Silverberg, Robert [1936- ]
2    Tower of Glass [1970] [androids] -----Silverberg, Robert [1936- ]
2    To Reign in Hell [mythology, religion] [1984] -----Brust, Steven [K. Zoltan]
2    Timescape [1980] [hard science, ftl communication] -----Benford, Gregory
2    Thrice Upon a Time -----Hogan, James P[atrick]
2    Thieves World -----Asprin, Robert L[ynn] [1946- ]
2    Thendara House [1983] -----Bradley, Marion [Eleanor] Zimmer [1930- ]
2    The World of Null-A [1948] -----van Vogt, A[lfred] E[lton] [1912- ]
2    The Whole Man [1964] [aka The Telepathist] -----Brunner, John [Kilian Houston] [1934- ]
2    The White Gold Wielder [1983] -----Donaldson, Steven R.
2    The Warhound and the World's Pain -----Moorcock, Michael [1939- ]
2    The Voyage of the Space Beagle [1950] [adventure] -----van Vogt, A[lfred] E[lton] [1912- ]
2    The Tree of Swords and Jewels [sequel to The Dreamstone] -----Cherryh, C.J.
2    The Traveller in Black [col.] [fantasy] -----Brunner, John [Kilian Houston] [1934- ]
2    The Titan Series: [world as organism] -----Varley, John
2    The Thurb Revolution [1968] -----Panshin, Alexei
2    The Swords of Lankhmar [1968] [col.] -----Leiber, Fritz [Reuter, Jr.] [1910- ]
2    The Star Diaries [1957] -----Lem, Stanislaw [1921- ]
2    The Stainless Steel Rat [1961] -----Harrison, Harry [1925- ]
2    The Space Viking [interstellar war] -----Piper, H. Beam [1900-1965????]
2    The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death [fun] -----Pinkwater, Daniel
2    The Skylark of Space [1946] -----Smith, E[dward] E[lmer], Ph.D. [1890-1965]
2    The Silver Metal Lover -----Lee, Tanith [1947- ]
2    The Sector General Series: -----White, James [1928- ]
2    The Rolling Stones [1952] [aka Space Family Stone] [family space travel] -----Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]
2    The Riddle-Master Trilogy: [fantasy] -----McKillip, Patricia A. [1948- ]
2    The Reluctant King Trilogy: [fantasy, humour] -----de Camp, L[yon] Sprague [1907- ]
2    The Red Magician [fantasy] -----Goldstein, Lisa
2    The Princess Bride [1973] [humourous fantasy] -----Goldman, William
2    The Power that Preserves -----Donaldson, Steven R.
2    The People Series: [psi aliens on Earth] -----Henderson, Zenna [1917- ]
2    The Past Through Tomorrow [1967] [col.] -----Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]
2    The Null-A Series: [space opera, supermen] -----van Vogt, A[lfred] E[lton] [1912- ]
2    The Med Series [col.] [space doctor] -----Leinster, Murray [nee William Fitzgerald Jenkins] [1896-1975]
2    The Lion Game -----Schmitz, James H. [1911- ]
2    The Legends of Camber of Culdi: -----Kurtz, Katherine [1944- ]
2    The Last Castle [novella] [Hugo 1967] [Nebula 1966?] -----Vance, Jack [/John Holbrook] [1916- ]
2    The King of Elfland's Daughter [1924] [fantasy] -----Dunsany, Lord [The 18th Baron Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett] [1878-1957]
2    The Integral Trees [1983] [hard science] -----Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ]
2    The Instrumentality of Mankind [1979] [col.] -----Smith, Cordwainer [nee Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger Ph.D.] [1915-1954]
2    The Incarnations of Immortality Series: -----Anthony, Piers [nee Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob] [1934- ]
2    The Illustrated Man [1951] [col.] -----Bradbury, Ray[mond] [Douglas] [1920- ]
2    The Illuminatus! Trilogy: [conspiracy theories, humour] -----Wilson, Robert Anton & Shea, Robert J.
2    The High Crusade [1960] [fantasy, medieval crusaders in space] -----Anderson, Poul [William] [1926- ]
2    The Heechee Trilogy: [near future, alien artifacts] -----Pohl, Frederik [1919- ]
2    The Guardians of the Flame Series: [fantasy, magic, adventure] -----Rosenberg, Joel
2    The Gods Themselves [1972] [Hugo 1973] [Nebula 1972] -----Asimov, Isaac
2    The Genesis Machine [hard science] -----Hogan, James P[atrick]
2    The Futurological Congress -----Lem, Stanislaw [1921- ]
2    The Flying Sorcerers [1971] [humour, hard science] -----Gerrold, David & Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ]
2    The Fifth Head of Cerberus [1972] [col.] -----Wolfe, Gene
2    The Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser Series: [sword & sorcery, humour] -----Leiber, Fritz [Reuter, Jr.] [1910- ]
2    The Faded Sun Trilogy: [adventure, politics] -----Cherryh, C.J.
2    The Face -----Vance, Jack [/John Holbrook] [1916- ]
2    The Earthsea Trilogy: -----Le Guin, Ursula K[roeber] [1929- ]
2    The Dreamstone [celtic mythos, sword & sorcery] -----Cherryh, C.J.
2    The Dragon Waiting [historical fantasy] -----Ford, John
2    The Dorsai Sequence: -----Dickson, Gordon R[upert] [1923- ]
2    The Door into Shadow -----Duane, Diane
2    The Door into Fire -----Duane, Diane
2    The Door Into Summer -----Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]
2    The Darwath Trilogy: -----Hambly, Barbara
2    The Dancers at the End of Time Series: -----Moorcock, Michael [1939- ]
2    The Colour of Magic [fantasy, humour] -----Pratchett, Terry
2    The Childe Cycle of books: [development of human race] -----Dickson, Gordon R[upert] [1923- ]
2    The Broken Sword [1954] [scandanavian mythology] -----Anderson, Poul [William] [1926- ]
2    The Book of Dreams -----Vance, Jack [/John Holbrook] [1916- ]
2    The Black Cloud [1957] [hard science] -----Hoyle, [Sir] Fred[erick], F.R.S. [1915- ]
2    The Birthgrave [soft sf] -----Lee, Tanith [1947- ]
2    The Battle Circle Trilogy: [post-holocaust] -----Anthony, Piers [nee Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob] [1934- ]
2    The Adventures of the Stainless Steel Rat -----Harrison, Harry [1925- ]
2    Systemic Shock -----Ing, Dean
2    Swords and Deviltry [1970] [col.] -----Leiber, Fritz [Reuter, Jr.] [1910- ]
2    Swords against Death [1970] [col.] -----Leiber, Fritz [Reuter, Jr.] [1910- ]
2    Star Well [1968] -----Panshin, Alexei
2    Split Infinity [1980] -----Anthony, Piers [nee Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob] [1934- ]
2    Something Wicked This Way Comes -----Bradbury, Ray[mond] [Douglas] [1920- ]
2    Slaughterhouse-5 [1969] [sardonic satire, time travel] -----Vonnegut, Kurt Jr. [1922- ]
2    Robots Have No Tails [1952] [col.] [as Lewis Padgett] [humour, mystery] -----Kuttner, Henry [1915-1958]
2    Ringworld Engineers [1980] [planetary engineering, hard science] -----Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ]
2    Retief's War -----Laumer, Keith [1925- ]
2    Rebirth [1955] [aka The Chrysalids] -----Wyndham, John [nee John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris] [1903-1969]
2    Raphael [historical fantasy] -----MacAvoy, R. A.
2    Paratime [alternate earths] -----Piper, H. Beam [1900-1965????]
2    Out of the Deeps [1953] [aka The Kraken Wakes] -----Wyndham, John [nee John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris] [1903-1969]
2    Our Lady of Darkness [1978] [WFA 1978] [horror] -----Leiber, Fritz [Reuter, Jr.] [1910- ]
2    Nova [1968] [inter-world relationships] -----Delany, Samuel R[ay] [1942- ]
2    Nine Hundred Grandmothers [1970] -----Lafferty, R[aphael] A[loysius] [1914- ]
2    Mindkiller -----Robinson, Spider
2    Midnight at the Well of Souls [1977] [artificial worlds] [first in Well World series] -----Chalker, Jack L.
2    Michaelmas -----Budrys, Algi[rda]s [Jonas] [1931- ]
2    Masque World -----Panshin, Alexei
2    Little, Big [fantasy] -----Crowley, John [1942- ]
2    Jhereg [1983] -----Brust, Steven [K. Zoltan]
2    Have Spacesuit Will Travel [1958] -----Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]
2    Guest of the Three Worlds [1966] -----Smith, Cordwainer [nee Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger Ph.D.] [1915-1954]
