[mod.techreports] mitai8 tech reports

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:tr 233
:author Edwin Banks
:asort Banks, E.
:title Information Processing and Transmission in Cellular
:date January 1971
:reference (MAC-TR-81)

:tr 234
:author Lawrence J. Krakauer
:asort Krakauer, L.J.
:title Computer Analysis of Visual Properties of Curved Objects
:date May 1971
:reference (MAC-TR-82)
:adnum AD-723-647

:tr 235
:author Terry Winograd
:asort Winograd, T.
:title Procedures as a Representation for Data in a Computer
Program for Understanding Natural Language
:date February 1971
:reference (MAC-TR-84), Available in book form under the title
{\it Understanding Natural Language}, Terry Winograd, Academic Press
(New York) 1972. In Britain and Europe, Edinburgh University Press, 1972
:adnum AD-721-399

:tr 236
:author Thomas L. Jones
:asort Jones, T.L.
:title A Computer Model of Simple Forms of Learning
:date January 1971
:reference (MAC-TR-20)
:adnum AD-720-337

:tr 242
:author Stephen W. Smoliar
:asort Smoliar, S.W.
:title A Parallel Processing Model of Musical Structures
:date September 1971
:pages 276
:reference (MAC-TR-91)
:adnum AD-731-690

:tr 258
:author Carl Hewitt
:asort Hewitt, C.
:title Description and Theoretical Analysis (Using Schemata) of PLANNER:
A Language for Proving Theorems and Manipulating Models In A Robot
:date April 1972
:pages 408
:adnum AD-744-620

:tr 266
:author Eugene Charniak
:asort Charniak, E.
:title Toward A Model Of Children's Story Comprehension
:date December 1972
:pages 304
:adnum AD-755-232

:tr 271
:author David L. Waltz
:asort Waltz, D.L.
:title Generating Semantic Descriptions From Drawings of Scenes
With Shadows
:date November 1972
:pages 349
:adnum AD-754-080
:reference (In {\it The Psychology of Computer Vision})

:tr 281
:author Patrick H. Winston, Editor
:asort Winston, P.H., ed.
:title Progress In Vision And Robotics
:date May 1973
:pages 327
:adnum AD-775-439

:tr 283
:author Scott E. Fahlman
:asort Fahlman, S.E.
:title A Planning System For Robot Construction Tasks
:date May 1973
:pages 143
:adnum AD-773-471

:tr 291
:author Drew V. McDermott
:asort McDermott, D.
:title Assimilation of New Information by a Natural
Language Under\-stand\-ing System
:date February 1974
:pages 160
:adnum AD-780-194

:tr 294
:author Ira P. Goldstein
:asort Goldstein, I.
:title Understanding Simple Picture Programs
:date April 1974
:pages 228
:adnum AD-A005-907

:tr 297
:author Gerald J. Sussman
:asort Sussman, G.J.
:title A Computational Model of Skill Acquisition
:date August 1973
:pages 200
:reference (In {\it A Computer Model of Skill Acquisition})

:tr 310
:author Patrick H. Winston
:asort Winston, P.H.
:title New Progress in Artificial Intelligence
:date September 1974
:pages 350
:adnum AD-A002-272

:tr 316
:author Ann D. Rubin
:asort Rubin, A.D.
:title Hypothesis Formation and Evaluation in Medical Diagnosis
:date January 1975
:pages 246

:tr 345
:author  Eugene C. Freuder
:asort Freuder, E.C.
:title Computer System for Visual Recognition Using Active
:date June 1976
:pages 278

:tr 346
:author John M. Hollerbach
:asort Hollerbach, J.M.
:title Hierarchical Shape Description of Objects by Selection and
Modification of Prototypes
:date November 1975
:adnum AD-A024-970
:pages 239

:tr 347
:author Robert Carter Moore
:asort Moore, R.C.
:title Reasoning from Incomplete Knowledge in a Procedural Deduction System
:date December 1975

:tr 352
:author Johan de Kleer
:asort de Kleer, J.
:title Qualitative and Quantitative Knowledge in Classical
:date December 1975
:adnum AD-A021-515
:pages 120

:tr 354
:author  Charles Rich and Howard E. Shrobe
:asort Rich, C.; Shrobe, H.E.
:title Initial Report on A LISP Programmer's Apprentice
:date December 1976
:reference (See {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, Vol. 4, No. 5, Nov.
:pages 217

:tr 362
:author Allen Brown
:asort Brown, A.
:title Qualitative Knowledge, Causal Reasoning, and the
Localization of Failures
:date December 1976
:adnum AD-A052-952
:pages 198

:tr 397
:author Tomas Lozano-Perez
:asort Lozano-Perez, T.
:title The Design of a Mechanical Assembly System
:date December 1976
:adnum AD-A036-734
:pages 192

:tr 402
:author Drew Vincent McDermott
:asort McDermott, D.
:title Flexibility and Efficiency in a Computer Program for
Designing Circuits
:date December 1976
:adnum AD-A043-964
:pages 263

:tr 403
:author Richard Brown
:asort Brown, R.
:title Use of Analogy to Achieve New Expertise
:date April 1977
:adnum AD-A043-809
:pages 148

:tr 418
:author Benjamin J. Kuipers
:asort Kuipers, B.J.
:title Representing Knowledge of Large-scale Space
:date July 1977
:pages 147

:tr 419
:author Jon Doyle
:asort Doyle, J.
:title Truth Maintenance Systems for Problem Solving
:date January 1978
:adnum AD-A054-826
:pages 134

:tr 439
:author Marc H. Raibert
:asort Raibert, M.
:title Motor Control and Learning by the State Space Model
:date September 1977
:pages 181

:tr 450
:author  Scott E. Fahlman
:asort Fahlman, S.E.
:title A System for Representing and Using Real-World Knowledge
:date December 1977
:adnum AD-A052748
:pages 195

:tr 457
:author Robert J. Woodham
:asort Woodham, R.J.
:title Reflectance Map Techniques for Analyzing Surface Defects
in Metal Castings
:date June 1978
:cost $7.00
:pages 216
:adnum AD-A062-177
This report explores the relation between image intensity and object
shape.  It is shown that image intensity is related to surface
orientation and that a variation in image intensity is related to
surface curvature.  Computational methods are developed which use the
measured intensity variation across surfaces of smooth objects to
determine surface orientation.

