[mod.techreports] nyu3 tech reports

E1AR0002@SMUVM1.BITNET (06/13/86)

To obtain any of these reports, send a note (via surface or electronic
mail) to:

Michael J. Passaro
Administrative Manager
New York University
Ultracomputer Research Laboratory
		   [that's c-m-c-ELL-2]
Courant Institute (NYU),
251 Mercer St.,
New York, NY 10012


                 Ultracomputer Note Bibliography

Jacob T. Schwartz, "Ultracomputers," Ultracomputer Note UC, March

Lambert Meertens, "Bitonic Sort on Ultracomputers," Ultracomputer
     Note #1, March 1979.

Lambert Meertens, "Recurrent Ultracomputers are not log N-Fast,"
     Ultracomputer Note #2, March 1979.

Jacob T. Schwartz, "Preliminary Thought on Ultracomputers Pro-
     gramming Style," Ultracomputer Note #3, March 1979.

Jacob T. Schwartz, "A Remark on Nearly Planar Embeddings of Small
     Ultracomputers," Ultracomputer Note #4, December 1979.

Jacob T. Schwartz, "The Burroughs FMP Machine," Ultracomputer
     Note #5, January 1980.

Clyde Kruskal and  Larry Rudolph, "Observations Concerning Mul-
     tidimensional Ultracomputers," Ultracomputer Note #6, Janu-
     ary 1980.

Allan Gottlieb and Clyde Kruskal, "A Data Motion Algorithm," Ul-
     tracomputer Note #7, January 1980.

Larry Rudolph, "A Remark on the Planarity of the Shuffle-Exchange
     Network of Sizes 16 and 32," Ultracomputer Note #8, February

Allan Gottlieb, "Another Remark on the Planarity of the Shuffle-
     Exchange Network of Sizes 16 and 32," Ultracomputer Note #9,
     May 1980.

Allan Gottlieb, "PLUS - A PL/I Based Ultracomputer Simulator, I,"
     Ultracomputer Note #10, September 1980.

Allan Gottlieb and Clyde Kruskal, "Complexity Results for Permut-
     ing Data and Other Computations on Parallel Processors," Ul-
     tracomputer Note #11, April 1984.

Allan Gottlieb, "Washcloth - The Logical Successor to Soapsuds,"
     Ultracomputer Note #12, December 1980.

Allan Gottlieb, "MOP - A (Minimal) Multiprocessor," Ultracomputer
     Note #13, December 1980.

Allan Gottlieb, "Plus:  A PL/I Based Ultracomputer Simulator,
     II," Ultracomputer Note #14, November 1980.

Allan Gottlieb and Clyde Kruskal, "MULT - A Multitasking Ultra-
     computer Language with Timing, I & II," Ultracomputer Note
     #15, December 1980.

Allan Gottlieb, B.D. Lubachevsky, and Larry Rudolph, "Basic Tech-
     niques for the Efficient Coordination of Very Large Numbers
     of Cooperating Sequential Processors," Ultracomputer Note
     #16, April 1983.

Allan Gottlieb, "Comments on Concurrent Search and Insertion in
     AVL Trees," Ultracomputer Note #17, October 1981.

Charles S. Peskin and Olof B. Widlund, "Remarks on Efficient Nu-
     merical Algorithms for Ultracomputers," Ultracomputer Note
     #18, January 1981.

Charles S. Peskin, "Ultracomputer Implementation of Odd-Even
     Reduction," Ultracomputer Note #19, January 1981.

Charles S. Peskin, "A Comparison of Ultracomputer Architecture
     and Lattice Architecture for Problems on Lattices," Ultra-
     computer Note #20, January 1981.

Allan Gottlieb, "Washcloth 81," Ultracomputer Note #21, January

Norman Rushfield, "Atmospheric Computations on Highly Parallel
     MIMD Computers," Ultracomputer Note #22, February 1981.

David Korn, "Converting Scientific Codes to Run Under the Wash-
     cloth Simulator," Ultracomputer Note #23, March 1981.