2    Glory Road [1963] [adventure, scientific magic] -----Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]
2    Fuzzy Sapiens -----Piper, H. Beam [1900-1965????]
2    Flatland [1884] [as A. Square] [mathemathical fantasy] -----Abbott, Edwin A. [1838-1926]
2    Elfquest, books 1-4 [graphic novels] -----Pini, Wendy & Richard
2    Earthlight [1955] [conflict on the moon] -----Clarke, Arthur C[harles] [1917- ]
2    Dragonsinger -----McCaffrey, Anne [Inez] [1926- ]
2    Dragonquest [1970] -----McCaffrey, Anne [Inez] [1926- ]
2    Dorsai! [1960] [novelizatiion of The genetic general] - [future history] -----Dickson, Gordon R[upert] [1923- ]
2    Don't Bite the Sun -----Lee, Tanith [1947- ]
2    Demon Breed [1968] [interplanetary war] -----Schmitz, James H. [1911- ]
2    Deathbird Stories [1975] [col.] -----Ellison, Harlan [1934- ]
2    Damiano's Lute [historical fantasy] -----MacAvoy, R. A.
2    Dahlgren [1974] [post-catastrophe] -----Delany, Samuel R[ay] [1942- ]
2    Conan the Barbarian [1955] [sword & sorcery] -----Howard, Robert E[rvin] [1906-1936]
2    Citizen of the Galaxy [1957] [rite of passage, future society] -----Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]
2    Camp Concentration [1972] [intelligence, psychology] -----Disch, Thomas M[ichael]
2    Brave New World [1932] [dystopia] -----Huxley, Aldous [1894-1963]
2    Brain Wave [1954] [effects of increased intelligence] -----Anderson, Poul [William] [1926- ]
2    Bolo [robots at war] -----Laumer, Keith [1925- ]
2    Blue Adept [1981] -----Anthony, Piers [nee Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob] [1934- ]
2    Berserker [1967] [col.] [killer robots] -----Saberhagen, Fred [Thomas] [1930- ]
2    Armageddon 2419 AD [1962] [original Buck Rogers] -----Nowlan, Phillip Francis [1887-1940]
2    All the Myriad Ways [1971] [col.] -----Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ]
2    Agent of Vega [1960] [col.] [adventure] -----Schmitz, James H. [1911- ]
2    A Wizard of Earthsea [juvenile, magic, rite of passage] -----Le Guin, Ursula K[roeber] [1929- ]
2    A Princess of Mars [1917] -----Burroughs, Edgar Rice [1875-1950]
2    A Midsummer Tempest [scientific magic, Shakespearean overtones] -----Anderson, Poul [William] [1926- ]
2    A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows -----Anderson, Poul [William] [1926- ]
2    A Gift from Earth [1968] [organ banks, colonization] -----Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ]
2    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea [1870] -----Verne, Jules [Gabriel] [1828-??]

Here is the full List as it stands right now - i'd appreciate any
"bug reports" - misspellings/misdatings/misclassifications/inaccuracies etc.
please send MAIL with a header containing the words "Poll Errata" or something
like that (so as to distinguish it from a vote). If you also want to vote
please submit a separate letter. Note that it's easier to edit this file and
just delete the ones you don't want, however this tends to make for inflation,
try and exercise some restraint hmm? Thanx.

Some Explanation of cryptic symbols:

nee - (frence) born - meaning "normal name" (eg see Anthony or Wyndham)
as - meaning the work was written under a pseudonym and it is... (see Kuttner)
/ - the previous name is a shortening or a made up name for the following
    (eg see Niven or Norton etc)
also in series - part of the logical work but either too new or not yet
    published or most people didnt like it (eg see Douglas Adams and Asimov)
aka - also known as - meaning that the work has appeared under alternate
    titles (usually retitled for UK (or US) version or if from an earlier
    set of stories in the magazines etc.) (eg see Bester, Clarke etc)
col - this work is a collection of short stories by the author
ed - this work is a collection of short stories edited by the author
trans - the author was only the translator of the work cited
Hugo - this work won a Hugo
Nebula - this work won a Nebula
JWC - this work won a John W. Campbell Award
BFA - this work won the British Fantasy Award
ADFA=BFA - this work won the BFA prior to 1976 (it used to be called the
    August Derleth Fantasy Award)
WFA - this work won the World Fantasy Award
Abbey, Lynn
    Daughter of the Bright Moon [1979] [sword & sorcery]
    The Black Flame [1980] [sequel to Daughter of the Bright Moon]
Abbott, Edwin A. [1838-1926]
    Flatland [1884] [as A. Square] [mathemathical fantasy] (2)
Adams, Douglas [1952- ]
    The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy: [humour, philosophy] (5)
    	The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy [1979] (5)
    	The Restaurant at the End of the Universe [1980]
    	Life, the Universe and Everything [1982]
    	[also in series..]
    	So Long and Thanks for All the Fish [1984]
Adams, Richard [1920- ]
    Watership Down [fantasy, nature, sentient animal protagonists]
Aldiss, Brian W[ilson] [1925- ]
    Barefoot in the Head [1969]
    Hothouse [1962] [novelization of eponymous novella - Hugo 1962]
    The Helliconia Trilogy: [interesting world, complex society]
    	Helliconia Spring [1982]
    	Helliconia Summer [1983]
    	Helliconia Winter [not yet published]
Alexander, Lloyd [1924- ]
    The Chronicles of Prydain: [juvenile, welsh mythology]
    	The Book of Three [1964]
    	The Black Cauldron [1965]
    	The Castle of Llyr [1966]
    	Taran Wanderer [1967]
    	The High King [1968]
Anderson, Poul [William] [1926- ]
    Works From the Polesotechnic Empire Series:
    	The Van Rijn Stories: [adventure, interstellar trader]
    		War of the Wing Men [1958] 
    		Trader to the Stars [1964]
    		The Trouble Twisters [1966]
    		Satan's World [1969]
    		Mirkheim [1977]
    	The Flandry Stories: [space secret agent]
    		We Claim these Stars [1959]
    		Earthman Go Home! [1960]
    		Mayday Orbit [1961]
    		Ensign Flandry [1966]
    		Flandry of Terra [1965]
    		Agent of the Terran Empire
    		A Stone in Heaven
    		A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows (2)
    		[also in series....]
    		The Game of Empire [1985] [flandry's daughter]
    	The People of the Wind
    	A Circus of Hells
    	The Rebel Worlds
    	The Day of Their Return
    	Let the Spacemen Beware
    Brain Wave [1954] [effects of increased intelligence] (2)
    Operation Chaos [scientific magic, alternate fantasy world] (4)
    Tau Zero [1970] [hard science, interstellar ship] (3)
    The Broken Sword [1954]  [scandanavian mythology] (2)
    A Midsummer Tempest [scientific magic, Shakespearean overtones] (2)
    The High Crusade [1960] [fantasy, medieval crusaders in space] (2)
    There Will be Time [time travel]
    The Night Face
    Three Hearts and Three Lions [1953] [alternate fantasy world]
    Fire Time
    Tomorrow's Children
    Hrolf Kraki's Saga [1973] [ADFA=BFA 1974] [historical fantasy, scandanavian mythology]
Anderson, Poul [William] [1926- ] & Broxon, Mildred Downey [1944- ]
    The Demon of Scattery [fantasy, scandanavian mythology]
Anderson, Poul [William] [1926- ] & Dickson, Gordon R. [1923- ]
    Earthman's Burden [1957] [col.] [humour]
Anthony, Piers [nee Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob] [1934- ]
    Macroscope [1969] [hard science, cosmic adventure, ftl communication] (8)
    The Incarnations of Immortality Series: (2)
    	On a Pale Horse [1983]
    	Bearing an Hourglass
    	With a Tangled Skein
    	Wielding a Red Sword
    	Being a Green Mother
    The Xanth Series: [fantasy, humour]
    	A Spell for Chameleon [1977] [BFA 1977] (3)
    	The Source of The Magic
    	Castle Roogna [1979]
    	Centaur Isle [1981]
    	Ogre, Ogre [1982]
    	Night Mare [1982]
    	Dragon on a Pedestal
    	Crewel Lye [1984]
    The Apprentice Adept Trilogy:
    	Split Infinity [1980] (2)
    	Blue Adept [1981] (2)
    	Juxtaposition [1982]
    The Biography of a Space Tyrant Series: [space opera]
    	Refugee [1983]
    	Mercenary [1984]
    	Politician [1985]
    The Battle Circle Trilogy: [post-holocaust] (2)
    	Sos the Rope [1968]
    	Var the Stick [1972]
    	Neq the Sword [1975]
    The Cluster Trilogy: [cosmic adventure]
    	Cluster [1977]
    	Chaining the Lady [1978]
    	Kirlian Quest [1978]
Arnold, Edwin [Lester] [1857-1935]
    Lieut. Gulliver Jones [1905] [aka Gulliver of Mars] [sword & sorcery, precursor of ERB]
Asimov, Isaac
    The Foundation Trilogy: [Hugo 1966] [sociology, future history, galactic empire] (22)
    	Foundation [1951]
    	Foundation and Empire [1952]
    	Second Foundation [1953]
    	[also in series...]
    	Foundation's Edge [1982] (6)
    The Positronic Robot Stories: [robots]
    	I, Robot [1950] [laws of robotics] (11)
    	The Rest of the Robots
    The Robot Detective Stories: [robots, detective mystery]
    	The Caves of Steel [1954] [underground cities] (3)
    	The Naked Sun [1957]
    	Robots of Dawn [1983]
    The Galactic Empire Novels:
    	The Stars Like Dust [1951]
    	The Currents of Space [1952]
    	Pebble In The Sky [1950]
    The End of Eternity [1955] (3)
    Buy Jupiter and Other Stories [1975] [col.]
