[mod.techreports] MITAI2 TECH REPORTS

E1AR0002@SMUVM1.BITNET (02/22/86)

:aim 452
:title {The Revised Report on Scheme a Dialect of LISP}
:author Guy Lewis Steele Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman
:asort Steele, G.L., Jr.; Sussman, G.J.
:date January 1978
:cost $2.25
:pages 35
:ADnum (AD-A062363)
:keywords LISP, SCHEME, LISP-like languages, lambda calculus, environments, lexi
cal scoping, dynamic scoping, fluid variables, control structures, macros, exten
sible syntax, extensible languages
SCHEME is a dialect of LISP.  It is an expression-oriented applicative
order, interpreter-based language which allows one to manipulate
programs as data.  It differs from most current dialects of LISP in
that it closes all lambda-expressions in the environment of their
definition or declaration, rather than in the execution environment.
This has the consequence that variables are normally lexically scoped,
as in ALGOL. However, in contrast with ALGOL, SCHEME treats procedures
as a first-class data type. They can be the values of variables, the
returned values of procedures, and components of data structures.
Another difference from LISP is that SCHEME is implemented in such a
way that tail-recursions execute without net growth of the interpreter
stack. The effect of this is that a procedure call behaves like a
GOTO, and thus procedure calls can be used to implement iterations, as
in PLASMA. Here we give a complete "user manual" for the SCHEME
language. Some features described here were not documented in the
original report on SCHEME (for instance particular macros). Other
features have been added, changed or deleted as our understanding of
certain language issues evolved. Annotations to the manual describe
the motivations for these changes.

:aim 453
:title {The Art of the Interpreter or, The Modularity Complex (Parts Zero, One,
and Two)}
:author Guy Lewis Steele Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman
:asort Steele, G.L., Jr.; Sussman, G.J.
:date May 1978
:cost $3.00
:pages 75
:ADnum (AD-A062925)
:keywords abstraction, actors, applicative order, bindings, control
structures, debugging, dynamic scoping, environments, fluid variables,
FUNARG problem, functional objects, interactive programming,
lambda calculus, lexical scoping, LISP, modularity, procedural data,
recursion equations, referential transparency, SCHEME, side effects,
static scoping, structured programming
We examine the effects of various language design decisions on the
programming styles available to a user of the language, with
particular emphasis on the ability to incrementally construct modular
systems. At each step we exhibit an interactive meta-circular
interpreter for the language under consideration.  Each new
interpreter is the result of an incremental change to a previous
interpreter.  We explore the consequences of various variable binding
disciplines and the introduction of side effects.  We find that
dynamic scoping is unsuitable for constructing procedural
abstractions, but has another role as an agent of modularity, being a
structured form of side effect. More general side effects are also
found to be necessary to promote modular style. We find that the
notion of side effect and the notion of equaltiy (object identity) are
mutually constraining; to define one is to define the other. The
interpreters we exhibit are all written in a simple dialect of LISP,
and all implement LISP-like languages. A subset of these interpreters
constitute a partial historical reconstruction of the actual evolution
of LISP.

:aim 454
:title {The Incremental Garbage Collection of Processes}
:author Henry G. Baker, Jr. and Carl Hewitt
:asort Baker, H.G.; Hewitt, C.
:date December 1977
:pages 11
:ADnum (AD-A052-445)

:aim 456
:author Howard E. Shrobe
:asort Shrobe, H.E.
:title Floyd-Hoare Verifiers `Considered Harmful'
:date January 1978
:pages 27

:aim 458
:title {Configuration Space Control}
:author Berthold K. P. Horn and Marc H. Raibert
:asort Horn, B.K.P.; Raibert, M.
:date December 1977
:pages 37
:ADnum (AD-A055668)
:reference {See {\it The Industrial Robot}, Vol. 5, No. 2, June 1978, pp. 69-73}

:aim 459
:title {Programming Viewed as an Engineering Activity}
:author Charles Rich, Howard E. Shrobe, Richard C. Waters, Gerald J.
Sussman and Carl E. Hewitt
:asort Rich, C.; Shrobe, H.E.; Waters, R.C.; Sussman, G.J.; Hewitt, C.
:date January 1978
:pages 52
:ADnum (AD-A052307)

