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TECHNICAL NOTE: 151\hfill PRICE: \$20.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: THE REPRESENTATION AND USE OF FOCUS IN DIALOGUE\\ AUTHOR: BARBARA J. GROSZ\\ DATE: JULY 1977\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: This report develops a representation of focus of attention that circumscribes discourse contexts within a general representation of knowledge. Focus of attention is essential to any comprehension process because what and how a person understands is strongly influenced by where his attention is directed at a given moment. To formalize the notion of focus, the need for and the use of focus mechanisms are considered from the standpoint of building a computer system that can participate in a natural language dialogue with a user. Two ranges of focus, global and immediate, are investigated, and representations for incorporating them in a computer system as developed. The global focus in which an utterance is interpreted is determined by the total discourse and situational setting of the utterance. It influences what is talked about, how different concepts are introduced, and how concepts are referenced. To encode global focus computationally, a representation is developed that highlights those items that are relevant at a given place in a dialogue. The underlying knowledge representation is segmented into subunits, called focus spaces, that contain those items that are in the focus of attention of a dialogue participant during a particular part of the dialogue. Mechanisms are required for updating the focus representation, because, as a dialogue progresses, the objects and actions that are relevant to the conversation, and therefore in the participants' focus of attention, change. Procedures are described for deciding when and how to shift focus in task-oriented dialogues, i.e., in dialogues in which the participants are cooperating in a shared task. These procedures are guided by a representation of the task being performed. The ability to represent focus of attention in a language understanding system results in a new approach to an important problem in discourse comprehension--the identification of the referents of definite noun phrases. Procedures for identifying referents are developed that take discourse structure into account and use the distinction between highlighted items and those that are not highlighted to constrain the search for the referent of a definite noun phrase. Interpretation of an utterance also depends on the immediate focus established by the linguistic form of the preceding utterance. The interpretation of elliptical sentence fragments illustrates the effect of immediate focus. Procedures that interpret elliptical sentence fragments are developed. The use of a representation that superimposes syntactic information about an utterance on the interpretation of the underlying meaning of that utterance to minimize the processing required to expand a fragment into a complete sentence.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 152\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[-0.15in] \begin{tabbing} \noindent TITLE: DEVELOPING A NATURAL LANGUAGE INTERFACE TO COMPLEX DATA\\ AUTHORS: \= GARY G. HENDRIX, EARL D. SACERDOTI, DANIEL SAGALOWICZ, and\\ \> JONATHAN SLOCUM\\ DATE: AUGUST 1977\\[-0.15in] \end{tabbing} ABSTRACT: This paper describes aspects of an intelligence interface that provides natural language access to a large body of data distributed over a computer network. The overall system architecture is presented, showing how a user is buffered from the actual data base management systems (DBMSs) by three layers of insulating components. These layers operate in series to convert natural language queries into calls to DBMSs at remote sites. Attention is then focused on the first of the insulating components, the natural language system. A pragmatic approach to language access that has proved useful for building interfaces to data bases is described and illustrated by examples. Special language features that increase system usability, such as spelling correction, processing of incomplete inputs, and run-time system personalization, are also discussed.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 154\hfill PRICE: \$15.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: THE LOGIC OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING\\ AUTHORS: RICHARD WALDINGER and ZOHAR MANNA\\ DATE: AUGUST 1977\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: Techniques derived from mathematical logic promise to provide an alternative to the conventional methodology for constructing, debugging, and optimizing computer programs. Ultimately, these techniques are intended to lead to the automation of many of the facets of the programming process. This paper provides a unified tutorial exposition of the logical techniques, illustrating each with examples. The strengths and limitations of each technique as a practical programming aid are assessed and attempts to implement these methods in experimental systems are discussed.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 155\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[-0.15in] \begin{tabbing} \noindent TITLE: \= PROSPECTOR--A COMPUTER BASED CONSULTATION SYSTEM FOR \\ \> MINERAL EXPLORATION\\ AUTHORS: PETER E. HART and RICHARD O. DUDA\\ DATE: OCTOBER 1977\\[-0.15in] \end{tabbing} ABSTRACT: This paper reviews the principles and status of Prospector, a computer-based consultation program for mineral exploration. The mechanisms for representing ore deposit models by networks of inference rules are described, and the overall approach is compared to alternative decision making methodologies.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 156\hfill PRICE: \$15.