:tr 472
:author  Edwina Rissland Michener
:asort Michener, E.R.
:title The Structure of Mathematical Knowledge
:date August 1978
:pages 139

:tr 474
:author Guy L. Steele
:asort Steele, G.L., Jr.
:title Rabbit: A Compiler for Scheme
:date May 1978
:cost $7.00
:pages 272
:adnum AD-A061-996
We have developed a compiler for the lexically-scoped dialect of LISP
known as SCHEME.  The compiler knows relatively little about specific
data manipulation primitives such as arithmetic operators, but
concentrates on general issues of environment and control.  Rather
than having specialized knowledge about a large variety of control and
environment constructs, the compiler handles only a small basis set
which reflects the semantics of lambda-calculus.  All of the
traditional imperative constructs, such as sequencing, assignment,
looping, GOTO, as well as many standard LISP constructs such as AND,
OR and COND, are expressed as macros in terms of the applicative basis
set.  A small number of optimization techniques, coupled with the
treatment of function calls as GOTO statements, serve to produce code
as good as that produced by more traditional compilers.

:tr 483
:author Kurt A. VanLehn
:asort VanLehn, K.A.
:title Determining the Scope of English Quantifiers
:date June 1978
:adnum AD-A084-816
:pages 127

:tr 492
:author Richard C. Waters
:asort Waters, R.C.
:title Automatic Analysis of the Logical Structure of Programs
:date December 1978
:pages 219
:reference (See "A Method for Analyzing Loop Programs" in {IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering}, Vol. 5, No. 3, May 1979)
:adnum AD-A084-818

:tr 503
:author Howard Elliot Shrobe
:asort Shrobe, H.E.
:title Dependency Directed Reasoning for Complex Program
:date April 1979
:pages 293
:adnum AD-A078-055

:tr 512
:author Kent A. Stevens
:asort Stevens, K.A.
:title Surface Perception from Local Analysis of Texture and
:date February 1980
:pages 120
:adnum AD-A084-803

:tr 515
:author Matthew Thomas Mason
:asort Mason, M.T.
:title Compliance and Force Control for Computer Controlled
:date April 1979
:pages 71
:reference (See {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics},
Vol. SMC-11, No. 6, June 1981)
:adnum AD-A077-708

:tr 529
:author Johan de Kleer
:asort de Kleer, J.
:title Causal and Teleological Reasoning In Circuit Recognition
:date September 1979
:adnum AD-A084-802
:pages 216

:tr 534
:author John M. Hollerbach
:asort Hollerbach, J.M.
:title An Oscillation Theory of Handwriting
:date March 1980
:reference (See {\it Biological Cybernetics}, Vol. 39, pp. 139-156.
:cost $6.00
:pages 86
Handwriting production is viewed as a constrained modulation of an
underlying oscillatory process.  Coupled oscillations in horizontal
and vertical directions produce letter forms, and when superimposed on
a rightward constant velocity horizontal sweep result in spatially
separated letters.  Modulation of the vertical oscillation is
responsible for control of letter height, either through altering the
frequency or altering the acceleration amplitude.  Modulation of the
horizontal oscillation is responsible for control of corner shape
through altering phase or amplitude.

:tr 537
:author Candace Lee Sidner
:asort Sidner, C.L.
:title Towards a Computational Theory of Definite Anaphora Comprehen\-sion in En
glish Discourse
:date June 1979
:pages 265
:adnum AD-A084-785

:tr 540
:author Kenneth Michael Kahn
:asort Kahn, K.M.
:title Creation of Computer Animation from Story Descriptions
:date August 1979
:pages 323

:tr 542
:author Luc Steels
:asort Steels, L.
:title Reasoning Modeled As A Society Of Communicating Experts
:date June 1979
:pages 154

:tr 550
:author David A. McAllester
:asort McAllester, D.A.
:title The Use of Equality in Deduction and Knowledge Representation
:date January 1980
:cost $6.00
:pages 115
:adnum AD-A084-890

:tr 579
:author Ellen Hildreth
:asort Hildreth, E.
:title Implementation Of A Theory Of Edge Detection
:date April 1980
:cost $6.00
:pages 124
This report describes the implementation of a theory of edge
detection, proposed by Marr and Hildreth (1979).  According to this
theory, the image is first processed independently through a set of
different size filters, whose shape is the Laplacian of a Gaussian,
G(x,y).  Zero-crossings in the output of these filters mark the
positions of intensity changes at different resolutions.  Information
about these zero-crossings is then used for deriving a full symbolic
description of changes in intensity in the image, called the raw
primal sketch.

:tr 581
:author Jon Doyle
:asort Doyle, J.
:title A Model for Deliberation, Action, And Introspection
:date May 1980
:cost $7.00
:pages 249
:adnum AD-A105-666

:tr 589
:author Andrew P. Witkin
:asort Witkin, A.P.
:title Shape from Contour
:date November 1980
:pages 100

:tr 595
:author Guy Lewis Steele, Jr.
:asort Steele, G.L., Jr.
:title The Definition and Implementation Of A Computer
Programming Language Based On Constraints
:date August 1980
:cost $8.00
:pages 372
:reference (VLSI Memo \#80-32)
:adnum AD-A096-556
The constraint paradigm is a model of computation in which values are
deduced whenever possible, under the limitation that deductions be
{\it local} in a certain sense. One may visualize a constraint
"program" as a network of devices connected by wires. Data values may
flow along the wires, and computation is performed by the devices. A
device computes using only locally available information (with a few
exceptions), and places newly derived values on other, locally
attached wires. In this way computed values are {\it propagated}.
Advantages and disadvantages of the constraint paradigm are discussed,
and a number of implementations of constraint-based programming
languages are presented.  A progression of ever more powerful
languages is described, complete implementations are presented, and
design difficulties and alternatives are discussed.  The goal
approached, though not quite reached, is a complete programming system
which will implicitly support the constraint paradigm to the same
extent that LISP, say, supports automatic storage management.

:tr 604
:author Charles Rich
:asort Rich, C.
:title Inspection Methods In Programming
:date June 1981
:cost $8.00
:pages 287
:adnum AD-A110-030
The work reported here lies in the area of overlap between artificial
intelligence and software engineering.  As research in artificial
intelligence, it is a step towards a model of problem solving in the
domain of programming.  In particular, this work focuses on the
routine aspects of programming which involve the application of
previous experience with similar programs.  I call this programming by
inspection.  Programming is viewed here as a kind of engineering
activity.  Analysis and synthesis by inspection are a prominent part
of expert problem solving in many other engineering disciplines, such
as electrical and mechanical engineering.  The notion of inspection
methods in programming developed in this work is motivated by similar
notions in other areas of engineering. This work is also motivated by
current practical concerns in the area of software engineering.  The
inadequacy of current programming technology is universally
recognized.  Part of the solution to this problem will be to increase
the level of automation in programming.  I believe that the next major
step in the evolution of more automated programming will be
interactive systems which provide a mixture of partially automated
program analysis, synthesis and verification.  One such system being
developed at MIT, called the programmer's apprentice, is the immediate
intended application of this work.

