[mod.techreports] tr-input/award4.x

leff@smu.CSNET.UUCP (02/19/87)

Fiscal Year 1986 Research Projects
Funded by the Intelligent Systems Program
(now Robotics and Machine Intelligence Program)

A complete listing of these awards, including
short descriptive abstracts of the research
is available by writing to:

Y.T. Chien, Director
Robotics and Machine Intelligence Program
National Science Foundation
1800 G Street  NW
Washington, DC 20550

Computer Vision and Image Processing

SRI International; Alex P. Pentland; {Perceptual Organization and the
 Representation of Natural Scenes}; (DCR-8519283); $78060;12 months.

Stanford University; Paul Switzer; {Statistical Theory and Methods for
 Processing Spatial Imagery (Mathematical Sciences and Computer Research)};
(DMS-8411300 A02); $15000; 12 months; (Jointsupport with the Statistics and
 Probability Program - Total Grant$48200).

University of California - Berkeley; Alberto Grunbaum;{Reconstruction with
 Limited and Noisy Data (Mathematical Sciences and Computer Research)};
(DMS-8403232 A02); $8000; 12 months;(Joint support with the Applied Mathematics
 Program - Total Grant$66850).

University of Miami; Tzay Y. Young; {Three-Dimensional MotionAnalysis Using
 Shape Change Information (Computer Research)};(DCR-8509737 A01); $39871; 12

University of Illinois - Urbana; Thomas S. Huang; {AcquisitionRepresentation and
 Manipulation of Time-Varying SpatialInformation (Computer Research)};
(DCR-8415325 A02); $14768; 6months.

University of Maryland - College Park; Azriel Rosenfeld;{Perceptual Organization
 in Computer Vision:  Pyramid-basedApproaches}; (DCR-8603723); $120376; 12

University of Maryland - College Park; Azriel Rosenfeld;{Workshop on Graph
 Grammars and their Application to ComputerScienceLeesburgVirginiaOctober1986};
(DCR-8504840);$26235; 18 months.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Whitman Richards;{Natural Computation: A
 Computational Approach to VisualInformation Processing (Information Science and
 ComputerResearch)}; (IST-8312240 A02); $61500; 12 months; (Joint supportwith
 the Information Science Program - Total Grant $184721).

Michigan State University; George C. Stockman and Anil K. Jain;{Feature
 Extraction and Evaluation in Recognition of 3D Objects};(DCR-8600371); $55522;
 12 months.

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; Ramesh Jain; {Ego-MotionComplex Logarithmic
 Mapping}; (DCR-8517251); $48039; 12 months.

University of Minnesota; William B. Thompson; {DeterminingSpatial Organization
 from Visual Motion (Computer Research)};(DCR-8500899 A01); $40750; 12 months.

University of Rochester; Dana H. Ballard; {Parameter Networks and Spatial
 Cognition}; (DCR-8602958); $80464; 12 months.

Carnegie-Mellon University; Steven A. Shafer and Takeo Kanade;{Optical Modeling
 in Image Understanding:  ColorGloss and Shadows (Computer Research)};
(DCR-8419990 A01); $40475; 12months.

University of Wisconsin - Madison; Charles R. Dyer; {ParallelVision Algorithms
 for Shared-Memory and Pipeline Multiprocessors};(DCR-8520870); $134857; 24

Natural Language and Signal Understanding

SRI International; Douglas Appelt; {Natural Language Utterance Planning(Computer
 Research and Information Science)}; (DCR-8641243); $95210; 12months;

Indiana University - Bloomington; Robert F. PortStan C. Kwasny and DanielP.
 Maki; {Data-Driven Speech Recognition Using Prosody}; (DCR-8518725);$101055; 12

Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Robert C. Berwick; {PYI:(Computer
 Research)}; (DCR-8552543); $25000; 12 months.

New York University; Ralph Grishman (in collaboration with Lynette
 HirshmanBuroughs Corporation); {Industry/University Cooperative Research:
 Acquisition and Use of Semantic Information for Natural Language Processing
(ComputerResearch)}; (DCR-8501843 A01); $78400; 12 months; (Joint support with
 theIndustry/University Cooperative Research Program - Total Grant $93400).

Duke University; Alan W. Biermann; {Dialog Processing for Voice
 InteractiveProblem Solving}; (DCR-8603231); $27676; 12 months; (Joint support
 with theSpecial Projects Programthe Information Science Programand the
 InformationTechnology Program - Total Grant $69676).