David Korn, "Time Analysis for Codes Run Under the WASHCLOTH
     Simulator," Ultracomputer Note #24, March 1981.

Allan Gottlieb and Jacob T. Schwartz, "Networks and Algorithms
     for Very Large Scale Parallel Computation," Ultracomputer
     Note #25, August 1981.

Clyde Kruskal, "Supersaturated Paracomputer Algorithms," Ultra-
     computer Note #26, May 1981.

Malvin Kalos, Gabi Leshem, and B.D. Lubachevsky, "Molecular Simu-
     lations of Equilibrium Properties," Ultracomputer Note #27,
     February 1982.

Marc Snir, "NETSIM Network Simulator for the Ultracomputer," Ul-
     tracomputer Note #28, May 1981.

Marc Snir, "Lower Bounds on VLSI Implementations of Communication
     Networks," Ultracomputer Note #29, May 1981.

Malvin Kalos, "Scientific Calculations on the Ultracomputer," Ul-
     tracomputer Note #30, September 1981.

David Korn, "Timing Simulations for Elliptic PDE's Run Under
     WASHCLOTH," Ultracomputer Note #31, June 1981.

"SUPERSEDED BY UCN 40," Ultracomputer Note #32.

B.D. Lubachevsky, "Verification of Several Parallel Coordination
     Primitives Based on Descriptions of Their Reachability
     Sets," Ultracomputer Note #33, July 1981.

Allan Gottlieb and Clyde Kruskal, "Coordination Parallel Proces-
     sors:  A Partial Unification," Ultracomputer Notes #34, Sep-
     tember 1981.

B.D. Lubachevsky, "Review of Soviet Publications on Parallel Data
     Processing," Ultracomputer Note #35, September 1981.

Allan Gottlieb, "An Historical Guide to the Ultracomputer Litera-
     ture," Ultracomputer Note #36, September 1981.

B.D. Lubachevsky, "A Parallel Computer Implementation of the
     Ascend/Descend Types of Vector Algorithms," Ultracomputer
     Note #37, December 1981.

Marc Snir, "Comments of Lens and Hypetrees - or the Perfect-
     Shuffle Again," Ultracomputer Note #38, January 1982.

Marc Snir and Jon A. Solworth, "The Ultraswitch - A VLSI Network
     Node for Parallel Processing," Ultracomputer Note #39, Janu-
     ary 1984.

Allan Gottlieb, Ralph Grishman, Larry Rudolph, Clyde Kruskal,
     Kevin P. McAuliffe, and Marc Snir, "The NYU Ultracomputer -
     Designing an MIMD Shared Memory Parallel Computer," Ultra-
     computer Note #40, February 1983.

Clyde Kruskal and Marc Snir, "The Performance of Multistage In-
     terconnection Networks for Multiprocessors," Ultracomputer
     Note #41, December 1983.

B.D. Lubachevsky, "Parallelizing an Algorithm for Charles S. Pes-
     kin for describing Incompressible Flow for a Fluid Coupled
     to an Elastic Membrane," Ultracomputer Note #42, May 1982.

Ronald Bianchini and Ronald Bianchini Jr., "Wireability of an Ul-
     tracomputer," Ultracomputer Note #43, June 1982.

Marc Snir, "On Parallel Searching," Ultracomputer Note #44, June

B.D. Lubachevsky, "An Approach to Automating the Verification of
     Compact Parallel Coordination Programs," Ultracomputer Note
     #45, February 1982.

Malvin Kalos and Y-Q. Zhong, "Monte Carlo Transport Calculation
     on an Ultracomputer," Ultracomputer Note #46, March 1983.

Herbert J. Bernstein and Max Goldstein, "RINSE - What follows
     WASHCLOTH," Ultracomputer Note #47, March 1983.

Malvin Kalos, "The NYU Ultracomputer," Ultracomputer Note #48,
     April 1983.

B.D. Lubachevsky, "An Approach to Automating the Verification of
     Compact Parallel Coordination Programs, II," Ultracomputer
     Note #49, February 1983.

