[net.micro.atari16] 1040ST

FATR6@USU.BITNET (10/30/86)

I hope someone out there can help me. I am an Atari 8 bit user who
needs to upgrade to a moore powerful machine for proogramming purposes.
I have narrowed the field down to PC clones and the ST. I am wondering
if there are full ANSI versions of the major languages out for the ST,
especially Pascal and Prolog. I know OSS makes both but I don't know how
'mini/mainframe' compatable these are. If I get an ST who can comment on
which monitor would be better monochrome or color. I am mainly going to
use the machine for programming and uploads/downloads to a VAX and HP9000.
I understand that the internal drives on the 1040 are bug ridden. Someone
please help before I make a big mistake and buy a PC just for the software.

Jon Jensen
Utah State University
Logan Ut

P.S. I know the ST is a GREAT machine ( so you don't have to convince me
of that)