    The Gods Themselves [1972] [Hugo 1973] [Nebula 1972] (2)
Asprin, Robert L[ynn] [1946- ]
    The Myth Adventures Series: [humour, many worlds, magic] (4)
    	Another Fine Myth [1978] (3)
    	Myth Conceptions [1980]
    	Myth Directions
    	Hit or Myth
    	Myth-ing Persons
    The Thieves World Series: [ed.] [fantasy, sword & sorcery]
    	Thieves World (2)
    	Tales of the Vulgar Unicorn [1980]
    	Shadows of Sanctuary [1981]
    	Storm Season [1982]
    	The Face of Chaos [1983] [with Lynn Abbey]
    Cold Cash War
    The Bug Wars
Ballard, J[ames] G[raham] [1930- ]
    The Crystal World [slow crystallization of all organic material]
Bass, T. J.
    Half Past Human [1971]
    The Godwhale [1974] [sequel to Half Past Human]
Baum, Frank L[yman] [1856-1919]
    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz [1900] [juvenile]
Beagle, Peter S[oyer] [1939- ]
    The Last Unicorn [1968] [fantasy] (3)
    A Fine and Private Place [1958] [fantasy romance]
Bellairs, John [1938- ]
    The Face in the Frost [1969] [fantasy]
Benford, Gregory
    Timescape [1980] [hard science, ftl communication] (2)
Bensen, D. R.
    The Unknown [ed.]
Bester, Alfred [1913- ]
    The Stars My Destination [1956] [aka Tiger, Tiger!] [teleportation, interplanetary war] (13)
    The Demolished Man [1953] [Hugo 1953] [telepathy, murder mystery] (12)
    The Computer Connection
Biggle, Lloyd, Jr. [1923- ]
    The Still, Small Voice of Trumpets [1968] [musically oriented]
    All the Colors of Darkness [1964]
    Silence is Deadly
    The Whirligig of Time
    Monument [sociology]
Bishop, Michael
    Light Years or Dark [ed.]
Blish, James [Benjamin] [1921-1975]
    Cities In Flight [anti-gravity, future history, space opera] (5)
    	They Shall Have Stars [1957]
      	A Life for the Stars [1962]
      	Earthman, Come Home [1955]
    	The Triumph of Time [1958]
    The Notional "After Such Knowledge" "Trilogy":
    	Doctor Mirabilis [historical Roger Bacon]
    	Black Easter [horror, satanic power]
    	The Day After Judgement [1971] [sequel to Black Easter]
    	A Case of Conscience  [1958] [Hugo 1959] [religion] (5)
    The Seedling Stars [1956] [col.] [genetic engineering]
Boucher, Anthony [nee William Anthony Parker White]
    The Compleat Werewolf [1969] [col.]
Bova, Ben[jamin] [William] [1923- ]
    The Duelling Machine [1971]
Boyd, John [nee Boyd Bradfield Upchurch] [1919- ]
    The Last Starship from Earth [1968] [racial problems, eugenics]
    The Doomsday Gene
Brackett, Leigh [Douglas]
    The Long Tomorrow [1955] [holocaust leads to reactionary regime]
    The Eric John Stark of Mars Series: [sword & sorcery]
    	The Secret of Sinharat [1964]
    	People of the Talisman [1964]
    	The Sword of Rhiannon [1953]
    	The Book of Skaith:
    		The Ginger Star [1974]
    		The Hounds of Skaith [1974]
    		The Reavers of Skaith [1976]
Bradbury, Ray[mond] [Douglas] [1920- ]
    Fahrenheit 451 [1953] [censorship] (6)
    The Martian Chronicles [1950] [col.] [colonization, first contact] (3)
    The Illustrated Man [1951] [col.] (2)
    Something Wicked This Way Comes (2)
    Dandelion Wine
Bradley, Marion [Eleanor] Zimmer [1930- ]
    The Mists of Avalon [1982] [fantasy, retelling of Arthurian cycle] (3)
    The Darkover Series: [fantasy/sf] (4)
    	Darkover Landfall [1972]
    	Stormqueen! [1978]
    	The Shattered Chain [1976]
    	The Spell Sword [1974]
    	The Forbidden Tower [1977]
    	The Winds of Darkover [1970]
    	Star of Danger [1965]
    	The Bloody Sun [1964]
    	The Heritage of Hastur [1975]
    	The Sword of Aldones [1962]
    	The Planet Savers [1962]
    	The World Wreckers [1971]
    	[from here on the order is unknown..]
    	Two to Conquer [1980]
    	The Door through Space [1961]
    	The Falcons of Narabedla [1964]
    	Thendara House [1983] (2)
    	City of Sorcery [1984]
    	Sharra's Exile [1981] [complete rewrite of one of the above]
    	Hunters of the Red Moon
    	[these stories are written with "The Friends of Darkover"]
    	The Keeper's Price [1980]
    	Sword of Chaos [1982]
Bradshaw, Gillian
    The Hawk of May Trilogy:
    	Hawk of May
    	Kingdom of Summer
    	Winter's Shadow
Brin, David, Ph.D. [1950- ]
    Startide Rising [1983] [Hugo 1983] [Nebula 1983] [hard science, dolphin intelligence, contact] (22)
    Sundiver [1980] [mystery, dolphin intelligence, contact] (14)
    The Practice Effect [1984] [alternate universe, humour] (3)
Brown, Fredric [William] [1906-1972]
    Martians, Go Home [1955] [humour, martian invasion] (3)
    What Mad Universe [1949] [humour, alternate universe]
    Honeymoon in Hell [1958] [col.] [humour]
    Nightmares and Geezenstacks [1961] [col.] [humour]
Broxson, M.D.
    Too Long a Sacrifice
Brunner, John [Kilian Houston] [1934- ]
    Stand on Zanzibar [1968] [Hugo 1969] [overpopulation, sociology] (13)
    The Sheep Look Up [1972] [ecological disaster] (10)
    The Shockwave Rider [1975] [computers, networks] (10)
    The Tides of Time [1984]
    The Crucible of Time [1982] [development of an alien race]
    The Traveller in Black [col.] [fantasy] (2)
    A Planet of Your Own
    The Stone That Never Came Down
    The Squares of the City [sociology, city planning]
    Times Without Number [1962] [alternate history]
    The Whole Man [1964] [aka The Telepathist] (2)
    The Jagged Orbit [1969]
Brust, Steven [K. Zoltan]
    The Vlad Taltos Books: [scientific magic] (7)
    	Jhereg [1983] (2)
    	Yendi [1984]
    To Reign in Hell [mythology, religion] [1984] (2)
Budrys, Algi[rda]s [Jonas] [1931- ]
    Who? [1958] [mystery]
    Rogue Moon [1960] [teleportation, rite of passage]
    Michaelmas (2)
Burgess, Anthony [1917- ]
    A Clockwork Orange [1962] [linguistics, dystopia, violence]
Burkett, William R.
    Sleeping Planet [invasion of earth]
Burroughs, Edgar Rice [1875-1950]
    The Mars Series: [fantasy, sword & sorcery]
    	A Princess of Mars [1917] (2)
    	The Gods of Mars [1918]
    	The Warlord of Mars [1919]
    	Thuvia, Maid of Mars [1920]
    	Chessmen of Mars [1922]
    	The Mastermind of Mars [1928]
    	A Fighting Man of Mars [1931]
    	Swords of Mars [1936]
    	Synthetic Men of Mars [1940]
    	Llana of Gathol [1948] [col.]
    	John Carter of Mars [1964] [col.]
    The Venus Series:
    	Pirates of Venus [1934]
    	Lost on Venus [1934]
    	Carson of Venus [1939]
    	Escape on Venus [1946]
    The Pellucidar Series: [fantasy, hollow earth]
    	At the Earth's Core [1922]
    	Pellucidar [1923]
    	Tanar of Pellucidar [1930]
    	Tarzan at the Earth's Core [1930]
    	Back to the Stone Age [1936]
    	Land of Terror [1944]
    	Savage Pellucidar [1963]
Burton, Richard Francis
    Arabian Nights [trans.]
Busby, F.M.
    All Those Earths
Cabell, James Branch [1879-1958]
    The Silver Stallion [1926]
Campbell, John W[ood] [Jr.] [1910-1971]
    The Arcot, Wade and Morey Stories: [space opera]
    	The Black Star Passes [1953]
    	Islands of Space [1956]
    	Invaders from the Infinite [1961]
    Astounding Tales of Space and Time [ed.] [1957]
    The Cloak of Aesir [1952] [col.]
    Who Goes There? [1948] [col.]
    The Mightiest Machine [1947] [space opera]
    Incredible Planet [1949] [sequel to The Mightiest Machine]
Campbell, Ramsey
    To Wake the Dead [1980] [BFA 1980]
Capek, Karel [1890-1938]
    R.U.R. [Rossum's Universal Robots] [1920] [a play]
    War with the Newts [1939] [humour]
Card, Orson Scott
    SongMaster [politics] (3)
    Ender's Game  [the novella]
    Hart's Hope [literate fantasy]
Carr, Terry
    The Best Science Fiction of the Year Vols. 1-? [ed.]
Chaykin, Howard
    American Flagg!: Hard Times  [graphic novel]
Chalker, Jack L.
