[net.micro.atari16] SUBJECT


All those calls for a "faster" development language may be answered
by a new english product - FaST Basic, a good structured basic which
comes complete with a macro assembler, and Pascalish (anyone come across
BBC basic ??) Basic. It is supplied as a cartridge (answer to questions about
whether cartridges ever worked) and a couple of discs with demos, libraries
etc.. A multi window editor/run environment is included, and you can get
to gem in either a very high level way, or at the standard gem interface.

It is pretty damn fast : benchmarks  (pcw - English mags std bmrks)
        average -       PC AT (8Mhz)     6.8 secs
                        Commodore 128    40.1 secs
                        520 ST           1.9 secs

all sorts of fancy debugging facilities are available, and it has double precis
maths for anyone who needs it.

all in all it is a pretty good product. (and I dont have anything to do with
the company)
            available from    Computer Concepts
                              Gaddesden Place
                              Hemel Hempstead HP2 7EH

                              tel : 0442 63937 (inside england)

I believe they take orders by phone as well, educational discounts
may be arranged. Price is ninety pounds (english) .

                    Richard "build a better mousetrap and apple
                             will sue you"