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TECHNICAL NOTE: 293\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[-0.15in] \begin{tabbing} \noindent TITLE: \= TRANSPORTABILITY AND GENERALITY IN A NATURAL-LANGUAGE\\ \> INTERFACE SYSTEM\\ AUTHORS: PAUL MARTIN, DOUGLAS APPELT, and FERNANDO PEREIRA\\ DATE: NOVEMBER 1983\\[-0.15in] \end{tabbing} ABSTRACT: This paper describes the design of a transportable natural language (NL) interface to databases and the constraints that transportability places on each components of such a system. By a \underline{transportable} NL system, we mean an NL processing system that is constructed so that a domain expert (rather than an AI or linguistics expert) can move the system to a new application domain. After discussing the general problems presented by transportability, this paper describes \underline{TEAM} (an acronym for \underline{T}ransportable \underline{E}nglish database \underline{A}ccess \underline{M}edium), a demonstratable prototype of such a system. The discussion of TEAM shows how domain-independent and domain-dependent information can be separated in the different components of an NL interface system, and presents one method of obtaining domain-specific information from a domain expert.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 294\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: A DEDUCTIVE MODEL OF BELIEF\\ AUTHOR: KURT KONOLIGE\\ DATE: JUNE 1983\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: Representing and reasoning about the knowledge an agent (human or computer) must have to accomplish some task is becoming an increasingly important issue in artificial intelligence (AI) research. To reason about an agent's beliefs, an AI system must assume some formal model of those beliefs. An attractive candidate is the \underline{Deductive} \underline{Belief} \underline{model}: an agent's beliefs are described as a set of sentences in some formal language (the \underline{base} \underline{sentences}), together with a deductive process for deriving consequences of those beliefs. In particular, a Deductive Belief model can account for the effect of resource limitations on deriving consequences of the base set: an agent need not believe all the logical consequences of his beliefs. In this paper we develop a belief model based on the notion of deduction, and contrast it with current AI formalisms for belief derived from Hintikka/Kripke possible-worlds semantics for knowledge.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 295\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: PARSING AS DEDUCTION\\ AUTHORS: FERNANDO C.N. PEREIRA and DAVID H.D. WARREN\\ DATE: JUNE 1983\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: By exploring the relationship between parsing and deduction, a new and more general view of chart parsing is obtained, which encompasses parsing for grammar formalisms based on unification, and is the basis of the Earley Deduction proof procedure for definite clauses. The efficiency of this approach for an interesting class of grammars is discussed.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 296\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: A NEW CHARACTERIZATION OF ATTACHMENT PREFERENCES\\ AUTHOR: FERNANDO C.N. PEREIRA\\ DATE: MARCH 1983\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: Several authors have tried to model attachment preferences for structurally ambiguous sentences, which cannot be disambiguated from semantic information. These models lack rigor and have been widely criticized. By starting from a precise choice of parsing model, it is possible to give a simple and rigorous description of Minimal Attachment and Right Association that avoids some of the problems of other models.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 297\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[0.01in] \noindent TITLE: TELEGRAM: A GRAMMAR FORMALISM FOR LANGUAGE PLANNING\\ AUTHOR: DOUGLAS E. APPELT\\ DATE: JUNE 1983\\[0.01in] ABSTRACT: Planning provides the basis for a theory of language generation that considers the communicative goals of the speaker when producing utterances. One central problem in designing a system based on such a theory is specifying the requisite linguistic knowledge in a form that interfaces well with a planning system and allows for the encoding of discourse information. The TELEGRAM (TELEological GRAMmar) system described in this paper solves this problem by annotating a unification grammar with assertions about how grammatical choices are used to achieve various goals, and by enabling the planner to augment the functional description of an utterance as it is being unified. The control structures of the planner and the grammar unifier are then merged in a manner that makes it possible for general planning to be guided by unification of a particular functional description.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 298\hfill PRICE: \$25.00\\[-0.15in] \begin{tabbing} \noindent TITLE: \= THE DARPA/DMA IMAGE UNDERSTANDING TESTBED \\ \> PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL\\ AUTHOR: KENNETH I. LAWS\\ DATE: JANUARY 1984\\[-0.15in] \end{tabbing} ABSTRACT: The primary purpose of the Image Understanding (IU) Testbed is to provide a means for transferring technology from the DARPA-sponsored IU research program to DMA and other organizations in the defense community. The approach taken to achieve this purpose has two components: \begin{enumerate} \item The establishment of a uniform environment that will be as compatible as possible with the environments of research centers at universities participating in the IU program. Thus, organizations obtaining copies of the Testbed can receive a flow of new results derived from ongoing research. \item The acquisition, integration, testing, and evaluation of selected scene analysis techniques that represent mature examples of generic areas of research activity. These contributions from participants in the IU program will allow organizations with Testbed copies to immediately begin investigating potential applications of IU technology to problems in automated cartography and other areas of scene analysis. \end{enumerate} The IU Testbed project was carried out under DARPA Contract No. MDA903-79-C-0588. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the author and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or the United States government. This report provides UNIX-style programmer's reference documentation for IU Testbed software modules that are based on the UNIX system environment.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 299\hfill PRICE: \$10.00\\[-0.15in] \begin{tabbing} \noindent TITLE: \= THE DARPA/DMA IMAGE UNDERSTANDING TESTBED SYSTEM \\ \> MANAGER'S MANUAL\\ AUTHOR: ANDREW J. HANSON\\ DATE: JANUARY 1984\\[-0.15in] \end{tabbing} ABSTRACT: The primary purpose of the Image Understanding (IU) Testbed is to provide a means for transferring technology from the DARPA-sponsored IU research program to DMA and other organizations in the defense community. The approach taken to achieve this purpose has two components: \begin{enumerate} \item The establishment of a uniform environment that will be as compatible as possible with the environments of research centers at universities participating in the IU program. Thus, organizations obtaining copies of the Testbed can receive a flow of new results derived from ongoing research. \item The acquisition, integration, testing, and evaluation of selected scene analysis techniques that represent mature examples of generic areas of research activity. These contributions from participants in the IU program will allow organizations with Testbed copies to immediately begin investigating potential applications of IU technology to problems in automated cartography and other areas of scene analysis. \end{enumerate} The IU Testbed project was carried out under DARPA Contract No. MDA903-79-C-0588. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the author and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or the United States government. This manual contains a selection of information and procedures needed by system managers responsible for the maintenance of the IU Testbed software system.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------\\ TECHNICAL NOTE: 301\hfill PRICE: \$15.00\\[-0.15in]