    The Soul Rider Trilogy:
    	Spirits of Flux and Anchor
    	Empires of Flux and Anchor
    	Masters of Flux and Anchor
    The Four Lords of the Diamond Tetralogy:
    	Lilith: A Snake in the Grass [1981]
    	Cerberus: A Wolf in the Fold
    	Charon: A Dragon at the Gate
    	Medusa: A Tiger by the Tail [1983]
    And the Devil Will Drag You Under [1979] [artificial worlds, scientific magic]
    Midnight at the Well of Souls [1977] [artificial worlds] [first in Well World series] (2)
Chant, Joy [1945- ]
    The Grey Mane of Morning [1979] [fantasy]
    Red Moon and Black Mountain [1970]
    When Voiha Wakes [fantasy]
Cherryh, C.J.
    The Faded Sun Trilogy: [adventure, politics] (2)
    Downbelow Station [politics, revolution, aliens] (4)
    The Dreamstone [celtic mythos, sword & sorcery] (2)
    The Tree of Swords and Jewels [sequel to The Dreamstone] (2)
    Gate of Iverel [1976] [science fantasy]
    Well of Shiuan [science fantasy]
    Fires of Azeroth [science fantasy]
    The Pride of Chanur [first contact]
    Mechanter's Luck
    Brothers of Earth [indepth portrayal of aliens]
Christopher, John [nee Christopher Sam Youd] [1922- ]
    No Blade of Grass [1956] [aka The Death of Grass] [end of the world through biology]
Clarke, Arthur C[harles] [1917- ]
    Childhood's End [1953] [maturing of human race, aliens] (18)
    Rendezvous with Rama [1973] [Hugo 1974] [Nebula 1973] [JWC 1973?] [first contact, hard science] (15)
    The City and the Stars [1953]  [aka Against the Fall of Night] [future evolution of man] (9)
    2001: A Space Odyssey [1968] (8)
    A Fall of Moondust [1961] [hard science, rescue on the moon] (3)
    The Fountains of Paradise [1978] (3)
    The Deep Range [1957] [undersea farming] (3)
    Earthlight [1955] [conflict on the moon] (2)
    The Lion of Commare
    Tales from the White Hart [1957] [col.] [humour]
    The Nine Billion Names of God [1967] [col.]
Clement, Hal [nee Harry Clement Stubbs] [1922- ]
    Mission of Gravity [1954] [classic hard science, aliens] (10)
    Needle [1950] [alien virus, detective story, symbiosis] (3)
Clifton, Mark [1906-1963] & Riley, Frank
    They'd Rather Be Right [1955] [Hugo 1955]
Cogswell, Theodore R[ose] [1918]
    The Wall Around the World [space opera] [col.]
Collier, John
    Fancies and Goodnights
    His Monkey Wife
Coney, Michael G.
    The Jaws that Bite, the Claws that Catch
Cooper, Susan [1935- ]
    The Dark is Rising Sequence: [juvenile, fantasy, welsh mythology]
    	Over Sea, Under Stone [1965]
    	The Dark is Rising
    	The Grey King
    	Silver on the Tree
Crowley, John [1942- ]
    Little, Big [fantasy] (2)
    The Deep [1975] [soft sf]
    Beasts [1976] [manipulated evolution of animals, species war]
    Engine Summer [1979] [soft sf]
Daley, Brian
    Requiem for a Ruler of Worlds
Dalmas, John
    The Yngling [post-plague]
Davidson, Avram [1923- ]
    The Phoenix and the Mirror [1966] [fantasy]
Dean, Pamela C. [?Pamela Dyer-Bennet?]
    The Secret Country [1985] [fantasy]
de Camp, L[yon] Sprague [1907- ]
    The Reluctant King Trilogy: [fantasy, humour] (2)
    	The Goblin Tower [1968]
    	The Clocks of Iraz [1971]
    	The Unbeheaded King
    The Queen of Zamba [space opera]
    The Tritonian Ring [1951]
    Lest Darkness Fall [1941] [time travel, alternate history] (3)
    The Best of L. Sprague de Camp [col.]
    The Fallible Fiend [1972] [fantasy, humour]
de Camp, L[yon] Sprague [1907- ] & Pratt, Fletcher
    The Harold Shea Stories: [scientific magic, humour]
    	The Compleate Enchanter  (10)
    		The Incomplete Enchanter [1941]
    			The Roaring Trumpet [1940] [novella]
    			The Mathematics of Magic [1940] [novella]
    		The Castle of Iron [1941]
    	The Wall of Serpents [1960] [aka The Enchanter Compleated]
    		The Wall of Serpents [novella]
    		The Green Magician [novella]
    Land of Unreason [1942] [fantasy, shakespearean]
    Tales from Gavagan's Bar [1953] [tall tales]
Delaney, Joseph H. & Stiegler, Marc
    Valentina: Soul in Sapphire [1984] [ai, Computers, Networks]
Delany, Samuel R[ay] [1942- ]
    The Einstein Intersection [1967] [Nebula 1967] [post-holocaust, allegory] (3)
    Babel-17 [1966] [Nebula 1966] [linguistics] (3)
    Nova [1968] [inter-world relationships] (2)
    Dahlgren [1974] [post-catastrophe] (2)
    The Ballad of Beta-2 [1965] [travelling ark]
de Lint, Charles
    The Riddle of the Wren [1984] [fantasy]
    Moonheart [1984] [fantasy]
del Rey, Lester [nee Ramon Alvarez del Rey] [1915- ]
    Nerves [1956] [nuclear power station incident]
    The Best of Lester Del Rey [col.]
DeWeese & Coulson
    Charles Fort Never Mentioned Wombats
Dick, Philip K[endred] [1928-1984]
    The Man in the High Castle [1962] [Hugo 1963] [alternate history] (5)
    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? [1968] [androids] (4)
    Ubik [1969] (3)
    A Scanner Darkly [1977]
    Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said [1974]
    Martian Time-Slip [1964]
    The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch [1965] [drugs]
Dickson, Gordon R[upert] [1923- ]
    The Childe Cycle of books: [development of human race] (2)
    	Necromancer [1962] [aka No Room for Man]
    	The Dorsai Sequence: (2)
    		Tactics of Mistake [1971] (6)
    		Soldier, Ask Not [1968] [Hugo 1964-novella] [future society, military] (4)
    		Dorsai! [1960] [novelizatiion of The genetic general] - [future history] (2)
    			The Spirit of Dorsai [1979] [future history]
    			Lost Dorsai [1980] [future history]
    	The Final Encyclopedia
    The Alien Way [1965] [aliens, psi]
    None But Man
    Wolfling [1968]
    Time Storm [messiah, psychology]
    The Dragon and the George [ADFA=BFA 1976] [light hearted fantasy]
Disch, Thomas M[ichael]
    Camp Concentration [1972] [intelligence, psychology] (2)
Donaldson, Steven R.
    The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant: [1978] [BFA 1978] [grim fantasy]
    	Chronicles Part I: [1977] (6)
    		Lord Foul's Bane
    		The Illearth War
    		The Power that Preserves (2)
    	Chronicles Part II:
    		The Wounded Land [1980]
    		The One Tree [1982]
    		The White Gold Wielder [1983] (2)
Duane, Diane
    The Tales of the Five: [fantasy] (3)
    	The Door into Fire (2)
    	The Door into Shadow (2)
    So You Want to Be a Wizard [juvewnile] (3)
    Deep Wizardry [sequel to So You Want To Be a Wizard]
Dunsany, Lord [The 18th Baron Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett] [1878-1957]
    The King of Elfland's Daughter [1924] [fantasy] (2)
    The Gods of Pegana, and Associated Tales [1905] [col.]
    The Charwoman's Shadow [1926]
Eddings, David
    The Belgariad Pentalogy: [fantasy, sword & sorcery, epic] (5)
    	Pawn of Prophecy [1982]
    	Queen of Sorcery [1982]
    	The Magician's Gambit [1983]
    	Castle of Wizardry [1984]
    	Enchanter's Endgame [1984]
Eddison, E[ric] R[ucker] [1882-1945]
    The Worm Ourobouros [1922]
    The Zimiamvian Trilogy:
    	The Mezentian Gate [1958]
    	A Fish Dinner at Memison [1941]
    	Mistress of Mistresses [1935]
Edmondson, C. G.
    The Ship Who Sailed The Time Stream
Effinger, George Alec
    The Wolves of Memory
Ellison, Harlan [1934- ]
    Dangerous Visions [ed.] [1967] [best 60's "new wave" sf] (4)
    Again, Dangerous Visions [ed.] [1972] [best 70's "new wave" sf] (3)
    Deathbird Stories [1975] [col.] (2)
    Strange Wine [1978] [col.]
    Paingod and Other Delusions [1965] [col.]
    I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream [1967] [col.] [rage]
    Alone Against Tomorrow - Stories of Alienation in Speculative Fiction [1971] [col.]
Farmer, Philip Jose
    The Riverworld Pentalogy: [eschatology]
    	To Your Scattered Bodies Go [1971] [Hugo 1970] (9)
    	The Fabulous Riverboat [1971]
    	The Dark Design [1977]
    	The Magic Labyrinth [1980]
    	The Gods of the Riverworld
    Riders of the Purple Wage [novella] [Hugo 1968]
    Strange Relations [1960] [sex]
Ford, John
    The Final Reflection [a star trek novel] (4)
    The Dragon Waiting [historical fantasy] (2)
    Web of Angels [computer crime]
Forward, Robert L., Ph.D.