North Carolina State University - Raleigh; Robert Rodman; {DialogueProcessing
 for Voice Interactive Problem Solving}; (DCR-8603407); $4000; 24months; (Joint
 support with the Special Projects Programthe InformationScience Program and the
 Information Technology Program - Total Grant $65276).

Carnegie-Mellon University; Ronald A. Cole and Richard M. Stern;
 {PhoneticClassification=9Q%9U=UMSpeech}; (DCR-8512695); $127523; 24 months.

University of Pennsylvania; Aravind K. Joshi; {Research In Natural
 LanguageProcessing (Computer Research)}; (DCR-8545755 A01); $160000; 12 months.

Burroughs Corporation; Lynette Hirshman (in collaboration with RalphGrishmanNew
 York University; {Industry/University Cooperative Research:Acquisition and Use
 of Semantic Information for Natural Language Processing(Computer Research)};
(DCR-8502205 A01); $58364; 12 months; (Joint supportwith the Industry/University
 Cooperative Research Program - Total Grant$73364).

Concept Learning and Inference

Yale University; Dana C. Angluin; {Algorithms for InductiveInference (Computer
 Research)}; (DCR-8404226 A01); $88807; 12months.

Northwestern University; Lawrence J. Henschen; {Logic and Databases};
(DCR-8608311); $44845; 12 months; (Joint support withthe Information Science
 Program - Total Grant $89845).

University of Chicago; James Royer; {Theory of MachineLearning}; (DCR-8602991);
 $17000; 24 months; (Joint support withTheoretical Computer Science Program -
 Total Grant $51045).

University of Illinois - Urbana; R. S. Michalski; {Studies inComputer Inductive
 Learning and Plausible Inference}; (DCR-8645223A02); $135000; 12 months.

University of Southwestern Louisiana; Rasiah Loganantharaj;{Theoretical and
 Implementational Aspects of Parallel TheoremProving}; (DCR-8603039); $34994; 12

University of Maryland - College Park; Jack Minker; {Workshop onFoundations of
 Deductive Databases and Logic ProgrammingCollegeParkMaryland August 1986};
(DCR-8602676); $25390; 12 months.

Rutgers University - Busch Campus; Tom M. Mitchell; {PYI:(Computer Research)};
(DCR-8351523 A03); $25000; 12 months.

State University of New York - Albany; Neil V. Murray;{Automated Reasoning with
 Path Resolution and Semantic Graphs};(DCR-8600848); $34981; 12 months.

Carnegie-Mellon University; Peter B. andrews; {Automated TheoremProving in Type
 Theory (Computer Research)}; (DCR-8402532 A02);$87152; 12 months.

Carnegie-Mellon University; Elaine Kant and Allen Newell;{Algorithm Design and
 Discovery (Computer Research)}; (DCR-8412139A01); $57328; 12 months.

University of Texas - Austin; Michael P. Starbird and Woodrow W.Bledsoe;
 {Automatic Theorem Proving and Applications (ComputerResearch)}; (DCR-8313499
 A02); $150930; 12 months.

University of Wyoming; Michael J. Magee; {A Theorem ProvingBased System for
 Recognizing Three-Dimensional Objects};(DCR-8602555); $37530; 12 months.

Knowledge Representation and Problem Solving

Stanford University; John McCarthy; {Artificial Intelligence
(ComputerResearch)}; (DCR-8414393 A01); $134328; 12 months.

Stanford University; Edward A. Feigenbaum and Charles
 Yanofsky;{MOLGEN-Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Molecular Biology
 Researchin Theory FormationTesting and Modification (Computer Research)};
(DCR-8310236 A02); $135000; 12 months.

University of California - Berkeley; Lotfi A. Zadeh; {Fuzzy Logic as a Basisfor
 Commonsense Reasoning and Inference in Expert Systems (Computer Research)};
(DCR-8513139 A01); $100685; 12 months.

University of California - Los Angeles; Judea Pearl; {Studies in Heuristics
(Computer Research)}; (DCR-8501234 A01); $7895571; 12 months.

University of California - Los Angeles; Judea Pearl and monthshe
 Ben-Bassat;{Toward a Computational Model of Evidential Reasoning (Computer
 Research)};(DCR-8313875 A02); $95291; 12 months.

University of Southern California; Peter Waksman; {Grid Analysis - A Theoryof
 Form Perception (Mathematical Sciences and Computer Research}; (DMS-8602025);
 $5000; 12 months (Joint support with the Applied Mathematics Program- Total
 Grant $15600).

Yale University; Paul Hudak; {DAPS:  Systems Support For AI (ComputerResearch)};
 (DCR-8403304 A01); $62363; 12 months.