:tr 610
:author Richard Brown
:asort Brown, R.
:title Coherent Behavior From Incoherent Knowledge Sources In The
Automatic Synthesis of Numerical Computer Programs
:date January 1981
:pages 211
:adnum AD-A096-559

:tr 615
:author Kenneth D. Forbus
:asort Forbus, K.D.
:title A Study of Qualitative and Geometric Knowledge in
Reasoning about Motion
:date February 1981
:cost $6.00
:pages 123
:adnum AD-A096-455
Reasoning about motion is an important part of our commonsense
knowledge, involving fluent spatial reasoning.  This work studies the
qualitative and geometric knowledge required to reason in a world that
consists of balls moving through space constrained by collisions with
surfaces, including dissipative forces and multiple moving objects.
An analog geometry representation serves the program as a diagram,
allowing many spatial questions to be answered by numeric calculation.
It also provides the foundation for the construction and use of a
place vocabulary, the symbolic descriptions of space required to do
qualitative reasoning about motion in the domain.

:tr 619
:author Barbara Y. White
:asort White, B.
:title Designing Computer Games to Facilitate Learning
:date February 1981
:cost $7.00
:pages 204
The aim of this thesis was to explore the design of interactive
computer learning environments.  The particular learning domain
selected was Newtonian dynamics.  Newtonian dynamics was chosen
because it is an important area of physics with which many students
have difficulty and because controlling Newtonian motion takes
advantage of the computer's graphics and interactive capabilities.
The learning environment involved games which simulated the motion of
a spaceship on a display screen.  The purpose of the games was to
focus the students' attention on various aspects of the implications
of Newton's laws.  Playing the games did improve the students ability
to solve Newtonian dynamics problems.  It is hypothesized that the
games facilitated understanding because the microworld embodies
Newton's laws in a way that links everyday beliefs about force and
motion to formal physics knowledge, because it provides feedback as to
how everyday beliefs fail, and because the games focus students'
attention on areas where their knowledge needs revising.  The design
of the games and microworld was based on an analysis of why students
have so much difficulty with Newtonian dynamics.  This was done by
taking protocols of students solving basic force and motion problems.
The results revealed that the students possessed many kinds of
knowledge, such as beliefs derived from living in a world with
friction and prior experiences with addition, which interfered with
their ability to understand Newtonian dynamics.  The games and
microworld were then redesigned to more effectively help the students
revise their misconceptions and to draw upon aspects of their
knowledge which would help them to better understand Newtonian
dynamics.  Finally, general principles of designing interactive
computer learning environments were induced from this design process.

:tr 623
:author Anna R. Bruss
:asort Bruss, A.R.
:title The Image Irradiance Equation: Its Solution and Application
:date June 1981
:adnum AD-A104043
:pages 109

:tr 633
:author William Douglas Clinger
:asort Clinger, W.D.
:title Foundations of Actor Semantics
:date May 1981
:cost $7.00
:pages 177
The actor message-passing model of concurrent computation has inspired
new ideas in the areas of knowledge-based systems, programming
languages and their semantics, and computer systems architecture.  The
model itself grew out of computer languages such as Planner,
Smalltalk, and Simula, and out of the use of continuations to
interpret imperative constructs within -calculus.  The mathematical
content of the model has been developed by Carl Hewitt, Irene Greif,
Henry Baker, and Giuseppe Attardi.  This thesis extends and unifies
their work through the following observations.  The ordering laws
postulated by Hewitt and Baker can be proved using a notion of global
time.  The most general ordering laws are in fact equivalent to an
axiom of realizability in global time.  Independence results suggest
that some notion of global time is essential to any model of
concurrent computation.  Since nondeterministic concurrency is more
fundamental that deterministic sequential computation, there may be no
need to take fixed points in the underlying domain of a power domain.
Power domains built from incomplete domains can solve the problem of
providing a fixed point semantics for a class of nondeterministic
programming languages in which a fair merge can be written.  The event
diagrams of Greif's behavioral semantics, augmented by Baker's pending
events, form an incomplete domain.  Its power domain is the semantic
domain in which programs written in actor-based languages are assigned
meanings.  This denotational semantics in compatible with behavioral
semantics.  The locality laws postulated by Hewitt and Baker may be
proved for the semantics of an actor-based language.  Altering the
semantics slightly can falsify the locality laws.  The locality laws
thus constrain what counts as an actor semantics.

:tr 636
:author Barbara Sue Kerns Steele
:asort Steele, B.S.K.
:title An Accountable Source-to-Source Transformation System
:date June 1981
:cost $6.00
:pages 99
:adnum AD-A110-115
Though one is led to believe that program transformation systems which
perform source-to-source transformations enable the user to understand
and appreciate the resulting source program, this is not always the
case.  Transformations are capable of behaving and/or interacting in
unexpected ways.  The user who is interested in understanding the
whats, whys, wheres, and hows of the transformation process is left
without tools for discovering them.  I provide an initial step towards
the solutin of this problem in the form of an accountable
source-to-source transformation system.  It carefully records the
information necessary to answer such questions, and provides
mechanisms for the retrieval of this information.  It is observed that
though this accountable system allows the user access to relevant
facts from which he may draw conclusions, further study is necessary
to make the system capable of analysing these facts itself.

:tr 649
:author Michael Dennis Riley
:asort Riley, M.D.
:title The Representation of Image Texture
:date September 1981
:cost $5.00
:pages 69
:adnum AD-A107636
This thesis explores how to represent image texture in order to obtain
information about the geometry and structure of surfaces, with
particular emphasis on locating surface discontinuities.  Theoretical
and psychophysical emphasis on locating surface discontinuities.
Theoretical and psychophysical results lead to the following
conclusions for the representation of image texture: (1) A texture
edge primitive is needed to identify texture change contours, which are
formed by an abrupt change in the 2-D organization of similar items in
an image.  The texture edge can be used for locating discontinuities
in surface structure and surface geometry and for establishing motion
correspondence.  (2) Abrupt changes in attributes that vary with
changing surface geometry---orientation, density, length, and
width---should be used to identify discontinuties in surface geometry
and Surface Structure.  (3) Texture tokens are needed to separate the
effects of different physical processes operating on a surface.  They
represent the local structure of the image texture.  Their spatial
variation can be used in the detection of texture discontinuities and
texture gradients and their temporal variation may be used for
establishing motion correspondence.  What precisely constitutes the
texture tokens is unknown; it appears, however, that the intensity
changes alone will not suffice, but local groupings of them may.  (4)
The above primitives need to be assigned rapidly over a large range in
an image.

