[net.micro.atari16] Epson DSDD drives

med@druky.UUCP (DrapalME) (11/07/86)

<one for the line eater>

	I also had problems with the Epson double sided drives not being
recognized w/o a disk in them at boot time.  Being the stubborn person
that I am, I decided that I'd look at the BIOS to see how the drives
were determined to "be there".  Well, I guess I shouldn't be shocked (I've
seen some really insane code in the BIOS before :-)), but I could hardly
believe my eyes!  And it was then that I realized why the Epson drives would
not be recognized.  The BIOS seeks to track 10 to determine if a drive is
present or not (why the Atari drives allow this w/o a disk in them is
beyond me...)!  So, here is a fix, a program that you can put in your
AUTO folder and never have to worry about this again.  First is the source
and then the uuencoded binary.

					Myron Drapal
					AT&T Information Systems, Denver

===== Cut here -> drives.c =====
#include <osbind.h>

long ssp;

ssp = Super(0L);

/* the following sets up for two "real" drives.  if you have only 1  */
/* drive, simply change the #2 to #1 in the move.w instruction below */
asm {
	move.w #2,0x4a6		/* nflops=2 */
	ori.l  #3,0x4c2		/* drvmap|=3 */
===== Cut Here -> drives.uu =====
begin 777 drives.prg
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