usenet@cuae2.UUCP (Heiby) (05/17/86)
A little more than three weeks ago i posted a query to net.unix and net.wanted for pointers to (and relative merits of) Unix hosted on IBM 4381 machines. Unfortunately, during two of the intervening three weeks our connection to usenet was entirely down (due to a head crash on the spooling disk and extenuating events), so i have missed any responses that might have been sent to me. In fact, i have not received any responses. Our net contact has now stabilized. If you did send (or post) any response, i'd appreciate it very much if you would send it once again to me. I mentioned in that message that the IBM is running VM/SP, with CMS and a retinue of what are apparently standard IBM VM products (i'm only peripherally associated with the IBM), and that it's not clear what constraints we would have on configuring Unix on the machine. Incidentally, i concurrently posted a similar request for C hosted on the IBM, and the only response i've gotten so far was from a coworker here at this lab, who suggested looking into the SAS lattice C port. I've found an SAS advertisement in _The C Journal_, vol 1, # 4, Winter 1986, and am just in the process of contacting the company. Thanks for your attention..., Ken Manheimer Integrated Systems Group, Factory Automation Systems Division National Bureau of Standards UUCP: ...!seismo!nbs-amrf!manheime (`!manheime' *may* work) BELL: (301)921-2171 USmail: National Bureau of Standards; Metrology A127; Gaithersburg, MD 20899 -- Ron Heiby {NAC|ihnp4}!cuae2!usenet Moderator: mod.newprod & mod.os.unix AT&T-IS, /app/eng, Lisle, IL (312) 810-6109 Submissions should go to unix@cbosgd.uucp. Comments to the moderator should go to unix-request@cbosgd.uucp. Specific replys should go to the author.