:tr 688
:author Robert W. Sjoberg
:asort Sjoberg, R.W.
:title Atmospheric Effects In Satellite Imaging of Mountainous
:date September 1982
:cost $6.00
:pages 86
:adnum AD-A128431
It is possible to obtain useful maps of surface albedo from
remotely-sensed images by eliminating effects due to topography and
the atmosphere, even when the atmospheric state is not known.A simple
phenomenological model of earth radiance that depends on six
empirically-determined parameters is developed under certain
simplifying assumptions.  The model incorporates path radiance and
illumination from sun and sky and their dependencies on surface
altitude and orientation. It takes explicit account of surface shape,
represented by a digital terrain model, and is therefore especially
suited for use in mountainous terrain. A number of ways of determining
the model parameters are discussed, including the use of shadows to
obtain path radiance and to estimate local albedo and sky irradiance.
The emphasis is on extracting as much information from the image as
possible, given a digital terrain model of the imaged area and a
minimum of site-specific atmospheric data.  The albedo image,
introduced as a representation of surface reflectance, provides a
useful tool to evaluate simple imaging model. Criteria for the
subjective evaluation of albedo images are established and illustrated
for Landsat multispectral date of mountainous region of Switzerland

:tr 690
:author Matthew Thomas Mason
:asort Mason, M.T.
:title Manipulator Grasping and Pushing Operations
:date June 1982
:cost $6.00
:pages 137
:adnum AD-A128438
The primary goal of this research is to develop theoretical tools for
analysis, synthesis, and application of primitive manipulator
operations.  The primary method is to extend and apply traditional
tools of classical mechanics. The results are of such a general nature
that they address many different and programming tools, and design of
auxiliary equipment. Some of the manipulator operations studied are:
(1) Grasping an object.  The object will usually slide and rotate the
period between first contact and prehension.  (2) Placing an object.
The object may slip slightly in the fingers upon contact with the
table as the base aligns with the table.  (3) Pushing.  Often the
final stage of mating two parts involves pushing one object into the
other.  In each of these operations the motion of the object is
determined partly by the manipulator and partly by frictional forces.
Hence the theoretical analysis focuses on the problem of partially
constrained motion with friction.  When inertial forces are dominated
by frictional forces, we find that the fundamental motion of the
object-whether it will rotate, and if so in what direction-may be
determined by inspection.  In many cases the motion may be predicted
in predicted in detail, and in any case it is impossible to find
bounds on the motion.  With these analytical tools it is sometimes
possible to predict the outcome of a given manipulator operation, or,
on the other hand, to plan an operation producing a given desired

:tr 703
:author Gerald Roylance
:asort Roylance, G.
:title A Simple Model of Circuit Design
:date May 1980
:cost $5.00
:pages 65
A simple analog circuit designer has been implemented as a rule based
system.  The system can design voltage followers, Miller integrators,
and bootstrap ramp generators from functional descriptions of what
these circuits do.  While the designer works in a simple domain where
all components are ideal, it demonstrates the abilities of skilled
designers. While the domain is electronics, the design ideas are
useful in many other engineering domains, such as mechanical
engineering, chemical engineering, and numerical programming.  Most
circuit design systems are given the circuit schematic and use
arithmetic constraints to select components values.  This circuit
designer is different because it designs the schematic.  The designer
uses a unidirectional CONTROL relation to fine the schematic.  The
circuit designs are built around this relation;it restricts the search
space, assigns purposes to components, and finds design bugs.

:tr 704
:author Daniel Carl Brotsky
:asort Brotsky, D.C.
:title An Algorithm for Parsing Flow Graphs
:date March 1984
:cost $6.00
:pages 152
This report desribes research about {\it flow graphs} -- labeled,
directed, acyclic graphs which abstract representations used in a
variety of Artificial Intelligence applications.  Flow graphs may be
derived from {\it flow grammars} such as strings be derived from
string grammars; this derivation process forms a useful model for the
stepwise refinement processes used in programming and other
engineering domains.  The central result of this report is a parsing
algorithm for flow graphs. Given a flow grammar and a flow graph, the
algorithm determines whether the grammar generated the graph and, if
so, finds all possible derivations for it.  The author has implemented
the algorithm in LISP. The intent of this report is to make flow-graph
parsing available as an analytic tool for researchers in Artificial
Intelligence.  The report explores the intuitions behind the parsing
algorithm, contains numerous, extensive examples of its behavior, and
provides some guidance for those who wish to customize the algorithm
to their own uses.

:tr 707
:author Walter Hamscher
:asort Hamscher, W.
:title Using Structural and Functional Information in Diagnostic
:date June l983
:cost $5.00
:pages 68
:adnum AD-A131859
We wish to design a diagnostic for a device from knowledge of its
structure and function.  The diagnostic should achieve both {\it coverage}
of the faults that can occur in the device, and should strive to
achieve {\it specificity} in its diagnosis when it detects a fault.  A
system is described that uses a simple model of hardware structure and
function, representing the device in terms of its internal primitive
functions and connections.  The system designs a diagnostic in three
steps.  First, an extension of path sensitization is used to design a
test for each of the connections in the device.  Next, the resulting
tests are improved by increasing their specificity.  Finally the tests
are ordered so that each relies on the fewest possible connections.
We describe an implementation for this system and show examples of the
results for some simple devices.