:aim 460
:title {Assessment and Documentation of a Children's Computer Laboratory}
:author An NSF Sponsored 12-Month Project
:date September 1977
:pages 27
:reference See Logo Memo 48

:aim 461
:title {A Glimpse of Truth Maintenance}
:author Jon Doyle
:asort Doyle, J.
:date February 1978
:pages 14
:ADnum (AD-A052308)
:reference Revised November 1978

:aim 461A
:title {A Glimpse of Truth Maintenance}
:author Jon Doyle
:asort Doyle, J.
:reference Replaced by AI Memo 521
:date November 1978
:pages 16

:aim 462
:title {A Comparison of PARSIFAL with Augmented Transition Networks}
:author William R. Swartout
:asort Swartout, W.R.
:date March 1978
:pages 20

:aim 463
:title {Shaded Perspective Images of Terrain}
:author Thomas M. Strat
:asort Strat, T.M.
:date March 1978
:pages 37
:ADnum (AD-A055070)

:aim 464
:title {Comparative Schematology}
:author Carl Hewitt
:asort Hewitt, C.
:date May 1978
:pages 11
:ADnum (AD-A062699)

:aim 465
:title {LANDSAT MSS Coordinate Transformations}
:author Berthold K.P. Horn and Robert J. Woodham
:asort Horn, B.K.P.; Woodham, R.J.
:date February 1978
:pages 54
:ADnum (AD-A078418)

:aim 466
:title {Modeling Semantic Memory: Effects of Presenting Semantic Information in
Different Modalities}
:author Steven Rosenberg and Herbert A. Simon
:asort Rosenberg, S.; Simon, H.A.
:pages 34

:aim 467
:title {Destriping Satellite Images}
:author Berthold K. P. Horn and Robert J. Woodham
:asort Horn, B.K.P.; Woodham, R.J.
:date March 1978
:pages 30
:reference {See {\it Computer Graphics and Image Processing}, Vol. 10, No.
1, May 1979, pp. 69-83}
:ADnum (AD-A062263)

:aim 468
:title {A Progress Report on the Discourse and Reference Components of PAL}
:author Candace Sidner
:asort Sidner, C.L.
:date April 1978
:ADnum (AD-A055046)
:pages 17

:aim 473
:title {A Three Valued Truth Maintenance System}
:author David A. McAllester
:asort McAllester, D.A.
:date May 1978
:cost $2.25
:pages 31
:ADnum (AD-A062176)
Truth maintenance systems have been used in recently developed problem
solving systems.  A truth maintenance system (TMS) is designed to be
used by deductive systems to maintain the logical relations among the
beliefs which those systems manipulate.  These relations are used to a
more flexible context mechanism than has been present in earlier
artificial intelligence systems.  The relations among beliefs can also
be used to directly trace the source of contradictions or failures,
resulting in far more efficient backtracking.

:aim 476
:title {The Interpretation of Structure from Motion}
:author S. Ullman
:asort Ullman, S.
:date October 1976
:pages 35
:reference {See {\it Proc. Royal Society of London B, 203} pp.
405-426, 1979}
:ADnum (AD-A062814)

:aim 477
:title {Analysis of Synthetic Students as a Model of Human Behavior}
:author David Wayne Ihrie
:asort Ihrie, D.W.
:date May 1978
:pages 99

:aim 478
:title {Dynamics of a Three Degree of Freedom Kinematic Chain}
:author Berthold K. P. Horn, Ken-ichi Hirokawa and Vijay V. Vazirani
:asort Horn, B.K.P.; Hirokawa, K.; Vazirani, V.V.
:date October 1977
:cost $2.75
:pages 59
:reference Replaces A.I. Working Paper 155
:ADnum (AD-A055612)
In order to be able to design a control system for high-speed control
of mechanical manipulators, it is necessary to understand properly
their dynamics.  Here we present an analysis of a detailed model of a
three-link device which may be viewed as either a "leg" in a
locomotory system, or the first three degrees of freedom of an "arm"
providing for its gross motions.  The equations of motion are shown to
be non-trivial, yet manageable.