    Dragon's Egg [1980] [hard science, interesting aliens] (11)
    The Flight of the Dragonfly [1984] [hard science]
Foster, Alan Dean
    Orphan Star [a Flinx book]
    The End of the Matter [a Flinx book]
    The Tar-Aiym Krang [1972] [Telepathy, Space Opera, aliens]
    Nor Crystal Tears
    The Spellsinger Tetralogy: [fantasy, alternative universe, magic]
    	The Hour of the Gate [1984]
    	The Day of the Dissonance [1984]
    	The Moment of the Magician [1984]
Foster, M.A.
    The Gameplayers of Zan [1977]
    The Warriors of Dawn [1975]
    The Day of the Klesh [1979]
    Waves [1980]
Gallun, Raymond Z.
    People Minus X
Gardner, John
    Grendel [1971] [Beowulf told from the monster's point of view]
Garner, Alan
    The Weirdstone of Brisingamen [1960] [juvenile, pictish mythology]
    The Moon of Gomrath [1963] [sequel to Weirdstone] [juvenile, celtic mythology]
    Elidor [1965] [juvenile, magic]
    The Owl Service [1967] [juvenile, magic]
Garrett, Randall
    The Lord Darcy Series: [magic, alternate history] (3)
    	Too Many Magicians [1966] [fantasy, murder mystery] (3)
    	Lord Darcy Investigates
Garrett, Randall & Harris, Larry [Phillips, Mark [pseudonym?]????]
    Brain Twister [1962] [psi, humour]
    The Impossibles [1963] [psi, humour]
    Supermind [1963] [psi, humour]
Garrett, Randall & Heydron, Vicki Ann
    The Gandalara Cycle: [fantasy, alternate worlds]
    	The Steel of Raithskar
    	The Glass of Dyskornis
    	The Bronze of Eddarta
    	The Well of Darkness
    	The Search for Ka
    	Return to Eddarta
    	The River Wall [due 1986]
Gerrold, David
    The Man Who Folded Himself [1973] [time travel, paradox]
    Yesterday's Children
    When HARLIE was One [1969] [computers]
    Space Skimmer
Gerrold, David & Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ]
    The Flying Sorcerers [1971] [humour, hard science] (2)
Gibson, William
    Neuromancer [hard science, computers] (4)
Gilliland, Alexis 
    The Rosinante Trilogy:
    	The Pirates of Rosiante [1982]
    	The Revolution from Rosiante
    	Long Shot for Rosiante
Goldman, William
    The Princess Bride [1973] [humourous fantasy] (2)
Goldstein, Lisa
    The Red Magician [fantasy] (2)
Gray, Curme
    Murder in Millenium VI
Gunn, James
    The Magicians
Haggard, [Sir] H[enry] Rider
    Eric Brighteyes [1891]
Haldeman, Joe[seph]
    The Forever War [interstellar war] (13)
    There is no Darkness
Hamilton, Edmond [1904- ]
    Battle for the Stars [1961] [space opera]
    The Star Kings [1949] [space opera]
    The Star of Life [space opera]
Hambly, Barbara
    The Darwath Trilogy: (2)
    	The Time of the Dark
    	The Walls of Air
    	The Armies of Daylight
    The Ladies of Mandrigyn
Hardy, Lyndon
    Master of the Five Magics [1980] [fantasy, magic]
    Master of the Sixth Magic [1984] [fantasy, magic]
Harrison, Harry [1925- ]
    Bill the Galactic Hero [1965] [humour] (4)
    The Deathworld Trilogy: [1976] [hostile planet] (4)
    	Deathworld [1960]
    	Deathworld 2 [1964]
    	Deathworld 3 [1968]
    The Stainless Steel Rat Series: [humour]
    	The Adventures of the Stainless Steel Rat (2)
    		The Stainless Steel Rat [1961] (2)
    		The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge [1970]
    		The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World [1972]
    	The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You!
    	The Stainless Steel Rat For President
    Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers [1973] [burlesque of space opera] (3)
    Space Rats of the CCC [humour]
    One Step From Earth [1972] [teleportation] [ed.???]
    Make Room, Make Room! [1966] [overpopulation]
    The Technicolour Time Machine [1967] [time travel, humour]
Healy, Raymond J[ohn] [1907- ] & McComas J[esse] Francis [1910- ]
    Adventures In Time and Space [ed.] [1946] [early anthology of sf]
Heinlein, Robert A[anson] [1907- ]
    The Moon is a Harsh Mistress [1966] [Hugo 1967] [computers, penal lunar colony revolts] (31)
    Stranger in a Strange Land [1961] [Hugo 1962] [superman, sociology] (15)
    Starship Troopers [1959] [Hugo 1960] [war, politics] (9)
    The Puppet Masters [1951] [alien invasion] (6)
    Double Star [1956] [Hugo 1956] [politics] (3)
    Waldo & Magic, Incorporated [two novellas] [scientific magic] (2)
    Glory Road [1963] [adventure, scientific magic] (2)
    I Will Fear No Evil
    The Door Into Summer (2)
    The stories for juveniles: [juvenile]
    	The Rolling Stones [1952] [aka Space Family Stone] [family space travel] (2)
    	Tunnel in the Sky [survival]
    	Rocket Ship Galileo [1947]
    	Space Cadet [1948]
    	Red Planet [1949]
    	Farmer in the Sky [1950]
    	Time for the Stars [1956]
    	Citizen of the Galaxy [1957] [rite of passage, future society] (2)
    	Starman Jones [1953]
    	Have Spacesuit Will Travel [1958] (2)
    The Future History Series: [future history]
    	The Green Hills of Earth [1947] [col.]
    	The Man Who Sold The Moon [1950]
    	Revolt in 2100 [1953]
    	Methuselah's Children [1958]
    	Orphans of the Sky [1963] [travelling ark]
    	The Past Through Tomorrow [1967] [col.] (2)
    	Time Enough for Love [1973]  (4)
    The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag [1959] [col.]
    Farnham's Freehold [1965] [race war, holocaust]
    Universe [generation spaceship]
    The Star Beast
Henderson, Zenna [1917- ]
    The People Series: [psi aliens on Earth] (2)
    	Pilgrimage: The Book of the People [1961]
    	The People: No Different Flesh [1966]
Herbert, Frank [1920- ]
    Dune [1965] [Hugo 1966] [Nebula 1965] [ecology, superman, esp, war] (25)
    The Dosadi Experiment [1977] [hard science, psychology] (4)
    The Dragon in the Sea [1956] [undersea war, psychological mystery]
    The Jesus Incident
    White Plague
High, Philip
    The Time Mercenaries [interstellar war]
Hodgell, P. C.
    God Stalk [1982] [fantasy] (3)
Hogan, James P[atrick]
    Inherit the Stars trilogy [?????]
    The Two Faces of Tomorrow [1979] [ai] (4)
    Thrice Upon a Time (2)
    Code of the Lifemaker [1983]
    The Genesis Machine [hard science] (2)
    The Gentle Giants of Ganymede [1978]
Holland, C.
    Floating Worlds
Hoover, H.M.
    The Rains of Eridan
Howard, Robert E[rvin] [1906-1936]
    Conan the Barbarian [1955] [sword & sorcery] (2)
Hoyle, [Sir] Fred[erick], F.R.S. [1915- ]
    The Black Cloud [1957] [hard science] (2)
Hubbard, L[a Fayette] Ron[ald] [1911- ]
    Fear [1951] [paranoia]
    Final Blackout [1948] [post-holocaust rise of dictator]
    Typewriter in the Sky [1951] [humour]
    Ole Doc Methuselah [space doctor]
Hughes, Robert Don
    The Pelmen The Powershaper Trilogy:
    	The Prophet of Lamath
    	The Wizard in Waiting
    	The Power and the Prophet
Huxley, Aldous [1894-1963]
    Brave New World [1932] [dystopia] (2)
Ing, Dean
    Systemic Shock (2)
    Single Combat
Kahn, James
    World Enough, and Time [future history]
Kaye, Marvin & Godwin, Parke
    The Masters of Solitude [post-holocaust]
Key, Alexander
    The Forgotten Door [juvenile]
Keyes, Daniel [1927- ]
    Flowers for Algernon [1966] [Hugo 1960-novella] [Nebula 1966] [intelligence] (4)
Kingsley, Donald
    Courtship Rite [sociology]
Knight, Damon [1922- ]
    A for Anything (The People Maker)
    Hell's Pavement [1955] [aka The Analogue Men] [economics, mind control]
    Orbit 1 [1966] [ed.]
Knobel, Philip 
    Mr. Moon  [humour, first contact]
Kornbluth, Cyril M. [1923-1958]
    Best of C. M. Kornbluth [1976] [col.]
