[net.micro.atari16] Help with Desk Accessories: accessory loaders.

ravi@mcnc.UUCP (Ravi Subrahmanyan) (10/28/86)

 [For the great stone-eating mons..  ]

	I'd like to thank all the guys who helped me out with the
problem of order of execution of files in the AUTO folder;  I got so
many replies that it'll be better to acknowledge them all at once.
Thanks!   (The answer, as explained some days earlier by a poster, is
that the files are executed in the order into which they are
introduced into the AUTO folder).  Now, on to the next question: (!)

	I would like to get my ST into a certain configuration at
bootup - into a shell, with a certain filestructure in my ramdisk, etc.
I've been doing this by putting the ramdisk program and the shell
program into the AUTO folder, with a profile (for the shell) that
copies stuff into my ramdisk, etc. etc.  However, this causes the desk
accessories to not be loaded, because that seems to be done *after*
the stuff in the AUTO folder finishes, so in my case only when I quit
the shell.  Now I would very much like certain desk accs. to be
pre-loaded, so that I can do quick trips from the shell to the
desktop, *without* waiting for the accs. to be loaded.  This is also
important because some stuff I use depends on the control panel to
initialize the RS232 and printer ports.. Is there some
way of putting a *desk acc. loader* into my AUTO folder, which would
load the accessories?  To prevent TOS from trying to load them when I
quit the shell, the accs. could be renamed, eg. to .ACS or something.
Does such a utility exist?  I'm not sure what would be involved in writing it. 
I'd greatly appreciate any tips on this matter.     Thanks in advance,


					{decvax, ucbvax, ihnp4}!mcnc!ravi

cabbie@chinet.UUCP (Richard Andrews) (10/29/86)

In article <1745@alvin.mcnc.UUCP> ravi@mcnc.UUCP (Ravi Subrahmanyan) writes:
> [For the great stone-eating mons..  ]
>....Is there some
>way of putting a *desk acc. loader* into my AUTO folder, which would
>load the accessories?  

I believe that I have a file that will do that.  As soon as I verify
that the critter runs(I have never ran it before) I will post it.

						Rich Andrews

dyer@atari.UUcp (Landon Dyer) (11/01/86)

In article <699@chinet.UUCP>, cabbie@chinet.UUCP (Richard Andrews) writes:
> In article <1745@alvin.mcnc.UUCP> ravi@mcnc.UUCP (Ravi Subrahmanyan) writes:
> >
> >
> > [For the great stone-eating mons..  ]
> >
> >....Is there some
> >way of putting a *desk acc. loader* into my AUTO folder, which would
> >load the accessories?  
> I believe that I have a file that will do that.  As soon as I verify
> that the critter runs(I have never ran it before) I will post it.

It seems unlikely that the critter will run, since the desktop
and AES have not been initialized at the time \AUTO folder
execution takes place.  Doing an AES call from an AUTO program
will likely result in a crash ->thud<- and an endless cycle of
reboots.  Life is like that sometimes.

-Landon Dyer, Atari Corp.		        {sun,lll-lcc,imagen}!atari!dyer

| The views represented here do not necessarily | "If Business is War, then
| reflect those of Atari Corp., or even my own. |  I'm a Prisoner of Business!"

turner@imagen.UUCP (D'arc Angel) (11/02/86)

> In article <699@chinet.UUCP>, cabbie@chinet.UUCP (Richard Andrews) writes:
> > In article <1745@alvin.mcnc.UUCP> ravi@mcnc.UUCP (Ravi Subrahmanyan) writes:
> > >
> > >
> > > [For the great stone-eating mons..  ]
> > >
> > >....Is there some
> > >way of putting a *desk acc. loader* into my AUTO folder, which would
> > >load the accessories?  
> > 
> > I believe that I have a file that will do that.  As soon as I verify
> > that the critter runs(I have never ran it before) I will post it.
> It seems unlikely that the critter will run, since the desktop
> and AES have not been initialized at the time \AUTO folder
> execution takes place.  Doing an AES call from an AUTO program
> will likely result in a crash ->thud<- and an endless cycle of
> reboots.  Life is like that sometimes.
> -- 
> -Landon Dyer, Atari Corp.		        {sun,lll-lcc,imagen}!atari!dyer

sorry to disagree landon but if the program in question is acc_load
that was posted to the net awhile ago, it works just fine allowing
the user to even select which .acc are to be loaded
		These are days for the locust to eat
					- Winston Churchill

Name:	James M. Turner
Mail:	Imagen Corp. 2650 San Tomas Expressway, P.O. Box 58101
        Santa Clara, CA 95052-8101
AT&T:	(408) 986-9400
UUCP:	...{decvax,ucbvax}!decwrl!imagen!turner
CompuServe: 76327,1575
GEnie     : D-ARCANGEL

afo@i.cc.purdue.edu (Alan Davis) (11/03/86)

In article <448@atari.UUcp> dyer@atari.UUcp (Landon Dyer) writes:
>> >....Is there some
>> >way of putting a *desk acc. loader* into my AUTO folder, which would
>> >load the accessories?  
>> I believe that I have a file that will do that.  As soon as I verify
>> that the critter runs(I have never ran it before) I will post it.
>It seems unlikely that the critter will run, since the desktop
>and AES have not been initialized at the time \AUTO folder
>execution takes place.  Doing an AES call from an AUTO program
>will likely result in a crash ->thud<- and an endless cycle of
>reboots.  Life is like that sometimes.
>-Landon Dyer, Atari Corp.		        {sun,lll-lcc,imagen}!atari!dyer

 I have a desk accessory loader in my auto folder that works just
 fine. If you would like a copy of it, send me a note and we'll
 give it a whirl.

Alan Davis
Purdue University Computing Center
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
USENET:   {seismo, decvax, ucbvax, ihnp4}!pur-ee!i.cc!afo

Disclaimer: My boss has opinions too but I can't express them in public.
Therefore, I thought up my opinions all by myself.

jmg@cernvax.UUCP (jmg) (11/05/86)

In article <679@imagen.UUCP> turner@imagen.UUCP (D'arc Angel) writes:
>sorry to disagree landon but if the program in question is acc_load
>that was posted to the net awhile ago, it works just fine allowing
>the user to even select which .acc are to be loaded

Did I miss this program? Long ago? Maybe repost if others also missed it.

pes@bath63.UUCP (Paul Smee) (11/05/86)

Well, I just looked through the back items here (admittedly often swept)
and in Arizona and see no sign of this alleged acc_load.  Where was it posted
to, when?  Is it just that it ain't got here yet?  Is it small enough
to repost sensibly?  Is it really named something else non-obvious, or
tucked away in a message with a totally unrelated subject?

pes@bath63.UUCP (Paul Smee) (11/06/86)

ACC_LOAD showed up here today.  Looks like just another case of order
shuffling, so that US comments about it came before it did.