Uzi Vishkin, "On Choice of A Model of Parallel Computation," Ul-
     tracomputer Note #50, February 1983.

Robert E. Tarjan and Uzi Vishkin, "O(log n) and Optimal Parallel
     Biconnectivity," Ultracomputer Note #51, February 1983.

W. Paul, U. Vishkin, and H. Wagener, "Parallel Computation on 2-3
     Trees," Ultracomputer Note #52, September 1983.

Uzi Vishkin, "Synchronous Parallel Computation - A Survey," Ul-
     tracomputer Note #53, April 1983.

Uzi Vishkin and Avi Wigderson, "Dynamic Parallel Memories," Ul-
     tracomputer Note #54, June 1983.

David Korn and Norman Rushfield, "Washcloth Simulation of Three-
     Dimensional Forecasting Codes," Ultracomputer Note #55, May

Uzi Vishkin and Avi Wigderson, "Trade-Offs Between Depth and
     Width in Parallel Computation," Ultracomputer Note #56, Sep-
     tember 1983.

Malcolm C. Harrison, "An Ultracomputer Switch Design using Cir-
     cuit and Packet Switching," Ultracomputer Note #57, June

Uzi Vishkin, "A Parallel Design Distributed Implementation (PDDI)
     General Purpose Computer," Ultracomputer Note #58, June

Kurt Mehlhorn and Uzi Vishkin, "Granularity of Parallel
     Memories," Ultracomputer Note #59, October 1983.

Allan Gottlieb, "Comparing the NYU Ultracomputer with other
     Large-Scale Parallel Processors," Ultracomputer Note #60,
     November 1983.

Ilan Bar-on and Uzi Vishkin, "Optimal Parallel Generation of a
     Computation Tree Form," Ultracomputer Note #61, October

Allan Gottlieb, "Avoiding Serial Bottlenecks in Ultraparallel
     MIMD Computers," Ultracomputer Note #62, March 1984.

Marvin Bishop, "The Ultracomputer as a Vehicle for Polymer Simu-
     lations," Ultracomputer Note #63, October 1983.

Uzi Vishkin, "An Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Selection," Ul-
     tracomputer Note #64, December 1983.

Uzi Vishkin, "Lucid-Boxes vs. Black-Boxes," Ultracomputer Note
     #65, September 1983.

Uzi Vishkin, "Randomized Speed-ups in Parallel Computation," Ul-
     tracomputer Note #66, February 1984.

Uzi Vishkin, "An Efficient Parallel Strong Orientation," Ultra-
     computer Note #67, February 1984.

Paul G. Spirakis, "Queuing Delay Modeling for Multistage Inter-
     connection Multiprocessor Networks," Ultracomputer Note #68,
     January 1984.

Jacob T. Schwartz, "A Taxonomic Table of Parallel Computers,
     Based on 55 Designs," Ultracomputer Note #69, December 1983.

Seth Abraham, Allan Gottlieb, and Clyde Kruskal, "Simulating
     Shared-Memory Parallel Computers," Ultracomputer Note #70,
     April 1984.

Malcolm C. Harrison, "Synchronous Combining of Fetch and Add
     Operations," Ultracomputer Note #71, April 1984.

Robert A. Hummel, "Image Processing on the NYU Ultracomputer,"
     Ultracomputer Note #72, November 1984.

Mikhail Atallah and Uzi Vishkin, "Finding Euler Tours in Paral-
     lel," Ultracomputer Note #73, May 1984.

Uzi Vishkin, "Optimal Parallel Pattern Matching in Strings," Ul-
     tracomputer Note #74, August 1984.

Arzit Yannei, "PLISP User's Manual," Ultracomputer Note #75, Sep-
     tember 1984.

Jacob T. Schwartz, "Design Alternatives for Ultraperformance
     Parallel Computers," Ultracomputer Note #76, May 1984.