:tr 715
:author George Edward Barton, Jr.
:asort Barton, G.E., Jr.
:title A Multiple-Context Equality-Based Reasoning System
:date April 1983
:cost $6.00
:pages 145
:adnum AD-A132369
Expert Systems are too slow.  This work attacks that problem by
speeding up a useful system component that remembers facts and tracks
down simple consequences. The redesigned component can assimilate new
facts more quickly because it uses a compact, grammar-based internal
representation to deal with whole classes of equivalent expressions at
once.  It can support faster hypothetical reasoning because it
remembers the consequences of several assumption sets at once. The new
design is targeted for situations in which many of the stored facts
are equalities.  The deductive machinery considered here supplements
stored premises with simple new conclusions. The stored premises
include permanently asserted facts and temporarily adopted
assumptions. The new conclusions are derived by substituting equals
for equals and using the properties of the logical connectives AND,
OR, and NOT.  The deductive system provides supporting premises for
its derived conclusions. Reasoning that involves quantifiers is beyond
the scope of its limited and automatic operation.  The expert system
which the reasoning system is a	component is expected to be responsible
for overall control of reasoning.

:tr 720
:author John Canny
:asort Canny, J.
:title Finding Edges and Lines in Images
:date June 1983
:cost $6.00
:pages 146
:adnum AD-A130824
The problem of detecting intensity changes in images is canonical in vision.
Edge detection operators are typically designed to optimally estimate first
or second derivative over some (usually small) support.  Other criteria such
as output signal to noise ratio or bandwidth have also been argued for.
This thesis is an attempt to formulate a set of edge detection criteria
that capture as directly as possible the desirable properties of an edge
operator.  Variational techniques are used to find a solution over the
space of all linear shift invariant operators.  The first criterion is that
the detector have low probability of error i.e. failing to mark edges or
falsely marking non-edges.  The second is that the marked points should be
as close as possible to the centre of the true edge.  The third criterion is
that there should be low probability of more than one response to a single
edge. The technique is used to find optimal operators for step edges and for
extended impulse profiles (ridges or valleys in two dimensions).  The
extension of the one dimensional operators to two dimensions is then
discussed.  The result is a set of operators of varying width, length and
orientation.  The problem of combining these outputs into a single
description is discussed, and a set of heuristics for the integration are

:tr 728
:author Daniel G. Theriault
:asort Theriault, D.G.
:title Issues in the Design and Implementation of Act2
:date June 1983
:cost $7.00
:pages 213
:adnum AD-A132326
Act2 is a highly concurrent programming language designed to
exploit the processing power available from parallel computer
architectures.  The language supports advanced concepts in software
engineering, providing high-level constructs suitable for implementing
artificially-intelligent applications.  Act2 is based on the Actor
model of computation, consisting of virtual computational agents which
communicate by message-passing.  Act2 serves as a framework in which
to integrate an actor language, a description and reasoning system,
and a problem-solving and resource management system.  This document
describes issues in Act2's design and the implementation of an
interpreter for the language.

:tr 749
:author Reid Gordon Simmons
:asort Simmons, R.G.
:title Representing and Reasoning About Change in Geologic Interpretation
:date December 1983
:cost $6.00
:pages 131
Geologic interpretation is the task of inferring a sequence of events
to explain how a given geologic region could have been formed. This
report describes the design and implementation of one part of a geologic
interpretation problem solver -- a system which uses a simulation
technique called {\it imagining} to check the validity of a candidate
sequence of events.  Imagining uses a combination of qualitative and
quantitative simulations to reason about the chnges which occurred to
the geologic region.  The spatial changes which occur are simulated by
constructing a sequence of diagrams.  This quantitative simulation
needs numeric parameters which are determined by using the qualitative
simulation to establish the cumulative changes to an object and by
using a description of the current geologic region to make
quantitative measurements. The diversity of reasoning skills used in
imagining has necessitated the development of multiple
representations, each specialized for a different task.
Representations to facilitate doing temporal, spatial and numeric
reasoning are described in detail.  We have also found it useful to
explicitly represent {\it processes}.  Both the qualitative and
quantitative simulations use a discrete "layer cake" model of geologic
processes, but each uses a separate representation, specialized
to support the type of simulation.  These multiple representations have
enabled us to develop a powerful, yet modular, system for reasoning
about change.

:tr 753
:author Richard C. Waters
:asort Waters, R.C.
:title KBEmacs: A Step Toward the Programmer's Apprentice
:date May 1985
:pages 236
:ADnum AD-A157814
:cost $7.00
:keywords computer aided design, program editing, programming environment,
reuseable software components, Programmer's Apprentice
The Knowledge-Based Editor in Emacs (KBEmacs) is the current
demonstration system as part of the Programmer's Apprentice project.
KBEmacs is capable of acting as a semi-expert assistant to a person
who is writing a program -- taking over some parts of the programming
task. Using KBEmacs, it is possible to construct a program issuing a
series of high level commands.  This series of commands can be as much
as an order of magnitude shorter than the program it descibes.
KBEmacs is capable of operating on ADA and LISP programs of realistic
size and complexity. Although KBEmacs is neither fast enough nor
robust enough to be considered a true prototype, both of these
problems could be overcome if the systems were to be reimplemented.

:tr 754
:author Richard L. Lathrop
:asort Lathrop, R.L.
:title Parallelism in Manipulator Dynamics
:date December 1983
:cost $6.00
:pages 109
This paper addresses the problem of efficiently computing the motor
torques required to drive a lower-pair kinematic chain (e.g., a
typical manipulator arm in free motion, or a mechanical leg in the
swing phase) given the desired trajectory; i.e., the Inverse Dynamics
problem.  It investigates the high degree of parallelism inherent in
the computations, and presents two "mathematically exact" formulations
especially suited to high-speed, highly parallel implementations using
special-purpose hardware or VLSI devices.  In principle, the
formulations should permit the calculations to run at a speed bounded
only by I/O.  The first presented is a parallel version of the recent
linear Newton-Euler recursive algorithm.  The time cost is also linear
in the number of joints, but the real-time coefficients are reduced by
almost two orders of magnitude.  The second formulation reports a new
parallel algorithm which shows that it is possible to improve upon the
linear time dependency. The real time required to perform the
calculations increases only as the [$log_2$] of the number of joints.
Either formulation is susceptible to a systolic pipelined architecture
in which complete sets of joint torques emerge at successive intervals
of four floating-point operations.  Hardware requirements necessary to
support the algorithm are considered and found not to be excessive,
and a VLSI implementation architecture is suggested.  We indicate
possible applications to incorporating dynamical considerations into
trajectory planning, e.g. it may be possible to build an on-line
trajectory optimizer.