Kotzwinkle, William
    Doctor Rat [1977] [WFA 1977]
Kurtz, Katherine [1944- ]
    The Chronicles of The Dernyi: [witchcraft, persecution]
    	Deryni Rising [1970]
    	Dernyi Checkmate [1972]
    	High Deryni [1973]
    The Legends of Camber of Culdi: (2)
    	Camber of Culdi [1976]
    	Saint Camber [1978]
    	Camber the Heretic [1981]
Kuttner, Henry [1915-1958]
    The Best of Henry Kuttner [1975] [col.]
    Fury [1950] [as Lawrence O'Donnell] [rage, immortality, underwater cities]
    Mutant [1953] [as Lewis Padgett] [mutants, esp]
    Robots Have No Tails [1952] [col.] [as Lewis Padgett] [humour, mystery] (2)
Lafferty, R[aphael] A[loysius] [1914- ]
    Nine Hundred Grandmothers [1970] (2)
    Past Master [1968] [utopia]
    Fourth Mansions
Lanier, Sterling E.
    Hiero's Journey [post-holocaust]
    Unforsaken Hiero [sequel to Hiero's Journey]
Laumer, Keith [1925- ]
    The Retief Books: [diplomacy, aliens, humour]
    	Envoy to New Worlds [1965]
    	Galactic Diplomat [1965] [col.]
    	Retief at Large (3)
    	Retief's War (2)
    	Retief: Emissary to the Stars
    Worlds of the Imperium [1962] [alternate worlds] (2)
    The Other Side of Time [1965] [sequel to Worlds of the Imperium]
    Bolo [robots at war] (2)
    Dinosaur Beach (3)
    The Great Time Machine Hoax [humour, time travel]
    The Invaders [1967] [from eponymous TV series]
Lee, Tanith [1947- ]
    Don't Bite the Sun (2)
    The Silver Metal Lover (2)
    Drinking Sapphire Wine
    The Birthgrave Series:
    	The Birthgrave [soft sf] (2)
    	Vazkor, Son of Vazkor
    	Quest for The White Witch
    The Demon Lord Series: [fantasy, occult]
    	Night's Master
    	Death's Master [1979] [BFA 1979]
    	Delusion's Master
Le Guin, Ursula K[roeber] [1929- ]
    The Left Hand of Darkness [1969] [Hugo 1970] [Nebula 1969] [psychology, unusual sex roles] (16)
    The Dispossessed [1974] [Hugo 1975] [Nebula 1974] [allegory, capitalism vs socialism] (9)
    The Lathe of Heaven [1971] [dreams come true] (4)
    The Earthsea Trilogy: (2)
    	A Wizard of Earthsea [juvenile, magic, rite of passage] (2)
    	The Tombs of Atuan [1972]
    	The Farthest Shore
    The Wind's Twelve Quarters
    Rocannon's World [1966] [space opera]
Leiber, Fritz [Reuter, Jr.] [1910- ]
    The Wanderer [1964] [Hugo 1965] [catastrophe] (4)
    Our Lady of Darkness [1978] [WFA 1978] [horror] (2)
    The Big Time [1958] [Hugo 1958] [time warfare, alternate worlds] (3)
    The Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser Series: [sword & sorcery, humour] (2)
    	Swords and Deviltry [1970] [col.] (2)
    	Swords against Death [1970] [col.] (2)
    	Swords in the Mist [1968] [col.]
    	Swords against Wizardry [1968] [col.]
    	The Swords of Lankhmar [1968] [col.] (2)
    	Swords and Ice Magic [1977] [col.]
    Conjure Wife [1943] [witchcraft, horror]
    Gather, Darkness! [1943] [religion]
    The Change War
    A Spectre is Haunting Texas
Leinster, Murray [nee William Fitzgerald Jenkins] [1896-1975]
    The Med Series [col.] [space doctor] (2)
    Destination: Outer Space [1954]
L'Engle, Madeleine
    A Wrinkle in Time [1962] [fantasy, juvenile] (4)
    A Wind in the Door [1973] [fantasy, juvenile]
    A Swiftly Tilting Planet [fantasy, juvenile]
Lem, Stanislaw [1921- ]
    The Cyberiad [1965] [humour] (6)
    The Futurological Congress (2)
    The Star Diaries [1957] (2)
    Mortal Engines [1977] [col.]
    Tales of Pirx the Pilot [1979] [col.]
    The Chain of Chance [1978]
    Memoirs found in a Bathtub [1973]
    Solaris [1961]
    His Master's Voice [1968]
Lewis, C[live] S[taples] [1898-1963]
    The Perelandra Trilogy: [allegory, religion]
    	Out of the Silent Planet [1938]
    	Perelandra [1943] [aka Voyage to Venus]
    	That Hideous Strength [1945]
Longyear, Barry B.
    Elephant Song [unintentional colony]
    Enemy Mine [alien war]
    The Tomorrow Testament [alien war]
Lovecraft, H[oward] P[hillips] [1890-1937]
    The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath [1939] [col.]
Lupoff, Richard A. [1935- ]
    Space War Blues
Lynn, Elizabeth A.
    Sardonyx Net [space, drugs, crime]
    Watchtower [1980] [WFA 1980]
MacAvoy, R. A.
    Tea With the Black Dragon [fantasy, computers, magic] (7)
    Damiano [historical fantasy] (3)
    Damiano's Lute [historical fantasy] (2)
    Raphael [historical fantasy] (2)
McCaffrey, Anne [Inez] [1926- ]
    The Ship Who Sang [1969] [hard science, cyborg, many worlds, psychology] (5)
    The Dragonriders of Pern Trilogy: [soft sf] (5)
    	Dragonflight [1968] (3)
    	Dragonquest [1970] (2)
    	The White Dragon
    The Harper Hall of Pern Trilogy: [soft sf] (3)
    	Dragonsinger (2)
    To Ride Pegasus [psionics]
McCauley, Kirby
    Dark Forces [ed.] [horror]
McIntyre, Vonda N.
    Dreamsnake [hard science, post-holocaust] (6)
McKillip, Patricia A. [1948- ]
    The Riddle-Master Trilogy: [fantasy] (2)
    	The Riddle-Master of Hed
    	Heir of Sea and Fire
    	Harpist in the Wind
    The Forgotton Beasts of Eld [WFA 1975] [fantasy]
McKinley, Robin
    Beauty [1978] [retelling of beauty and the beast] (3)
MacLean, Katherine
    Missing Man [future society]
Mac Rauch, Earl
    Buckaroo Banzai [humour]
Martin, George R.R.
    Sand Kings [col.] [horror fantasy]
Mason, Anita
    The Illusionist
Matheson, Richard [1926- ]
    Bid Time Return [1976] [WFA 1976]
May, Julian
    The Saga of the Pliocene Exile Tetralogy: [time travel, aliens, esp] (3)
    	The Many-Coloured Land [1981] (3)
    	The Golden Torc
    	The Nonborn King
    	The Adversary [1984]
Merritt, A[braham] [1884-1943]
    The Ship of Ishtar [1926]
    The Moon Pool [1919]
    The Face in the Abyss [1931]
Miller, Walter M. Jr. [1923- ]
    A Canticle for Leibowitz [1960] [Hugo 1961] [religion, post-holocaust] (7)
Moorcock, Michael [1939- ]
    The Warhound and the World's Pain (2)
    The Dancers at the End of Time Series: (2)
    	An Alien Heat
    	The Hollow Lands [ADFA=BFA 1976]
    	The End of All Songs
    	The Legends from the End of Time
    	A Messiah at the End of Time
    Behold the Man [novella] [Nebula 1967] [time travel, religion]
    Breakfast in the Ruins [1972]
    The Warlord of the Air
    The Knight of Swords [1971] [ADFA=BFA 1972]
    The King of Swords [1972] [ADFA=BFA 1973]
    The Sword and the Stallion [1974] [ADFA=BFA 1975]
    Gloriana [1979] [WFA 1979] [fantasy]
Moore, C[atherine] L[ucille] [1911- ]
    Best of C. L. Moore [1975] [col.]
    Northwest Smith [space opera]
    Jirel of Joiry [sword & sorcery]
Moore, Ward C. [1903- ]
    Bring the Jubilee [1952] [alternate history]
Morris, William [1834-1896]
    News from Nowhere [1891] [utopia]
    The House of the Wulfings [1889] [fantasy]
    The Wood Beyond the World [1895] [fantasy]
    The Well at the World's End [1896] [fantasy]
    The Water of the Wondrous Isles [1897] [fantasy]
Myers, John Myers 
    Silverlock [1949] [fantasy with characters from literature] (6)
    The Harp and Blade
Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ]
    Works from the Known Space Series: [future history, interesting aliens]
    	Ringworld [1970] [Hugo 1971] [Nebula 1970] [hard science, planetary engineering] (27)
    	Protector [1973] [human origin, hard science] (9)
    	Neutron Star [1968] [col.] [contains eponymous story - Hugo 1967-novella] [hard science] (7)
    	Tales of Known Space [col.] (3)
    	A Gift from Earth [1968] [organ banks, colonization] (2)
    	Inconstant Moon [1971] [novella] [Hugo 1972]
    	Ringworld Engineers [1980] [planetary engineering, hard science] (2)
    	World of Ptavvs [1966] [telepathy, aliens] (3)
    	The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton [1976] [col.] [detective mystery]
    	The Shape of Space
    	The Patchwork Girl
    The Integral Trees [1983] [hard science] (2)
    All the Myriad Ways [1971] [col.] (2)
    Convergent Series [1979] [col.]
Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ] & Barnes, Steven
    The Descent of Anansi
    Dream Park
Niven, Larry [/Laurence Van Cott] [1938- ] & Pournelle, Jerry
    The Mote in God's Eye [1974] [first contact, hard science, war] (23)
    Lucifer's Hammer [1977] [catastrophe] (5)
    Inferno [1975] [fantasy, mythology, retelling of dante's inferno] (3)
    Oath of Fealty [1981]
Norton, Andre [/Alice Mary] [1912- ]
    The Crossroads of Time [1956] [time travel]
    Beast Master [1959] [exploration]
    The Witch World Series: [fantasy]
    	Witch World [1963]
    	Web of the Witch World [1964]
    	Year of the Unicorn [1965] (2)
    	Three Against the Witch World [1965]
    	Warlock of the Witch World [1967]
    	Sorceress of the Witch World [1968]
    	Spell of the Witch World [1972] [col.]
    	The Crystal Gryphon [1972]
    	Gryphon in Glory
    	The Jargoon Pard [1974]
    	The Trey of Swords [col.]
    	Zarsthor's Bane
    	Lore of the Witch World [col.]
Nourse, Alan E[dward] MD. [1928- ]
    Raiders from the Rings
    Star Surgeon [1960]
Nowlan, Phillip Francis [1887-1940]
    Armageddon 2419 AD [1962] [original Buck Rogers] (2)
Oliver, Chad
    The Winds of Time
    Shadows in the Sun
Orwell, George [nee Eric Arthur Blair] [1903-1950]
    1984 [1949] [dystopia, totalitarianism] (3)
Palmer, David R.
    Emergence [1984]
Pangborn, Edgar [1909-1976]
    Davy [1964] [post-holocaust return to medieval times] (5)
    A Mirror for Observers [1954]
Panshin, Alexei
    Rite of Passage [1968] [Nebula 1968] [rite of passage] (9)
    The Anthony Villiers Adventures:
    	Star Well [1968] (2)
    	The Thurb Revolution [1968] (2)
    	Masque World (2)
Paxson, Diana
    Lady of Light
    Lady of Darkness
Peake, Mervyn [Laurence] [1911-1968]
    The Gormenghast Trilogy:
    	Titus Groan [1946]
    	Gormenghast [1950]
    	Titus Alone [1959]
Pierce, Meredith Ann
    The Darkangel [fantasy]
Pini, Wendy & Richard
    Elfquest [fantasy, magic]
    Elfquest, books 1-4 [graphic novels] (2)
Pinkwater, Daniel
    The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death [fun] (2)
Piper, H. Beam [1900-1965????]
    The Little Fuzzy Series: [sympathetic aliens, humour] (3)
    	Little Fuzzy [1962] (8)
    	The Other Human Race [1964]
    	Fuzzy Sapiens (2)
    	Fuzzy Papers
    	Fuzzies and Other People
    Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen [alternate history, military] (6)
    Crisis in 2140 [aka Null-ABC] [literacy]
    Paratime [alternate earths] (2)
    The Cosmic Computer (junkyard planet) [future history, interstellar federation] (3)
    The Space Viking [interstellar war] (2)
    Lone Star Planet [novella ???]
    Four Day Planet [novella ???]
Pohl, Frederik [1919- ]
    The Heechee Trilogy: [near future, alien artifacts] (2)
    	Gateway [1977] (10)
    	Beyond the Blue Event Horizon [1980]
    	Heechee Rendezvous
    Jem [1978]
    Man Plus
Pohl, Frederik [1919- ] & Kornbluth, Cyril M.
    The Space Merchants [1953] [extrapolation, satire on advertising] (6)
    Search the Sky [1954] [colonies, far future]
    Gladiator-at-Law [1955] [extrapolation, satire on business] (3)
    Wolfbane [1959] [invasion, cyborg]
Pohl, Frederik [1919- ] & Williamson, Jack
    The Starchild Trilogy:
    	The Reefs of Space [1964]
    	Starchild [1965]
    	Rogue Star [1969]
Pournelle, Jerry
    Janissaries [military]
    King David's Spaceship [military]
Powers, Tim
    The Anubis Gate
Pratchett, Terry
    The Colour of Magic [fantasy, humour] (2)
Pratt, [Murray] Fletcher [1897-1956]
    Well of the Unicorn [1948] [as George U. Fletcher] [fantasy]
    The Blue Star [1952]
Price, E. Hoffman
    The Jade Enchantress [fantasy, chinese mythology]
Randall, Marta
Robinson, Kim Stanley
    The Wild Shore [1984]
Robinson, Spider
    Callahan's Crosstime Saloon [1977] [humour] (5)
    Mindkiller (2)
    Time Travellers Strictly Cash
    The Best of All Possible Worlds [ed.]
Robinson, Spider & Jeanne
    Stardance (3)
Rosenberg, Joel
    The Guardians of the Flame Series: [fantasy, magic, adventure] (2)
    	The Sleeping Dragon
      	The Sword and the Chain
    	The Silver Crown
Rucker, Rudy
    Software [mind and nature of consciousness]
Russ, Joanna [1937- ]
    And Chaos Died [1970] [psi, lost colony]
Russell, Eric Frank [1905- ]
    The Great Explosion [satire]
    Men, Martians and Machines [1955] [adventure, robots] (4)
    Wasp [1957] [adventure, humour] (2)
    Dreadful Sanctuary [1951] [conspiracy]
    The Space Willies [1958] [humour]
Saberhagen, Fred [Thomas] [1930- ]
    Empire of the East [future history] (4)
    Berserker [1967] [col.] [killer robots] (2)
    Brother Assassin
Schmitz, James H. [1911- ]
    The Witches of Karres [1966] [magic, rites of passage] (8)
    The Lion Game (2)
    Demon Breed [1968] [interplanetary war] (2)
    Agent of Vega [1960] [col.] [adventure] (2)
    The Universe Against Her [1964] [psi]
Shaw, Bob [Robert] [1931- ]
    A Wreath of Stars
Sheckley, R[obert] [1928- ]
    Untouched by Human Hands [1954] [col.]
Sheffield, Charles
    Sight of Proteus
    The Web Between the Worlds [hard science, near future engineering]
Shelley, Mary Godwin [1797-1851]
    Frankenstein: A Modern Prometheus [1817]
Shiras, Wilmar H.
    Children of the Atom [1953] [superior children]
Shute, Nevil [1900-1960]
    On the Beach [1957]
Silverberg, Robert [1936- ]
    The Majipoor Trilogy: [adventure, interspecies relationships, psychology]
    	Lord Valentine's Castle (5)
    	The Majipoor Chronicles
    	Valentine Pontifex
    Tower of Glass [1970] [androids] (2)
    Born with the Dead [1974]
    Dying Inside [1972] [telepathy]
    Son of Man [1971]
    Man in the Maze
    Downward to Earth
    Science Fiction Hall of Fame [ed.] [1970]
    A Time of Changes [1971] [Nebula 1971]
    Shadrach in the Furnace
    Up the Line [1969] [time travel] (2)
    The Man in the Maze
    Nightwings [1969] [Hugo 1970] [earth destroyed by aliens]
Simak, Clifford [1904- ]
    Way Station [1963] [Hugo 1964] [first contact, teleportation] (9)
    City [1952] [future humanity] (6)
    The Goblin Reservation [1968] (3)
    The Big Front Yard [novella] [Hugo 1959]
    The Visitors
Smith, Cordwainer [nee Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger Ph.D.] [1915-1954]
    Nostrilia [1975] [composed of...] [future history, human animals] (6)
    	The Planet Buyer [1964]
    	The Underpeople [1968]
    The Best of Cordwainer Smith [1975] [col.] [human animals, future history] (4)
    The Instrumentality of Mankind [1979] [col.] (2)
    Under Old Earth [1970] [col.]
    Space Lords [1965] [col.]
    Guest of the Three Worlds [1966] (2)
    You Will Never Be the Same [1963] [col.]
Smith, E[dward] E[lmer], Ph.D. [1890-1965]
    The Lensman Series: [classic space opera] (11)
    	Triplanetary [1948]
    	First Lensman [1950]
    	Galactic Patrol [1950]
    	Gray Lensman [1951]
    	Second Stage Lensman [1953]
    	Children of the Lens [1954]
    	The Vortex blaster [1960] [?aka Masters of the Vortex?]
    The Skylark Series: [space opera] (3)
    	The Skylark of Space [1946] (2)
    	Skylark Three [1948]
    	Skylark of Valeron [1949]
    	Skylark DuQuesne [1965]
Smith, George O[liver] [1911- ]
    Venus Equilateral [1947] [interplanetary communications, techies] [col.] (2)
Spinrad, Norman [Richard] [1940- ]
    The Iron Dream [alternate history]
    Bug Jack Barron [1969] [cryogenics, politics]
    Destiny Times Three/Riding the Torch
Springer, Nancy
    The White Hart [fantasy, magic, celtic mythology]
Stapledon, William Olaf [1886-1950]
    Last and First Men [1930] [future history of man]
    Star Maker [1937] [history of everything!, philosophy]
    Odd John [1935] [superhumans, utopia]
    Sirus [1944] [intelligent dog, interspecies (human/dog) relationship]
Stasheff, Christopher
    The Warlock in Spite of Himself [fantasy] (4)
    Escape Velocity
Stewart, G. R.
