RDROYA01@ULKYVX.BITNET (Robert Royar) (09/27/86)
About a week ago I posted a request for help with terminal lookup connected to a Vax via Telenet. Since then I have received a number of suggestions as to what to do. I have also discovered a workaround but no real solution. The only way that I can connect up to the specific remote that causes the problem is to 1. Dial Telenet with Xon/Xoff enabled (no other setting works). 2. Logon to the Vax with Xon/Xoff enabled. 3. Turn Xon/Xoff off and enable CTS/RTS as soon as the login is complete. This is an Atari problem because the IBMPC at work and my Kaypro use Xon/Xoff and connect with no problem to that Vax. Since the Avatex does not have CTS connected, step one is necessary to get the modem to dial, but I think CTS/RTS would work throughout the procedure if the Avatex had the CTS line (funny why it doesn't balk when I change to the CTS/RTS handshaking in the middle of things). "Still awaiting my already paid for dev pack! week four" Robert Royar rdroya01@ulkyvx.bitnet