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: SYNTHESIS: DREAMS == PROGRAMS\\ AUTHORS: RICHARD WALDINGER and ZOHAR MANNA\\ DATE: NOVEMBER 1977\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: Deductive techniques are presented for deriving programs systematically from given specifications. The specifications express the purpose of the desired program without giving any hint of the algorithm to be employed. The basic approach is to transform the specifications repeatedly according to certain rules, until a satisfactory program is produced. These techniques have been incorporated in a running program-synthesis system, called DEDALUS. Many of the transformation rules represent knowledge about the program's subject domain (e.g., numbers, lists, sets); some represent the meaning of the constructs of the specification language and the target programming language; and a few rules represent basic programming principles. Two of these principles, the conditional-formation rule and the recursion-formation rule, account for the introduction of conditional expressions and of recursive calls into the synthesized program. The termination of the programs is ensured as new recursive calls are formed. Two extensions of the recursion-formation rule are discussed; a procedure-formation rule, which admits the introduction of auxiliary subroutines in the course of the synthesis process, and a generalization rule, which causes the specifications to be altered to represent a more general problem that is nevertheless easier to solve. Special techniques are introduced for the formation of programs with side effects. The techniques of this paper are illustrated with a sequence of examples of increasing complexity; programs are constructed for list processing, numerical calculation, and array computation. The methods of program synthesis can be applied to various aspects of programming methodology--program transformation, data abstraction, program modification, and structured programming. The DEDALUS system accepts specifications expressed in a high-level language, including set notation, logical quantification, and a rich vocabulary drawn from a variety of subject domains. The system attempts to transform the specifications into a recursive, LISP-like target program. Over one hundred rules have been implemented, each expressed as a small program in a QLISP language.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 157\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: RECOVERING INTRINSIC SCENE CHARACTERISTICS FROM IMAGES\\ AUTHORS: HARRY G. BARROW and J. MARTIN TENENBAUM\\ DATE: APRIL 1978\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: We suggest that an appropriate role of early visual processing is to describe a scene in terms of intrinsic (vertical) characteristics--such as range, orientation, reflectance, and incident illumination--of the surface element visible at each point in the image. Support for this idea comes from three sources: the obvious utility of intrinsic characteristics for higher-level scene analysis; the apparent ability of humans to determine these characteristics, regardless of viewing conditions or familiarity with the scene; and a theoretical argument that such a description is obtainable, by a noncognitive and nonpurposive process, at least, for simple scene domains. The central problem in recovering intrinsic value encodes all the characteristics of the corresponding scene point. Recovery depends on exploiting constraints, derived from assumptions about the nature of the scene and the physics of the imaging process.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 158\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: ROAD TRACKING AND ANOMALY DETECTION IN AERIAL IMAGERY\\ AUTHOR: LYNN H. QUAM\\ DATE: MARCH 1979\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: This report describes a new procedure for tracking road segments and finding potential vehicles in imagery of approximately 1 to 3 feet per pixel ground resolution. This work is part of a larger effort by SRI International to construct an image understanding system for monitoring roads in aerial imagery.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 163R\hfill PRICE: \$12.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: A LADDER USER'S GUIDE (REVISED)\\ AUTHORS: EARL D. SACERDOTI and DANIEL SAGALOWICZ\\ DATE: MARCH 1980\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: LADDER (Language Access to Distributed Data with Error Recovery) is a computer system designed to provide answers to questions posed at the terminal in a subset of natural language regarding a distributed data base of naval command and control information. The system accepts a fairly wide range of naturalf-language questions about the data. For each question LADDER plans a sequence of appropriate queries to the data base management system, determines on which machine the queries are to be processed, establishes links to those machines over the Arpanet, monitors the processing of the queries and recovers from certain errors in execution, and prepares a relevant answer to the original question. The user's guide is intended for the person who knows how to log in to the host operating system, as well as how to enter and edit a line of text. It does not explain how LADDER works, but rather how to use it on a demonstration basis.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 164\hfill PRICE: \$15.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: ENCODING KNOWLEDGE IN PARTITIONED NETWORKS\\ AUTHOR: GARY G. HENDRIX\\ DATE: JUNE 1978\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: This paper discusses network notations for encoding a number of different kinds of knowledge, including taxonomic information; general statements involving quantification; information about processes and procedures; the delineation of local contexts, beliefs, and wishes; and the relationships between syntactic units and their interpretations. Many of the encodings appeal to the concept of network partitioning, in which a large net is partitioned into subnets and higher-order relationships among the subnets are defined. Procedural mechanisms for constructing and using the various network formalisms are discussed as equal partners with the declarative structures.