    Earth Abides [disaster, post-holocaust]
Stoker, [A]Bra[ha]m [1847-1912]
    Dracula [1897]
Sturgeon, Theodore [nee Edward Hamilton Waldo] [1918-1985]
    More Than Human [1953] [symbiosis, group mind] (5)
    Venus Plus X [1960] [utopia, sex]
    The Worlds of Theodore Sturgeon [1972] [col.]
    The Stars are the Styx [col.]
Sucharitkul, Somtow
    The Aquiliad [humour, alternate reality]
SFWA [Science Fiction Writers of America]
    Science Fiction Hall of Fame [vol 1,2A,2B,3] [eds.]
Tate, Peter
    Moon on an Iron Meadow
Tepper, Sheri S.
    The True Game Trilogy: [fantasy]
    	Kings Blood Four [1983]
    	Necromancer Nine [1983]
    	Wizards Eleven [1984]
    The Revenants [fantasy]
Tenn, W.
    Of Men and Monsters
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel [1892-1973]
    The Chronicles of Middle Earth: [fantasy, epic mythology]
    	The Silmarillion [1977]
    	Unfinished Tales
    	The Hobbit [1937] [juvenile] (6)
    	The Lord of the Rings: [epic fantasy, quest, linguistics] (26)
    		The Fellowship of the Ring [1954]
    		The Two Towers [1954]
    		The Return of the King [1955]
Tucker, [Arthur] Wilson [1914- ]
    The Year of the Quiet Sun [1970] [time travel, race war]
    The Long Loud Silence [1952] [post-holocaust]
Twain, Mark [nee Samuel Langhorne Clemens]
    A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court [1889] [satire, Arthurian cycle]
Vance, Jack [/John Holbrook] [1916- ]
    The Planet of Adventure Series: [adventure]
    	City of the Chasch [1968]
    	Servants of the Wankh [1969]
    	The Dirdir [1969]
    	The Pnume [1970]
    The Demon Princes Series: [future civilization] (3)
    	Star King [1964] [revenge]
    	The Killing Machine [1964]
    	The Palace of Love [1967]
    The Durdane Trilogy:
    	The Anome [1971]
    	The Brave Free Men [1972]
    	The Asutra [1973]
    The Alastor Cluster Series: [gambling]
    	Trullion: Alastor 2262 [1973]
    	Marune: Alastor 993 [1975]
    	Wyst: Alastor 1716
    The Dying Earth Series: [far future, magic]
    	The Dying Earth [1950] [col.] (11)
    	Eyes of the Overworld [1966] [more Cugel]
    	Cugel's Saga [1983] [sequel to The Dying Earth]
    The Last Castle [novella] [Hugo 1967] [Nebula 1966?] (2)
    The Face (2)
    The Book of Dreams (2)
    The Dragon Masters [1963] [genetics] [Hugo 1963] [novella?]
    Big Planet [1957] [survival on a large planet]
    The Languages of Pao [linguistics]
    The Moon Moth
    Lyonesse, Book I: Suldrun's Garden
van Vogt, A[lfred] E[lton] [1912- ]
    Slan [1946] [supermen] (4)
    The Weapon Shop Series: [supermen]
    	The Weapon Shops of Isher [1951] (3)
    	The Weapon Makers [1946]
    The Null-A Series: [space opera, supermen] (2)
    	The World of Null-A [1948] (2)
    	The Players of Null-A [1956] [?aka The Pawns of Null-A?]
    The Voyage of the Space Beagle [1950] [adventure] (2)
    Mission to the Stars
    Destination Universe [1952] [col.]
    The Mixed Men [1952]
    More than Superhuman
    The Silkie [1969]
Varley, John
    The Persistence of Vision [col.] (10)
    The Ophiuchi Hotline (4)
    The Titan Series: [world as organism] (2)
    	Titan [1979] (4)
    The Barbie Murders (3)
Verne, Jules [Gabriel] [1828-??]
    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea [1870] (2)
Vinge, Joan D.
    The Snow Queen [1980] [alien civilization, anthropology] (4)
    World's End [sequel to Snow Queen]
Vinge, Vernor
    True Names [computers] (3)
Vonnegut, Kurt Jr. [1922- ]
    Cat's Cradle [1963] [end of the world] (3)
    Slaughterhouse-5 [1969] [sardonic satire, time travel] (2)
    The Sirens of Titan [1959] [space opera satire]
    Player Piano [1952] [satire, dystopia]
Wagner, Karl Edward  [1945- ]
    The Kane Stories: [grim fantasy, bloodshed, magic]
    	Darkness Weaves with Many Shades
    	Death Angel's Shadow
    	Dark Crusade
    	Night Winds
Walton, Evangeline [1907- ]
    The Mabinogi Series: [fantasy, celtic mythology based on the Mabinogion]
    	The Prince of Annwn [1974]
    	The Children of Llyr [1971]
    	The Song of Rhiannon [1972]
    	The Island of the Mighty [1970] [aka The Virgin and the Swine]
Waters, T. A.
    Center Force
Weinbaum, Stanley G[rauman] [1900-1935]
    A Martian Odyssey [1934] [aliens] [appears in Best of Stanley G. Weinbaum]
Wells, Herbert George, B.Sc. D.Litt. [1866-1946]
    The Time Machine [1895] [classic time travel, sociology] (9)
    The War of The Worlds [1898] [classic alien invasion] (6)
    The Invisible Man [1897]
    The Island of Dr. Moreau [1896] [nature of humanity, allegory]
    When the Sleeper Wakes [1899] [sociology, dystopia]
    First Men in the Moon [1901]
White, James [1928- ]
    The Sector General Series: (2)
    	Hospital Station [1962]
    	Star Surgeon [1963]
White, T[erence] H[anbury] [1906-1964]
    The Arthurian Stories:
    	The Once and Future King [1958] [reworked version of..] [fantasy, arthurian cycle]
    		The Sword in the Stone [1938] [juvenile]
    		The Illmade Knight [1940]
    		The Witch in the Wood [1939]
    	The Book of Merlyn
Wilhelm, Kate [1928- ]
    Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang [1976] [post-holocaust, cloning] (4)
Williamson, Jack [/John Stewart, Ph.D.] [1908- ]
    The Humanoids [1949] [robots]
    The Legion of Space [1934] [space opera]
    The Cometeers [1950] [sequel to The Legion of Space]
    The Legion of Time [1952]
    Darker Than You Think [1940] [horror]
    The SeeTee books: [as Will Stewart] [antimatter]
    	SeeTee Ship [1951]
    	SeeTee Shock [1950]
Wilson, Robert Anton & Shea, Robert J.
    The Illuminatus! Trilogy: [conspiracy theories, humour] (2)
    	The Eye in the Pyramid [1975]
    	The Golden Apple
Wolfe, Gene
    The Book of the New Sun Tetralogy: [soft sf, world creation] (15)
    	The Shadow of the Torturer [1980] [WFA 1981] [BSF 1982]
    	The Claw of the Conciliator [Nebula 1982]
    	The Sword of the Lictor
    	The Citadel of the Autarch
    The Fifth Head of Cerberus [1972] [col.] (2)
    The Devil in a Forest [1976]
    Free Live Free
Wrede, Patricia C.
    The Seven Towers
    Talking to Dragons [juvenile, fantasy]
Wrightson, Patricia
    The Ice is Coming [fantasy]
Wylie, P. and Balmer, E.
    When Worlds Collide [early disaster novel]
Wyndham, John [nee John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris] [1903-1969]
    The Midwich Cuckoos [1957] (4)
    The Day of the Triffids [1951] [catastrophe] (5)
    Rebirth [1955] [aka The Chrysalids] (2)
    Out of the Deeps [1953] [aka The Kraken Wakes] (2)
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn [1942- ]
    Hotel Transylvania [first in the Count de Saint-Germain Series] [occult, historical]
Yolen, Jane
    Dragon's Blood [fantasy]
Zelazny, Roger [1937- ]
    Lord of Light [1967] [Hugo 1968] [superhumans, mythology, religion] (16)
    Creatures of Light and Darkness [1969] (6)
    This Immortal [1965] [Hugo 1966] [aka And call me Conrad] [immortal superman] (6)
    The Chronicles of Amber Pentalogy: [alternate magic worlds] (6)
    	Nine Princes in Amber [1970] (6)
    	The Guns of Avalon [1972]
    	Sign of the Unicorn [1975]
    	The Hand of Oberon [1976]
    	The Courts of Chaos [1978]
    	[also in series....]
    	Trumps of Doom
    The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth [1971] [col.] (5)
    Doorways in the Sand [1976] (3)
    My Name is Legion
    Roadmarks [1979] [time travel] (3)
    Jack of Shadows [1971] [alternate earth, magic, superman] (3)
    Isle of the Dead [1969]
    The Last Defender of Camelot
    Unicorn Variations
    Four for Tomorrow [1967] [col.]
Zimmer, Paul Edwin
    The Lost Prince
    King Chondos' Ride
Gregory J.E. Rawlins, Department of Computer Science, U. Waterloo