:aim 479
:title {Photometric Stereo}
:author Robert J. Woodham
:asort Woodham, R.J.
:date June 1978
:pages 20
:reference {See "Photometric Methods for Determining Surface Orientation
from Multiple Images", {\it Optical Engineering}, Jan.-Feb. 1980, Vol.
19, No. 1, pp. 139-144}
:ADnum (AD-A062379)

:aim 480
:title {Dynamic Graphics Using QuasiParallelism}
:author Kenneth M. Kahn and Carl Hewitt
:asort Kahn, K.M.; Hewitt, C.
:date June 1978
:pages 20

:aim 482
:title {Director Guide}
:author Kenneth M. Kahn
:asort Kahn, K.M.
:date June 1978

:aim 482B
:title {Director Guide}
:author Kenneth M. Kahn
:asort Kahn, K.M.
:reference Revised July 1979
:pages 104

:aim 484
:title {Interim Report of the LOGO Project in the Brookline Public Schools}
:author Members of the LOGO Project
:date June 1978
:reference See Logo Memo 49
:pages 207

:aim 485
:title {Propagation of Constraints Applied to Circuit Synthesis}
:author Johan de Kleer and Gerald Jay Sussman
:asort de Kleer, J.; Sussman, G.J.
:date September 1978
:pages 28
:reference {See {\it International Journal of Circuit Theory}, Vol. 8, No.
2, pp. 127-144, April 1980}

:aim 486
:title {Non-Monotonic Logic I}
:author Drew McDermott and Jon Doyle
:asort McDermott, D.; Doyle, J.
:date August 1978
:pages 38

:aim 486A
:title {Non-Monotonic Logic I}
:author Drew McDermott and Jon Doyle
:asort McDermott, D.; Doyle, J.
:pages 37
:reference Revised January 1979

:aim 486B
:title {Non-Monotonic Logic I}
:author Drew McDermott and Jon Doyle
:asort McDermott, D.; Doyle, J.
:date July 1979
:pages 37
:reference {See {\it Artificial Intelligence Journal}, Vol. B, pp. 41-72,
:ADnum (AD-A078395)

:aim 488
:title {Understanding Understanding Mathematics}
:author Edwina Rissland Michener
:asort Michener, E.R.
:date August 1978
:pages 27
:reference See Logo Memo 50

:aim 490
:title {Determining Shape and Reflectance Using Multiple Images}
:author Berthold K.P. Horn, Robert J. Woodham and William M. Silver
:asort Horn, B.K.P.; Woodham, R.J.; Silver, W.M.
:date August 1978
:pages 9
:ADnum (AD-A062380)

:aim 491
:title {Bandpass Channels, Zero-Crossings, and Early Visual Information Processi
:author D. Marr
:asort Marr, D.
:date September 1978
:pages 8
:reference {See {\it Journal Opt. Soc. Am.}, 69, pp. 914-916, 1979}
:ADnum (AD-A062338)

:aim 493
:title {A Proposal for a Computational Model of Anatomical And Physiological Rea
:author Brian Cantwell Smith
:asort Smith, B.C.
:date November 1978
:pages 48

:aim 495
:title {Developing a Computational Representation for Problem Solving Skills}
:author Ira Goldstein
:asort Goldstein, I.
:date October 1978
:pages 31

:aim 496
:title {Information Prosthetics for the Handicapped}
:author Seymour A. Papert and Sylvia Weir
:asort Papert, S.; Weir, S.
:date September 1978
:pages 33
:reference See Logo Memo 51

:aim 498
:title {Calculating the Reflectance Map}
:author Berthold K.P. Horn and Robert W. Sjoberg
:asort Horn, B.K.P.; Sjoberg, R.W.
:date October 1978
:pages 30
:reference {See {\it Applied Optics}, Vol. 18, No.  11, pp. 1770-1779, June
:ADnum (AD-A078059)

:aim 499
:title {Causal Reasoning and Rationalization in Electronics}
:author Johan de Kleer
:asort de Kleer, J.
:date September 1978
:pages 38

:aim 502
:title {Constraints}
:author Guy Lewis Steele Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman
:asort Steele, G.L., Jr.; Sussman, G.J.
:date November 1978
:pages 33
:reference {See {\it Proceedings APL 79 Conference}, SIGPLAN Technical
Committee on APL, June 1979}

:aim 502A
:title {Constraints - A Language for Expressing Almost-Hierarchical Descriptions
:author Gerald Jay Sussman and Guy Lewis Steele, Jr.
:asort Sussman, G.J.; Steele, G.L., Jr.
:date August 1981
:cost $2.25
:pages 40
:reference Replaces Memos 433 and 502.  {See {\it Artificial Intelligence Journa
l}, Vol. 14, pp. 1-39, 1980.}
We present an interactive system organized around networks of
constraints rather than the programs which manipulate them. We
describe a language of hierarchical constraint networks. We describe
one method of deriving useful consequences of a set of constraints
which we call propagation. Dependence analysis is used to spot and
track down inconsistent subsets of a constraint set. Propagation of
constraints is most flexible and useful when coupled with the ability
to perform symbolic manipulations on algebraic expressions. Such
manipulations are in turn best expressed as alterations or
augmentations of the constraint network. Almost-Hierarchical
Constraint Networks can be constructed to represent the multiple
viewpoints used by engineers in the synthesis and analysis of
electrical networks. These multiple viewpoints are used in terminal
equivalence and power arguments to reduce the apparent synergy in a
circuit so that it can be attacked algebraically.

:aim 505
:title {Specifying and Proving Properties of Guardians for Distributed Systems}
:author Carl Hewitt, Giuseppe Attardi, and Henry Lieberman
:asort Hewitt, C.; Attardi, G.; Lieberman, H.
:date June 1979
:pages 45
:reference {See {\it Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Semantics of Concurrent Computation}, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Vol. 70, pp. 316-336, Springer-Verlag, July 2-4, 1979}

:aim 506
:title {Computer Aided Evolutionary Design for Software Engineering}
:author Charles Rich, Howard E. Shrobe, and Richard C. Waters
:asort Rich, C.; Shrobe, H.E.; Waters, R.C.
:date January 1979
:pages 22
:ADnum (AD-A078060)

:aim 507
:title {A Hypothetical Monologue Illustrating the Knowledge Underlying Program A
:author Howard E. Shrobe, Richard C. Waters, and Gerald Jay Sussman
:asort Shrobe, H.E.; Waters, R.C.; Sussman, G.J.
:date January 1979
:pages 27
:ADnum (AD-A092294)

:aim 510
:title {Differential Geometry, Surface Patches and Convergence Methods}
:author W.E.L. Grimson
:asort Grimson, W.E.L.
:date February 1979
:pages 37
:ADnum (AD-A078061)
:keywords  coons, differential geometry, iterative convergence methods,
surface patches, stereo vision

:aim 513
:title {Making Aesthetic Choices}
:author Kenneth M. Kahn
:asort Kahn, K.M.
:date March 1979
:pages 24

:aim 514
:title {Design of LISP-based Processors, or SCHEME: A Dielectric LISP, or Finite
 Memories Considered Harmful, or LAMBDA: The Ultimate Opcode}
:author Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman
:asort Steele, G.L., Jr.; Sussman, G.J.
:date March 1979
:reference {See {\it Communications of the ACM}, Vol. 23, No. 11, November
:cost $3.00
:pages 75
We present a design for a class of computers whose "instruction sets"
are based on LISP.  LISP, like traditional stored-program machine
languages and unlike most high-level languages, conceptually stores
programs and data in the same way and explicitly allows programs to be
manipulated as data.  LISP is therefore a suitable language around
which to design a stored-program computer architecture.  We describe
here the basic ideas behind the architecture, and for concreteness
give a specific instruction set (on which variations are certainly
possible).  We also discuss the similarities and differences between
these ideas and those of traditional architectures.

:aim 516
:title {K-Lines: A Theory of Memory}
:author Marvin Minsky
:asort Minsky, M.
:date June 1979
:cost $2.25
:pages 23
:ADnum (AD-A078116)
When you get an idea and want to "remember" it, you create a "K-line"
for it.  When later activated, the K-line induces a partial mental
state resembling the one that created it.  A "partial mental state" is
a subset of those mental agencies operating at one moment.  This view
leads to many ideas about the development, structure, and physiology
of Memory, and about how to implement frame-like representations in a
distributed processor.

:aim 517
:title {Some Properties of Discontinuities in the Image Irradiance Equation}
:author Anna R. Bruss
:asort Bruss, A.R.
:date April 1979
:ADnum (AD-A078062)
:pages 42

:aim 518
:title {Theory of Edge Detection}
:author D. Marr and E. Hildreth
:asort Marr, D.; Hildreth, E.
:date April 1979
:pages 63
:reference {See {\it Proc. Royal Society of London B.} 207, pp. 187-217,
:ADnum (AD-A078063)

:aim 519
:title {EMACS: The Extensible, Customizable, Self-Documenting Display Editor}
:author Richard M. Stallman
:asort Stallman, R.M.
:date June 1979
:ADnum (AD-A078064)

:aim 519A
:title {EMACS: The Extensible, Customizable, Self-Documenting Display Editor}
:author Richard M. Stallman
:asort Stallman, R.M.
:reference Revised March 1981
:cost $2.25
:pages 29
:ADnum (AD-A097914)
:keywords display, editor, extensible, interactive, self-documenting
EMACS is a display editor which is implemented in an interpreted high
level language.  This allows users to extend the editor by replacing
parts of it, to experiment with alternative command languages, and to
share extensions which are generally useful.  The ease of extension
has contributed to the growth of a large set of useful features. This
paper describes the organization of the EMACS system, emphasizing the
way in which extensibility is achieved and used.

:aim 520
:title {Learning And Reasoning By Analogy: The Details}
:author Patrick H. Winston
:asort Winston, P.H.
:date April 1979
:cost $3.00
:pages 65
:ADnum (AD-A078123)
:reference Revised May 1980.  {See {\it Communications of the ACM}, December 198
0, Volume 23, Number 12}
We use analogy when we say something is a Cinderella story and when we
learn about resistors by thinking about water pipes.  Experts use
analogy when they learn Economics, Medicine, and Law.  This paper
presents a theory of analogy and describes an implemented system that
embodies the theory.  The specific competence to be understood is that
of using analogies to deal with an unfamiliar situation.  A teacher
may supply the analogy or may not.  The analogy may be between
situations in a single domain or between situations in very different

:aim 521
:title {A Truth Maintenance System}
:author Jon Doyle
:asort Doyle, J.
:date June 1979
:pages 45
:reference Replaces AI Memo 461a.  {See {\it Artificial Intelligence Journal}, V
ol. 12, pp. 231-272, 1979}
:ADnum (AD-A078419)

:aim 522
:title {Constraints on the Visual Interpretation of Surface Contours}
:author Kent. A. Stevens
:asort Stevens, K.A.
:date March 1979
:reference {See {\it Artificial Intelligence}, Special Issue on Vision,

:aim 523
:title {Logo Music Projects: Experiments in Musical Perception and Design}
:author Jeanne Bamberger
:asort Bamberger, J.
:date May 1979
:pages 42
:reference See Logo Memo 52

:aim 524
:title {Directional Selectivity and Its Use in Early Visual Processing}
:author D. Marr and S. Ullman
:asort Marr, D.; Ullman, S.
:date June 1979
:pages 63
:ADnum (AD-A078054)

:aim 526
:title {Computer Aided Evolutionary Design for Digital Integrated Systems}
:author Gerald Jay Sussman, Jack Holloway, and Thomas F. Knight, Jr.
:asort Sussman, G.J.; Holloway, J.; Knight, T.
:date May 1979
:cost $2.25
:pages 24
:ADnum (AD-A078124)
We propose to develop a computer aided design tool which can help an
engineer deal with system evolution from the initial phases of design
right through the testing and maintenance phases.  We imagine a design
system which can function as a junior assistant.  It provides a total
conversational and graphical environment.  It remembers the reasons
for design choices and can retrieve and do simple deductions with
them.  We will develop the fundamental principles behind such a
designer's assistant and we will construct a prototype system which
meets many of these desiderata.