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 165\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: INVESTIGATING THE PROCESS OF NATURAL LANGUAGE COMMUNICATION\\ AUTHOR: ANN E. ROBINSON\\ DATE: JUNE 1978\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: This paper provides an overview of an ongoing research program on natural language communications, indicating its status as of June 1978, and its short term goals. This research seeks to identify and computationally formalize the knowledge and processes needed for participation in natural language dialogs about ongoing tasks. The paper describes (1) the knowledge embodied in an existing system that interprets utterances in such dialogs, (2) the formalisms developed for encoding this knowledge, and (3) the framework in which the knowledge is combined and coordinated during the interpretation process. The paper also indicates anticipated extensions that will lead to refinements of interpretations. These extensions include the concept of modality, the use of the focus and goals of the dialog in the identification of the referents of pronouns, and the use of knowledge about the goals of the other dialog participants in the interpretation of utterances.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 168\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: COHERENCE AND COREFERENCE\\ AUTHOR: JERRY R. HOBBS\\ DATE: AUGUST 1978\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: Coherence in conversations and in texts can be partially characterized by a set of coherence relations, motivated ultimately by the speaker's or writer's need to be understood. In this paper, formal definitions are given for several coherence relations, based on the operations of an inference system; that is, the relations between successive portions of a discourse are characterized in terms of the inferences that can be drawn from each. In analyzing a discourse, it is frequently the case that we would recognize it as coherent, in that it would satisfy the formal definition of some coherence relation, if only we could assume certain noun phrases to be coreferential. In such cases, we will simply assume the identity of the entities referred to, in what might be called a petty conversational implicature," thereby solving the coherence and coreference problems simultaneously. Three examples of different kinds of reference problems are presented. In each, it is shown how the coherence of the discourse are solved, almost as a by-product, by means of these petty conversational implicatures.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 169\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: WHY ASK?\\ AUTHORS: JERRY R. HOBBS and JANE J. ROBINSON\\ DATE: OCTOBER 1978\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: In this paper, we address the problem, What makes an answer appropriate?" We do so by investigating indirect answers to questions in task-oriented dialogues. Three cases are distinguished: (1) The response, though indirect, answers the question asked; (2) the response denies a presupposition of the question; and (3) the response answers to higher goals the questioner was trying to achieve. Detailed analysis shows the need for knowledge about the task, the role of the participants, and communication goals, in the construction of appropriate answers. We conclude with a preliminary formulation of the appropriateness of an answer in terms of the goals of the questioner and the knowledge of the respondent.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 170\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: HANDLING COMPLEX QUERIES IN A DISTRIBUTED DATA BASE\\ AUTHOR: ROBERT C. MOORE\\ DATE: OCTOBER 1979\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: As part of the continuing development of the LADDER system [1] [2], we have substantially expanded the capabilities of the data base access component that serves as the interface between the natural- language front end of LADDER and the data base management systems on which the data is actually stored. SODA, the new data base access component, goes beyond its predecessor IDA [3], in that it accepts a wider range of queries and accesses multiple DBMSs. This paper is concerned with the first of these areas, and discusses how the expressive power of the query language was increased, how these changes affected query processing in a distributed data base, as well as what are some limitations of and planned extensions to the current system.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 171\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: NATURAL LANGUAGE ACCESS TO A MELANOMA DATA BASE\\ AUTHORS: MARTIN N. EPSTEIN and DONALD E. WALKER\\ DATE: SEPTEMBER 1978\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: This paper describes ongoing research towards developing a system that will allow physicians personal access to patient medical data through natural language queries to support both patient management and clinical research. A prototype system has been implemented for a small data base on malignant melanoma. The physician can input queries in English that retrieve specified data for particular patients or for groups of patients satisfying certain characteristics, that perform simple calculations, that allow browsing through the data base, and that assist in identifying relations among attributes. The system supports dialogue interactions; that is, the user can follow a line of inquiry to test a particular hypothesis by entering a sequence of queries that depend on each other. Classes of questions that can be processed are described and examples using the system are given.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ -------