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TECHNICAL NOTE: 226\hfill PRICE: \$20.00\\[-0.15in] \begin{tabbing} \noindent TITLE: \= PROBLEMATIC FEATURES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES:\\ \> SITUATIONAL-CALCULUS APPROACH\\ \> PART I: ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS\\ AUTHORS: ZOHAR MANNA and RICHARD WALDINGER\\ DATE: NOVEMBER 1980\\[-0.15in] \end{tabbing} ABSTRACT: Certain features of programming languages, such as data structure operations and procedure call mechanisms, have been found to resist formalization by classical techniques. An alternate approach is presented, based on a situational calculus,'' which makes explicit reference to the states of a computation. For each state, a distinction is drawn between an expression, its value, and the location of the value. Within this conceptual framework, the features of a programming language can be described axiomatically. Programs in the language can then be synthesized, executed, verified, or transformed by performing deductions in this axiomatic system. Properties of entire classes of programs, and of programming languages, can also be expressed and proved in this way. The approach is amenable to machine implementation. In a situational-calculus formalism it is possible to model precisely many problematic'' features of programming languages, including operations on such data structures as arrays, pointers, lists, and records, and such procedure call mechanisms as call-by-reference, call-by-value, and call-by-name. No particular obstacle is presented by aliasing between variables, by declarations, or by recursive procedures. The paper is divided into three parts, focusing respectively on the assignment statement, on data structure operations, and on procedure call mechanisms. In this first part, we introduce the conceptual framework to be applied throughout and present the axiomatic definition of the assignment statement. If suitable restrictions on the programming language are imposed, the well-known Hoare assignment axiom can then be proved as a theorem. However, our definition can also describe the assignment statement of unrestricted programming languages, for which the Hoare axiom does not hold.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 227\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: AN APPROACH TO ACQUIRING AND APPLYING KNOWLEDGE\\ AUTHORS: NORMAN HAAS and GARY G. HENDRIX\\ DATE: NOVEMBER 1980\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: The problem addressed in this paper is how to enable a computer system to acquire facts about new domains from tutors who are experts in their respective fields, but who have little or no training in computer science. The information to be acquired is that needed to support question-answering activities. The basic acquisition approach is learning by being told.'' We have been especially interested in exploring the notion of simultaneously learning not only new concepts, but also the linguistic constructions used to express those concepts. As a research vehicle we have developed a system that is preprogrammed with deductive algorithms and a fixed set of syntactic/semantic rules covering a small subset of English. It has been endowed with sufficient seen concepts and seed vocabulary to support effective tutorial interaction. Furthermore, the system is capable of learning new concepts and vocabulary, and can apply its acquired knowledge in a range of problem-solving situations.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 228\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: TRANSPORTABLE NATURAL-LANGUAGE INTERFACES TO DATABASES\\ AUTHORS: GARY G. HENDRIX and WILLIAM H. LEWIS\\ DATE: APRIL 1981\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: Several computer systems have now been constructed that allow users to access databases by posing questions in natural languages, such as English. When used in the restricted domains for which they have been especially designed, these systems have achieved reasonably high levels of performance. However, these systems require the encoding of knowledge about the domain of application in complex data structures that typically can be created for a new database only with considerable effort on the part of a computer professional who has had special training in computational linguistics and the use of databases. This paper describes initial work on a methodology for creating natural-language processing capabilities for new databases without the need for intervention by specially trained experts. The approach is to acquire logical schemata and lexical information through simple interactive dialogues with someone who is familiar with the form and content of the database, but unfamiliar with the technology of natural-language interfaces. A prototype system using this methodology is described and an example transcript is presented.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 229\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[-0.15in] \begin{tabbing} \noindent TITLE: \= THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL\\ \> METHODS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE\\ AUTHOR: NILS J. NILSSON\\ DATE: SEPTEMBER 1980\\[-0.15in] \end{tabbing} ABSTRACT: This note alleges that there is a dichotomy between theoretical and experimental work in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The reasons for this dichotomy are discussed, and AI is compared with other, more mature disciplines in which there is closer cooperation between experimental and theoretical branches. Some recommendations are given for achieving this needed cooperation.