[net.micro.atari16] Problems with Beckemeyer C-Shell

paf@oblio.UUCP (Paul Fronberg) (10/25/86)

Warning. Beckemeyer MT C-Shell will NOT work with Lattice C. Execution of
	 Lattice-C binaries will cause a panic and the ST will lock up,
	 requiring reboot. I have talked with Beckemeyer about this and they
	 recognize the incompatibility and are working with Metacomco to
	 resolve the problem.

I have also experience problems with PC/InterComm from Mark of the Unicorn.
This involves loss of the curser when I return to the shell. A few times I
have gotten ASSERT errors and a stack trace. I am still trying to rediscover
what I did so I can forward the information back to Beckemeyer.

Beside these two difficulties, the MT C-Shell seems to be a reasonable
environment for ST programmers who come from a UNIX background and want
something familiar. I have found only a few annoyances and differences 
(for example ^Z/carriage return for eof instead of ^D).