:aim 527
:title {The Dream of a Lifetime: A Lazy Scoping Mechanism}
:author Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. and Gerald Jay Sussman
:asort Steele, G.L., Jr.; Sussman, G.J.
:date November 1979
:reference {See {\it 1980 LISP Conference Proceedings}, August 1980}
:cost $2.25
:pages 30
We demonstrate the sorts of savings one might expect by using cleverly
implemented racks in the context of a particular caller-saves
implementation of an interpreter for the SCHEME dialect of LISP.  For
sample problems we can expect that only one out of every four pushes
that would be done by a conventional machine will be done by the
clever version.

:aim 528
:author Thomas F. Knight, David A. Moon, Jack Holloway and Guy L.
Steele, Jr.
:asort Knight, T.; Moon, D.; Holloway, J.; Steele, G.L., Jr.
:title CADR
:date May 1979
:pages 44

:aim 530
:title {Using Enhanced Spherical Images for Object Representation}
:author David A. Smith
:asort Smith, D.A.
:date May 1979
:pages 41
:ADnum (AD-A078065)
:keywords spatial reasoning, object representation, recognition,
attitude in space, machine vision, Gaussian image, surface patches

:aim 531
:title {An Overview of A Theory of Syntactic Recognition for Natural Language}
:author Mitchell P. Marcus
:asort Marcus, M.P.
:date July 1979
:pages 63
:ADnum (AD-A078066)

:aim 533
:title {A Recursive Lagrangian Formulation of Manipulator Dynamics and a Compara
tive Study of Dynamics Formulation Complexity}
:author John M. Hollerbach
:asort Hollerbach, J.M.
:date June 1979
:reference {See {\it IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics}, Vol.
SMC-10, No. 11, pp. 723-736, Nov. 1980}
:cost $2.25
:pages 23
:ADnum (AD-A078067)
:keywords open-loop kinematic chains, manipulator dynamics, Lagrangian
dynamics, recursive dynamics
A recursive formulation of manipulator dynamics based on the Lagrange
equations has been developed.  The efficiency of this formulation
allows the dynamics to be computed in real time.  The formulation is
analogous to recently developed recursive Newton-Euler dynamics and
shares the latter's efficiency.  A comparison of the number of adds
and multiplies required under different Lagrangian, Newtonian, and
tabular formulations shows that recursive formulations based either on
the Lagrange or on the Newton equations offer the overall best method
of dynamics calculation.

:aim 536
:title {Sequins and Quills -- Representations for Surface Topography}
:author Berthold K.P. Horn
:asort Horn, B.K.P.
:date May 1979
:pages 15
:ADnum (AD-A078068)

:aim 539
:title {An Application of the Photometric Stereo Method}
:author Katsushi Ikeuchi and Berthold K.P. Horn
:asort Ikeuchi, K.; Horn, B.K.P.
:date August 1979
:pages 28
:ADnum (AD-A078125)
:keywords photometric stereo, hand-eye system, machine vision,
reflectance map

:aim 541
:title {Evidence for a Fifth, Smaller Channel in Early Human Vision}
:author D. Marr, E. Hildreth, and T.  Poggio
:asort Marr, D.; Hildreth, E.; Poggio, T.
:date August 1979
:pages 8
:reference {See {\it Journal Optical Society Am. 70 (7)}, pp. 868-870, July
:ADnum (AD-A077916)

:aim 543
:title {Procedural Attachment}
:author Luc Steels
:asort Steels, L.
:date August 1979
:pages 21

:aim 544
:title {Toward a Remotely-Manned Energy and Production Economy}
:author Marvin Minsky
:asort Minsky, M.
:date September 1979
:pages 19
:ADnum (AD-A078069)
:keywords robots, productivity, teleoperator

:aim 545
:title {Final Report of the Brookline LOGO Project Part II: Project Summary and
Data Analysis}
:author Seymour Papert, Daniel Watt, Andrea diSessa, and Sylvia Weir
:asort Papert, S.; Watt, D.; diSessa, A.; Weir, S.
:date September 1979
:pages 222
:reference See Logo Memo 53

:aim 546
:title {Final Report of the Brookline LOGO Project Part III: Profiles of Individ
ual Student's Work}
:author Daniel Watt
:asort Watt, D.
:date September 1979
:reference See Logo Memo 54
:pages 222

:aim 548
:title {Learning Disjunctive Concepts from Examples}
:author Glenn A. Iba
:asort Iba, G.A.
:date September 1979
:pages 64

:aim 549
:title {Mechanical Arm Control}
:author Richard C. Waters
:asort Waters, R.C.
:date October 1979
:cost $1.50
:pages 21
:ADnum (AD-A084820)
:keywords arm control, dynamic equations, coordinate transformation,
trajectory planning, LaGrange equations
This paper discusses three main problems associated with the control
of the motion of a mechanical arm.

:aim 551
:title {An Outlook On Truth Maintenance}
:author David A. McAllester
:asort McAllester, D.A.
:date August 1980
:cost $2.75
:pages 47
:ADnum (AD-A093190)
:keywords theorem proving, automated deduction, dependencies,
relevance, truth maintenance, backtracking, assumptions, likelihood
Truth maintenance systems have been used in several recent problem
solving systems to record justifications for deduced assertions, to
track down the assumptions which underlie contradictions when they
arise, and to incrementally modify assertional data structures when
assumptions are retracted.  A TMS algorithm is described here that is
substantially different from previous systems.

:aim 552
:title {Instrumental With And The Control Relation in English}
:author Beth C. Levin
:asort Levin, B.C.
:date November 1979
:pages 90
:ADnum (AD-A078420)

:aim 554
:title {EMACS Manual for ITS Users}
:author Richard M. Stallman
:asort Stallman, R.M.
:date June 1980
:pages 218
:reference Revised April 1981
:ADnum (AD-A093186)

:aim 555
:title {EMACS Manual for TWENEX Users}
:author Richard M. Stallman
:asort Stallman, R.M.
:date September 1980
:reference Revised May 1981, October 1981, March 1983
:cost $3.50
:pages 241
:ADnum (AD-A093886)
This manual documents the use and simple customization of the display
editor EMACS with the Twenex (officially known as "TOPS-20") operating
system.  The reader is not expected to be a programmer.  Even simple
customizations do not require programming skill, but the user who is
not interested in customizing can ignore the scattered customization
hints.  This is primarily a reference manual, but can be used as a

:aim 556
:title {Phantom Stacks: If you look too hard, they aren't there}
:author Richard M. Stallman
:asort Stallman, R.M.
:date July 1980
:cost $1.50
:pages 12
:ADnum (AD-A093189)
A stack is a very efficient way of allocating and deallocating memory,
but it works only with a restricted pattern of usage.  Garbage
collection is completely flexible but comparatively costly.  The
implementation of powerful control structures naturally uses memory
which usually fits in with stack allocation but must have the
flexibility to do otherwise from time to time.  How can we manage
memory which only once in a while violates stack restrictions, without
paying a price the rest of the time?  This paper provides an extremely
simple way of doing so, in which only the part of the system which
actually uses the stack needs to know anything about the stack.  We
call them Phantom Stacks because they are liable to vanish if
subjected to close scrutiny.  Phantom Stacks will be used in the next
version of the Artificial Intelligence Lab's Scheme microprocessor

:aim 557
:title {An Information Processing Approach To Understanding The Visual Cortex}
:author Francis H.C. Crick, David C. Marr and Tomaso Poggio
:asort Crick, F.H.C.; Marr, D.; Poggio, T.
:date April 1980
:pages 38

:aim 558
:title {Some Comments on a Recent Theory of Stereopsis}
:author David C. Marr and Tomaso Poggio
:asort Marr, D.; Poggio, T.
:date July 1980
:pages 8

:aim 559
:title {The SCHEME-79 Chip}
:author Jack Holloway, Guy Steele, Jr., Gerald Jay Sussman, and Alan
:asort Holloway, J.; Steele, G.L., Jr.; Sussman, G.J.; Bell, A.
:date January 1980
:cost $2.75
:pages 48
We have designed and implemented a single-chip microcomputer (which we
call SCHEME-79) which directly interprets a typed-pointer variant of
SCHEME, a dialect of the langugae LISP.  To support this interpreter
the chip implements an automatic storage allocation system for
heap-allocated data and an interrupt facility for user interrupt
routines implemented in SCHEME.  We describe how the machine
architecture is tailored to support the language, and the design
methodology by which the hardware was synthesized.  We develop an
interpreter for SCHEME written in LISP which may be viewed as a
microcode specification.  This is converted by successive compilation
passes into actual hardware structures on the chip.  We develop a
language embedded in LISP for describing layout artwork so we can
procedurally define generators for generalized macro components.  The
generators accept parameters to produce the specialized instances used
in a particular design.  We discuss the performance of the current
design and directions for improvement, both in the circuit performance
and in the algorithms implemented by the chip.  A complete, annotated
listing of the microcode embodied by the chip is included.

:aim 561
:title {Using Parallel Processing for Problem Solving}
:author William A. Kornfeld
:asort Kornfeld, W.A.
:date December 1979
:cost $2.75
:pages 47
:ADnum (AD-A084683)
:keywords parallel processing, distributed computing,
pattern-directed invocation, problem solving
Parallel processing as a conceptual aid in the design of programs for
problem solving applications is developed.  A pattern-directed
invocation language known as Ether is introduced.  Ether embodies two
notions in language design: activities and viewpoints.  Activities are
the basic parallel processing primitive.  Different goals of the
system can be pursued in parallel by placing them in separate
activities.  Language primitives are provided for manipulating running
activities.  Viewpoints are a generalization of context mechanisms and
serve as a device for representing multiple world models.  A number of
problem solving schemes are developed making use of viewpoints and

:aim 564
:title {Towards a Computational Theory of Semantic Memory}
:author Lucia M. Vaina
:asort Vaina, L.
:date February 1980
:pages 30

:aim 565
:title {A Computer Implementation of A Theory of Human Stereo Vision}
:author W.E.L. Grimson
:asort Grimson, W.E.L.
:date January 1980
:cost $2.75
:pages 60
:ADnum (AD-A084696)

:aim 566
:title {Numerical Shape from Shading and Occluding Contours in a Single View}
:author Katsushi Ikeuchi
:asort Ikeuchi, K.
:date November 1979
:reference Revised February 1980. {See {\it Artificial Intelligence}, vol. 17, p
p. 141-184, 1981}

:aim 567
:title {Shape from Regular Patterns: An Example of Constraint Propagation in Vis
:author Katsushi Ikeuchi
:asort Ikeuchi, K.
:date March 1980
:cost $2.25
:pages 39
:reference {See Proceedings of ICPR.-80, Miami Beach, Dec. 1980,
pp. l032-1039}
:keywords spherical projection, propagation of constraints,
Gauss-Seidel method, texture gradient, Gaussian sphere, texture stereo
An algorithm is proposed for obtaining local surface orientation from
the apparent distortion of surface patterns in an image.  A spherical
projection is used for imaging.  A mapping is defined from points on
this image sphere to a locus of points on the Gaussian sphere which
corresponds to possible surface orientations.  This mapping is based
on the measurement of the local distortions of a repeated known
texture pattern due to the imaging projection.  This locus of possible
surface orientations can be reduced to a unique orientation at each
point on the sphere using 3 vantage points and taking the intersection
of the loci of possible orientations derived from each vantage.  It is
also possible to derive a unique surface orientation at each image
point through the use of an iterative constraint propagation technique
along with the orientation information available at occluding
boundaries.  Both methods are demonstrated for real images.