:tr 767
:author Brian C. Williams
:asort Williams, B.C.
:title Qualitative Analysis of MOS Circuits
:date July 1984
:cost $6.00
:pages 90
:keywords causal reasoning, VLSI, qualitative physics, design
automation, qualitative circuit simulation, representation of
knowledge, circuit theory, problem solving, expert systems
With the push towards sub-micron technology, transistor models have
become increasingly complex.  The number of components in integrated
circuits has forced designer's efforts and skills towards higher
levels of design.  This has created a gap between design expertise and
the performance demands increasingly imposed by the technology. To
alleviate this problem, software tools must be developed that provide
the designer with expert advice on circuit performance and design.
This requires a theory that links the intuitions of an expert circuit
analyst with the corresponding principles of formal theory (i.e.,
algebra, calculus, feedback anaylsis, network theory, and
electrodynamics), and that makes each underlying assumption explicit.
Temporal Qualitative Analysis is a technique for analyzing the
qualitative large signal behavior of MOS circuits that straddle the
line between the digital and analog domains. Temporal Qualitative
Analysis is based on the following four components: First, a
qualitative representation is composed of a set of open regions
separated by boundaries. These boundaries are chosen at the
appropriate level of detail for the analysis. This concept is used in
modeling time, space, circuit state variables, and device operating
regions. Second, constraints between circuit state variables are
established by circuit theory. At a finer time scale, the designer's
intuition of electrodynamics is used to impose a causal relationship
among these constraints. Third, large signal behavior is modeled by
Transition Analysis, using continuity and theorems of calculus to
determine how quantities pass between regions over time. Finally,
Feedback Analysis uses knowledge about the structure of equations and
the properties of structure classes to resolve ambiguities.

:tr 789
:author Kenneth D. Forbus
:asort Forbus, K.D.
:title Qualitative Process Theory
:date July 1984
:cost $7.00
:pages 179
:keywords qualitative reasoning, common sense reasoning, naive
physics, artificial intelligence, problem solving, mathematical
Objects move, collide, flow, bend, heat up, cool down, stretch,
compress, and boil. These and other things that cause changes in
objects over time are intuitively characterized as {\it processes}.
To understand common sense physical reasoning and make programs that
interact with the physical world as well as people do we must
understand qualitative reasoning about processes, when they will
occur, their effects, and when they will stop. Qualitative Process
theory defines a simple notion of physical process that appears useful
as a language in which to write dynamical theories. Reasoning about
processes also motivates a new qualitative representation for quantity
in terms of inequalities, called the {\it quantity space}. This report
describes the basic concepts of Qualitative Process theory, several
different kinds of reasoning that can be performed with them, and
discusses its impact on other issues in common sense reasoning about
the physical world, such as causal reasoning and measurement
interpretation. Several extended examples illustrate the utility of
the theory, including figuring out that a boiler can blow up, that an
oscillator with friction wil eventually stop, and how to say that you
can pull with a string, but not push with it. This report also
describes GIZMO, an implemented computer program which uses
Qualitative Process theory to make predictions and interpret simple
measurements. The representations and algorithms used in GIZMO are
described in detail, and illustrated using several examples.

:tr 791
:author Bruce R. Donald
:asort Donald, B.R.
:title Motion Planning with Six Degrees of Freedom
:date May 1984
:cost $7.00
:pages 261
:ADnum AD-A150312g
:keywords motion planning, robotics, path planning, configuration
space, obstacle avoidance, spatial reasoning, geometric modelling,
piano mover's problem, computational geometry, applied differential
topology, Voronoi diagram
The motion planning problem is of central importance to the fields of
robotics, spatial planning, and automated design. In robotics we are
interested in the automatic synthesis of robot motions, given
high-level specifications of tasks and geometric models of the robot
and obstacles. The "Mover's" problem is to find a continuous,
collision-free path for a moving object through an environment
containing obstacles. We present an implemented algorithm for the
"classical" formulation of the three-dimensional Mover's problem:
Given an arbitrary rigid polyhedral moving object "P" with three
translational and three rotational degrees of freedom, find a
continuous, collision-free path taking "P" from some initial
configuration to a desired goal configuration. This thesis describes
the first known implementation of a complete algorithm (at a given
resolution) for the full six degree of freedom Mover's problem. The
algorithm transforms the six degree of freedom planning problem into a
point navigation problem in a six-dimensional configuration space
(called C-space). The C-space obstacles, which characterize the
physically unachievable configurations, are directly represented by
six-dimensional manifolds whose boundaries are five dimensional C-surfaces.

:tr 793
:author Daniel Sabey Weld
:asort Weld, D.S.
:title Switching Between Discrete and Continuous Process Models to Predict Genet
ic Activity
:date May 1984
:cost $5.00
:pages 83
:keywords QP theory, simulation, aggregation, multiple representations
Two kinds of process models have been used in programs that reason
about change: discrete and continuous models. We describe the design
and implementation of a qualitative simulator, PEPTIDE, which uses
both kinds of process models to predict the behavior of molecular
genetic systems. The program uses a discrete process model to simulate
both situations involving abrupt changes in quantities and the actions
of small numbers of molecules. It uses a continuous process model to
predict gradual changes in quantities. A novel technique, called
aggregation, allows the simulator to switch between these models
through the recognition and summary of cycles. The flexibility of
PEPTIDE's aggregator allows the program to detect cycles within cycles
and predict the behavior of complex situations.

:tr 794
:author Eugene C. Ciccarelli IV
:asort Ciccarelli, E.
:title Presentation Based User Interfaces
:date August 1984
:cost $7.00
:pages 196
:keywords user interfaces, presentation systems, programming tools,
display, editor
A prototype {\it presentation system base} is described. It offers
mechanisms, tools, and ready-made parts for building user interfaces. A
general user interface mode underlies the base, organized around the
concept of a {\it presentation}: a visible text or graphic form
conveying information. The base and model emphasize domain
independence and style independence, to apply to the widest possible
range of interfaces. The {\it primitive presentation system model}
treats the interface as a system of processes maintaining a semantic
relation between an {\it application data base} and a {\it
presentation data base}, the symbolic screen description containing
presentations. A {\it presenter} continually updates the presentation
data base from the application data base. The user manipulates
presentations with a {\it presentation editor}. A {\it recognizer}
translates the user's presentation manipulation into application data
base commands. The primitive presentation system can be extended to
model more complex systems by attaching additional presentation
systems. In order to illustrate the model's generality and descriptive
capabilities, extended model structures for several existing user
interfaces are discussed. The base provides support for building the
application and presentation data bases, linked together into a
single, uniform network, including descriptions of classes of objects
as well as the objects themselves. The base provides an initial
presentation data base network, graphics to continuously display it,
and editing functions. A variety of tools and mechanisms help create
and control presenters and recognizers. To demonstrate the base's
utility, three interfaces to an operating system were constructed,
embodying different styles: icon, menu, and graphical annotation.