Allan Gottlieb, "A Remark on "A Variable Shift Register"," Ultra-
     computer Note #77, October 1984.

Jan Edler, Allan Gottlieb, Clyde Kruskal, Kevin McAuliffe, Larry
     Rudolph, Marc Snir, Patricia J. Teller, and James Wilson,
     "Issues Related to MIMD Shared-Memory Computers - The NYU
     Ultracomputer Approach," Ultracomputer Note #78, April 1985.

Allan Gottlieb, "A Brief Update on the NYU Ultracomputer," Ultra-
     computer Note #79, March 1985.

Paul G. Spirakis, "Fast Probabilistic Techniques for Dynamic
     Parallel Addition, Parallel Counting, and the Processor
     Identification Problem," Ultracomputer Note #80, November

Edith Schonberg and Edmond Schonberg, "Highly Parallel Ada - Ada
     on an Ultracomputer," Ultracomputer Note #81, February 1985.

Jan Edler, Allan Gottlieb, and Jim Lipkis, "Operating System Con-
     siderations for Large-Scale MIMD Machines," Ultracomputer
     Note #82, April 1985.

Malvin Kalos, "Monte Carlo Methods and the Computer of the Fu-
     ture," Ultracomputer Note #83, April 1985.

Jan Edler, Allan Gottlieb, and Jim Lipkis, "Adapting UNIX for
     Large Shared-Memory MIMD Systems," Ultracomputer Note #84,
     July 1985.

Susan Dickey, Richard Kenner, Marc Snir, and Jon Solworth, "A
     VLSI Combining Network for the NYU Ultracomputer," Ultracom-
     puter Note #85, June 1985.

Richard Cole and Alan Siegel, "Optimal VLSI Circuits for Sort-
     ing," Ultracomputer Note #86, September 1985.

Robert Hummel and Alan Rojer, "Connected Component Labeling in
     Image Processing with MIMD Architectures," Ultracomputer
     Note #87, July 1985.

B.D. Lubachevsky and K.G. Ramakrishn, "Process-Level, Time-
     Driven, Simulation of a Computer Network on a  Parallel
     Shared-Memory Processor," Ultracomputer Note #88, October

Uzi Vishkin and Richard Cole, "Deterministic Coin Tossing With
     Applications to Optimal Parallel List Ranking," Ultracomput-
     er Note #89, September 1985.

Richard Cole and Alan Siegel, "Lower bounds on communication com-
     plexity in VLSI," Ultracomputer Note #90, December 1985.

Jan Edler, Allan Gottlieb and Jim Lipkis, "Considerations for
     Massively Parallel UNIX Systems on the NYU Ultracomputer and
     IBM RP3," Ultracomputer Note #91, December 1985.

Jan Edler, Allan Gottlieb and Jim Lipkis, "Operating System Con-
     siderations for Large-Scale MIMD Machines," Ultracomputer
     Note #92, December 1985.

Susan Dickey, Richard Kenner and Marc Snir, "An Implementation of
     a Combining Network for the NYU Ultracomputer," Ultracomput-
     er Note #93, January 1986.

Susan Dickey, Allan Gottlieb and Richard Kenner, "Using VLSI to
     Reduce Serialization and Memory Traffic in Shared Memory
     Parallel Computers," Ultracomputer Note #94, January 1986.

Dennis Shasha, "Query Processing in a Symmetric Parallel Environ-
     ment," Ultracomputer Note #95, January 1986.

Dennis Shasha and Marc Snir, "Efficient and Correct Execution of
     Parallel Programs That Share Memory," Ultracomputer Note
     #96, March 1986.

Richard Cole, "An Optimal Selection Algorithm," Ultracomputer
     Note #97, March 1986.

Anne Greenbaum, "Synchronization Costs on Multiprocessors," Ul-
     tracomputer Note #98, April 1986.

Anne Greenbaum, "Solving Sparse Triangular Linear Systems Using
     FORTRAN with Parallel Extensions on the NYU Ultracomputer
     Prototype," Ultracomputer Note #99, April 1986.