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 230\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[-0.15in] \begin{tabbing} \noindent TITLE: \= KLAUS: A SYSTEM FOR MANAGING INFORMATION AND\\ \> COMPUTATIONAL RESOURCES\\ AUTHOR: GARY G. HENDRIX\\ DATE: OCTOBER 1980\\[-0.15in] \end{tabbing} ABSTRACT: This report presents a broad-brush description of the basic goals and philosophy of a research program at SRI International (SRI) aimed at developing the technology needed to support systems that can be tutored in English about new subject areas, and that can therefore aid the initial or subsequent user in filing and retrieving information, and in conveniently applying to the new subject area other computer software, such as data-base management systems (DBMS), planners, schedulers, report generators, simulators and the like. These systems, which we call Knowledge Learning and Using Systems (KLAUS), are intended to act as brokers between the user's needs, as expressed in the user's terms, and the resources available in a rich computational environment.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 232\hfill PRICE: \$14.00\\[-0.15in] \begin{tabbing} \noindent TITLE: \= A FIRST-ORDER FORMALIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND ACTION FOR A\\ \> MULTIAGENT PLANNING SYSTEM\\ AUTHOR: KURT KONOLIGE\\ DATE: DECEMBER 1980\\[-0.15in] \end{tabbing} ABSTRACT: We are interested in constructing a computer agent whose behavior will be intelligent enough to perform cooperative tasks involving other agents like itself. The construction of such agents has been a major goal of artificial intelligence research. One of the key tasks such an agent must perform is to form plans to carry out its intentions in a complex world in which other planning agents also exist. To construct such agents, it will be necessary to address a number of issues that concern the interaction of knowledge, actions, and planning. Briefly stated, an agent at planning time must take into account what his future states of knowledge will be if he is to form plans that he can execute; and if he must incorporate the plans of other agents into his own, then he must also be able to reason about the knowledge and plans of other agents in an appropriate way. These ideas have been explored by several researchers, especially McCarthy and Hayes [McCarthy and Hayes, 1969] and Moore [Moore 1980]. Despite the importance of this problem, there has not been a great deal of work in the area of formalizing a solution. Formalisms for both action and knowledge separately have been examined in some depth, but there have been few attempts at a synthesis. The exception to this is Moore's thesis on reasoning about knowledge and action [Moore 1980], for which a planner has been recently proposed [Appelt 1980]. Moore shows how a formalism based on possible-world semantics can be used to reason about the interaction of knowledge and action. In this paper we develop an alternative formalism for reasoning about knowledge, belief, and action; we show how this formalism can be used to deal with several well-known problems, and then describe how it could be used by a plan constructing systems.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 233\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: COMPUTATIONAL STRUCTURES FOR MACHINE PERCEPTION\\ AUTHOR: MARTIN A. FISCHLER\\ DATE: JANUARY 1981\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: This note discusses the adequacy of current computer architectures to serve as a base for building machine vision systems. Arguments are presented to show that perceptual problems cannot be completely formalized and dealt with in a closed abstract system. The conclusion is that the digital computer, organized as a general-purpose symbol processor, cannot serve as an adequate instrument for achieving a human-like visual capability.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 237\hfill PRICE: \$20.00\\[-0.15in] \begin{tabbing} \noindent TITLE: \= NATURAL-LANGUAGE PROCESSING\\ \> PART ONE: THE FIELD IN PERSPECTIVE\\ AUTHORS: GARY G. HENDRIX and EARL D. SACERDOTI\\ DATE: JULY 1981\\[-0.15in] \end{tabbing} ABSTRACT: This article deals with the problems of enabling computers to communicate with humans in natural languages, such as English and French, as distinguished from formal languages, such as BASIC and PASCAL. Major issues in natural-language processing are discussed by examining several experimental computer systems developed over the last decade. The intent of the authors is to demonstrate that natural-language processing techniques are useful now, to reveal the richness of the computations performed by human natural-language communicators, and to explain why the fluent use of natural language by machines remains an elusive aspiration.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 239\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: AUTOMATIC DEDUCTION FOR COMMONSENSE REASONING: AN OVERVIEW\\ AUTHOR: ROBERT C. MOORE\\ DATE: APRIL 1981\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: How to enable computers to draw conclusions automatically from bodies of facts has long been recognized as a central problem in artificial-intelligence (AI) research. Any attempt to address this problem requires choosing an application (or type of application), a representation for bodies of facts, and methods for deriving conclusions. This article provides an overview of the issues involved in drawing conclusions by means of deductive inference from bodies of commonsense knowledge represented by logical formulas. We first briefly review the history of this enterprise: its origins, its fall into disfavor, and its recent revival. We show why applications involving certain types of incomplete information resist solution by other techniques, and how supplying domain-specific control information seems to offer a solution to the difficulties that previously led to disillusionment with automatic deduction. Finally, we discuss the relationship of automatic deduction to the new field of logic programming,'' and we survey some of the issues that arise in extending automatic-deduction techniques to nonstandard logics.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 240\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: NATURAL LANGUAGE ACCESS TO MEDICAL TEXT\\ AUTHORS: DONALD E. WALKER and JERRY R. HOBBS\\ DATE: MARCH 1981\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: This paper describes research on the development of a methodology for representing the information in texts and of procedures for relating the linguistic structure of a request to the corresponding representations. The work is being done in the context of a prototype system that will allow physicians and other health professionals to access information in a computerized textbook of hepatitis through natural language dialogues. The interpretation of natural language queries is derived from DIAMOND/DIAGRAM, a linguistically motivated, domain-independent natural language interface developed at SRI. A text access component is being developed that uses representations of the propositional content of text passages and of the hierarchical structure of the text as a whole to retrieve relevant information.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 241\hfill PRICE: \$12.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: PROBLEMS IN LOGICAL FORM\\ AUTHOR: ROBERT C. MOORE\\ DATE: APRIL 1981\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: Most current theories of natural-language processing propose that the assimilation of an utterance involves producing an expression or structure that in some sense represents the literal meaning of the utterance. It is often maintained that understanding what an utterance literally means consists in being able to recover such a representation. In philosophy and linguistics this sort of representation is usually said to display the \underline{logical form} of an utterance. This paper surveys some of the key problems that arise in defining a system of representation for the logical forms of English sentences and suggests possible approaches to their solution. We first look at some general issues relating to the notion of logical form, explaining why it makes sense to define such a notion only for sentences in context, not in isolation, and we discuss the relationship between research on logical form and work on knowledge representation in artificial intelligence. The rest of the paper is devoted to examining specific problems in logical form. These include the following: quantifiers; events, actions and processes; time and space; collective entities and substances; propositional attitudes and modalities; questions and imperatives.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 243\hfill PRICE: \$20.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: KNOWLEDGE-ENGINEERING TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS\\ AUTHOR: RENE REBOH\\ DATE: MAY 1981\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: Techniques and tools to assist in several phases of the knowledge-engineering process for developing an expert system are explored. A sophisticated domain-independent network editor is described that uses knowledge about the representational and computational formalisms of the host consultation system to watch over the knowledge-engineering process and to give the knowledge engineer a convenient environment for developing, debugging, and maintaining the knowledge base. We also illustrate how partial matching techniques can assist in maintaining the consistency of the knowledge base (in form and content) as it grows, and can support a variety of features that will enhance the interaction between the system and the user and make a knowledge-based consultation system behave more intelligently. Although these techniques and features are illustrated in terms of the Prospector environment, it will be clear to the reader how these techniques can be applied in other environments.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 244\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: DETECTION OF RIVERS IN LOW-RESOLUTION AERIAL IMAGERY\\ AUTHOR: GRAHAME B. SMITH\\ DATE: JUNE 1981\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: This paper describes an operator for detecting rivers in low-resolution aerial imagery. The operator provides results that would allow graph-traversing routines to delineate these structures. The approach is to look for the typical river profile involving not only the water component of the river, but its surrounding vegetation as well.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 245\hfill PRICE: \$12.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: AN INTERACTIVE PLANNING SYSTEM\\ AUTHORS: ANN ROBINSON and DAVID WILKINS\\ DATE: JUNE 1981\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: A principal goal of our planning and plan execution research is to develop a computer system that interacts with a person planning some activity. The system, designed to be independent of the problem area in which the planning takes place, will allow the person to (1) represent the problem area and the actions that may be performed in it; (2) explore alternative plans for performing the activity; (3) monitor the execution of a plan so produced; and (4) modify the plan as needed during its execution. The system currently being tested allows a person to produce a plan inter- actively, suggesting alternative actions, showing the effects of actions on the situation, checking for problems in the plan, and (occasionally) suggesting corrections for such problems. The plan is represented as a hierarchy of actions linked together in a network, generally called a procedural network.'' Current areas of investigation include the following: (1) development of representations for encoding information about a given problem area, stressing the representation of actions that may be performed in it; (2) development of computational methods for identifying difficulties in a plan, such as the overallocation of a resource or the possible effect of one action on the successful performance of subsequent actions; (3) development of strategies for deciding which actions and action sequences should be included in a plan; (4) development of effective communication with the user, including determining which and how much information should be communicated, and how best to present it.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------\\ -------