:tr 807
:author Andrew Lewis Ressler
:asort Ressler, A.L.
:title A Circuit Grammar for Operational Amplifier Design
:date January 1984
:cost $6.00
:pages 92
:keywords artificial intelligence, computer aided design, grammar,
operational amplifier, circuit, design, language
Electrical circuit designers seldom create really new topologies or use
old ones in a novel way. Most designs are known combinations of
common configurations tailored for the particular problem at hand. In
this thesis I show that much of the behavior of a designer engaged in
such ordinary design can be modelled by a clearly defined
computational mechanism executing a set of stylized rules. Each of my
rules embodies a particular piece of the designer's knowledge. A
circuit is represented as a hierarchy of abstract objects, each of
which is composed of other objects. The leaves of this tree represent
the physical devices from which physical circuits are fabricated. By
analogy with context-free languages, a class of circuits is generated
by a phrase-structure grammar of which each rule describes how one
type of abstract object can be expanded into a combination of more
concrete parts. Circuits are designed by first postulating an abstract
object which meets the particular design requirements. This object is
then expanded into a concrete circuit by successive refinement using
rules of my grammar. There are in general many rules which can be used
to expand a given abstract component. Analysis must be done at each
level of the expansion to constrain the search to a reasonable set.
Thus the rules of my circuit grammar provide constraints which allow
the approximate qualitative analysis of partially instantiated
circuits. Later, more careful analysis in terms of more concrete
components may lead to the rejection of a line of expansion which at
first looked promising. I provide special failure rules to direct the
repair in this case. As part of this research I have developed a
computer program , CIROP, which implements my theory in the domain of
operational amplifier design.

:tr 810
:author Michael Andreas Erdmann
:asort Erdmann, M.A.
:title On Motion Planning with Uncertainty
:date August 1984
:cost $7.00
:pages 261
:keywords motion planning, mechanical assembly, parts mating,
robotics, configuration space, friction, compliance, uncertainty
Robots must successfully plan and execute tasks in the presence of
uncertainty. Uncertainty arises from errors in modelling, sensing, and
control. Planning in the presence of uncertainty constitutes one facet
of the general motion planning problem in robotics. This problem is
concerned with the automatic synthesis of motion strategies from high
level task specifications and geometric models of environments. In
order to develop successful motion strategies, it is necessary to
understand the effect of uncertainty on the geometry of object
interactions. Object interactions, both static and dynamic, may be
represented in geometrical terms. This thesis investigates geometrical
tools for modelling and overcoming uncertainty. The thesis describes
an algorithm for computing backprojections of desired task
configurations. Task goals and motion states are specified in terms of
a moving object's configuration space. Backprojections specify regions
in configuration space from which particular motions are guaranteed to
accomplish a desired task. The back projection algorithm considers
surfaces in configuration space that facilitate sliding towards the
goal, while avoiding surfaces on which motions may prematurely halt.
In executing a motion from a backprojection region, a plan executor
must be able to recognize that a desired task has been accomplished.
Since sensors are subject to uncertainty, recognition of task success
is not always possible. The thesis considers the structure of
backprojection regions and of task goals that ensures goal
recognizability. The thesis also develops a representation of friction
in configuration space, in terms of a friction cone analogous to the
real space friction cone. The friction cone provides the
backprojection algorithm with a geometrical tool for determining
points at which motions may halt.

:tr 834
:author Peter Merrett Andreae
:asort Andreae, P.M.
:title Justified Generalization: Acquiring Procedures From Examples
:date January,1985
:cost $6.00
:pages 161
:adnum AD-A156408
:keywords machine learning, constraining generalization, justification of
This thesis describes an implemented system called NODDY for
acquiring procedures from examples presented by a teacher. Acquiring
procedures from examples involves several different generalization
tasks. Generalization is an underconstrained task, and the main issue
of machine learning is how to deal with this underconstraint. The
thesis presents two principles for constraining generalization on
which NODDY is based. The first principle is to exploit domain based
constraints.  NODDY demonstrates how such constraints can be used both
to reduce the space of possible generalizations to manageable size,
and how to generate negative examples out of positive examples to
further constrain the generalization. The second principle is to avoid
spurious generalizations by requiring justification before adopting a
generalization. NODDY demonstrates several different ways of
justifying a generalization and proposes a way of ordering and
searching a space of candidate generalizations based on how much
evidence would be required to justify each generalization. Acquiring
procedures also involves three types of constructive generalization:
inferring loops (a kind of group), inferring complex relations and
state variables, and inferring predicates. NODDY demonstrates three
constructive generalization methods for these kinds of generalization.

:tr 844
:author Gul Agha
:asort Agha, G.
:title Actors: A Model of Concurrent Computation In Distributed Systems
:date June,1985
:pages 198
:keywords distributed systems, concurrency, programming languages,
object-oriented programming, deadlock, semantics of programs, process
architectures, functional programming

:tr 852
:title Local Rotational Symmetries
:author Margaret Morrison Fleck
:asort Fleck, M.M.
:date August 1985
:pages 156
:cost $6.00
:keywords shape representation, computer vision, artificial intelligence,
smoothed local symmetries, local symmetries, multiple-scale representations,
hierarchical representations, rotational symmetries, round regions
This thesis describes a representation for the two-dimensional round
regions called Local Rotational Symmetries. Local Rotational
Symmetries are intended as a companion to Brady's Smoothed Local
Symmetry Representation for elongated shapes. An algorithm for
computing Local Rotational Symmetry representations at multiple scales
of resolution has been implemented and results of this implementation
are presented. These results suggest that Local Rotational Symmetries
provide a more robustly computable and perceptually accurate
description of round regions than the previous proposed
representations.  In the course of developing this representation, it
has been necessary to modify the way both Smoothed Local Symmetries
and Local Rotational Symmetries are computed. First, grey scale image
smoothing proves to be better than boundary smoothing for creating
representations at multiple scales of resolution, because it is more
robust and it allows qualitative changes in representation between
scales. Secondly, it is proposed that shape representations at
different scales be explicitly related, so that information can be
passed between scales and computation at each scale can be kept local.
Such a model for multi-scale computation is desirable both to allow
efficient computation and to accurately model human perceptions.

:tr 859
:author Anita M. Flynn
:asort Flynn, A.M.
:title Redundant Sensors for Mobile Robot Navigation
:date September 1985
:pages 70
:cost $5.00
:adnum AD-A161087
:keywords mobile robot, sensors, path planning, navigation, map making
Redundant sensors are needed on a moblie robot so that the accuracy
with which it perceives its surroundings can be increased.  Sonar and
infrared sensors are used here in tandem, each compensating for
deficiencies in the other. The robot combines the data from both
sensors to build a representation which is more accurate than if
either sensor were used alone. Another representation, the curvature
primal sketch, is extracted from this perceived workspace and is used
as the input to two path planning programs: one based on configuration
space and one based on a generalized cone formulation of free space.

:tr 860
:author Jose Luis Marroquin
:asort Marroquin, J.L.
:title Probabilistic Solution of Inverse Problems
:date September 1985
:pages 206
:cost $7.00
:adnum AD-A161130
:keywords inverse problems, computer vision, surface interpolation,
image restoration, Markov random fields, optimal estimation, simulated
In this thesis we study the general problem of reconstructing a
function, defined on a finite lattice, from a set of incomplete, noisy
and/or ambiguous observations. The goal of this work is to demonstrate
the generality and practical value of a probabilistic (in particular,
Bayesian) approach to this problem, particularly in the context of
Computer Vision. In this approach, the prior knowledge about the
solution is expressed in the form of a Gibbsian probability
distribution on the space of all possible functions, so that the
reconstruction task is formulated as an estimation problem.

Books and Manuals

= These items are available from the publishers =

Abelson, Harold, and Gerald Jay Sussman. {Structure and Interpretation
of Computer Programs}. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1984.

{Barriers to Equality in Academia: Women in Computer Science at MIT}.
Prepared by female graduate students and research staff in the
Laboratory for Computer Science and the Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory at MIT.  February, 1983. Available from MIT Lab for
Computer Science.

Berwick, Robert C..  {The Acquisition of Syntactic Knowledge}. Cambridge,
MA.: MIT Press, 1985.

Berwick, Robert C., and Amy Weinberg.  {The Grammatical Basis of
Linguistic Performance: Language Use and Acquisition}. Cambridge, MA.:
MIT Press, 1984.

Brady, J. Michael, and Robert C. Berwick.  {Computational Models of
Discourse}.  Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1983.

Brady, J. Michael, ed.  {Computer Vision}. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1982.

Brady, J. Michael, John Hollerbach, Timothy Johnson, Tomas
Lozano-Perez, and Matthew T. Mason, eds.  {Robot Motion: Planning and
Control}. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1982.

Brady, J. Michael.  {The Theory of Computer Science: A Programming
Approach}. London: Chapman and Hall, 1977.

Brooks, Rodney A.  {Programming in Common Lisp}. New York: John Wiley
and Sons, 1985.

Davis, Randall, and Douglas B. Lenat.  {Knowledge-Based Systems in
Artificial Intelligence}.  New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982.

DiSessa, Andrea, and Harold Abelson.  {Turtle Geometry: The Computer as
a Medium for Exploring Mathematics}. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1981.

Fahlman, Scott E.  {NETL: A System for Representing and Using
Real-World Knowledge}. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1979.

Grimson, W.E.L.  {From Images to Surfaces: A Computational Study of the
Human Early Visual System}. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1981.

Hildreth, Ellen C.  {The Measurement of Visual Motion}. (ACM
Distinguished Dissertation Series.) Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1984.

Hillis, W. Daniel.  {The Connection Machine}. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press,

Marcus, Mitchell P.  {A Theory of Syntactic Recognition for Natural
Language}. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1980.

Mason, Matthew T., and J. Kenneth Salisbury, Jr.  {Robot Hands and the
Mechanics of Manipulation}. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1985.

Mason, Matthew T., and J. Kenneth Salisbury, Jr.  {Dextrous Robot Hand
Videotape}. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1985.

Minsky, Marvin.  {Computation}.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice Hall,

Minsky, Marvin.  {Robotics}.  New York: Anchor Press Doubleday, 1985.

Minsky, Marvin, and Seymour Papert.  {Perceptrons}.  Cambridge, MA.: MIT
Press, 1968.

Minsky, Marvin, ed.  {Semantic Information Processing}.  Cambridge, MA.:
MIT Press, 1968.

Moore, Robert C.  {Reasoning from Incomplete Knowledge in a Procedural
Deduction System}. New York: Garland Publishing, 1979.

Papert, Seymour, and Robert McNaughton.  {Counter-Free Automata}.
Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 1971.

Stallman, Richard M.  {EMACS Manual}, (AIM 555). MIT Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory, March 1983.  Available from the AI Laboratory
Publications Office at a cost of $3.50, prepaid.

Stallman, Richard M., David Moon, and Daniel Weinreb.  {Window System
Manual}.  MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, August 1983, Edition
1.1, System Version 95.  Available from the AI Laboratory Publications
Office at a cost of $7.00, prepaid.

Stallman, Richard M. {ZMail Manual}.  MIT Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory, Zmail Version, April 1983, First Edition. Available from
the AI Laboratory at a cost of $6.00, prepaid.

Sussman, Gerald. {A Computer Model of Skill Acquisition}. New
York: Elsevier Science, February 1975. (Out of print).

Ullman, Shimon. {The Interpretation of Visual Motion}. Cambridge,
MA.: MIT Press, 1979.

Weinreb, Daniel, David Moon, and Richard Stallman. {LISP Machine
Manual}.  MIT Aritificial Intelligence Laboratory, revised, June,
1984. Sixth Edition.  Available from the AI Laboratory at a cost of
$20.00, prepaid.

Winograd, Terry. {Understanding Natural Language}.  New York: Academic
Press, 1972.

Winston, Patrick H., and Karen Prendergast.  {The A.I. Business: The
Commercial Uses of Artificial Intelligence}. Cambridge, MA.: MIT
Press, 1984.

Winston, Patrick H. {Artificial Intelligence}, 2nd ed.  Reading, MA.:
Addison-Wesley, 1984.

Winston, Patrick H., and Richard H. Brown, eds. {Artificial
Intelligence: An MIT Perspective}. 2 volumes. Cambridge, MA.: MIT
Press, 1979.

Winston, Patrick H., and Berthold K.P. Horn. {LISP}, 2nd ed.  Reading,
MA.: Addison-Wesley, 1984.

Winston, Patrick H., ed. {The Psychology of Computer Vision}.  New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1975. (Out of print).
