usenet@cuae2.UUCP (10/07/86)
Our section here at JPL have finally decided that VMS on VAXes are not the way God planned it, and are in the middle of evaluating UNIX for our newly purchased VAX 8600. Would anbybody with experiences on a VAX running UNIX please take the time to respond to this short list of questions? Our 8600 will be used as a development machine, with lots of C users, maybe some database applications, and heavy networking. Currently, the rest of our LAN consists of Suns, Masscomps, Vaxes, and IBM/ATs, all running TCP/IP. So far, the systems in the running are BSD 4.3, System 5, Ultrix, and more/BSD from Mt. Xinu. In particular, what are the stengths and weaknesses of each? If we decide on BSD 4.3, how do we ever get support (or are we supposed to become UNIX gurus)? Is Ultrix a decent version of UNIX? Does it fully support 4.2 networking? Why does Mt. Xinu have such a good reputation? We would be eternally grateful for any information (particularly from users of these systems on other DEC machines). Please respond directly to me. Thanks... --mike Mike Tankenson Jet Propulsion Laboratory Uucp: {sdcrdcf,bellcore}!psivax!mc0!mike Arpa: ...mc0!mike@cit-vax.ARPA