leff@smu.CSNET.UUCP (02/24/87)
CENTRE FOR MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE PO box 4079 1009 AB Amsterdam The Netherlands Listed below is a list of publications of the second half of 1986 of our institute. These reports are available on exchange basis for your reports or other publications on corresponding subjects. However, please do not send any reprints. They are also available from our Sales Department. The prices of the documents - subject to change without prior notice - are given in Dutch currency. Foreign payments are subject to a surcharge per remittance to cover bank, postal and handling charges. Where appropriate you will be invoiced with your order. If you wish to obtain any of these reports, then print this list, please encircle the issues that you are interested in and return this list. Please add your name and address. Ordering through electronic mail can be done by sending to rob@cwi.nl February 1987 ************************************************* AU = author TI = title STI = sub-title PP = place of publication PY = publication year RN = report number MSC = Mathematical Subject Classification PR = price ************************************************* *** CMCS. DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS *** AU: O. Diekmann TI: Perturbed dual semigroups and delay equations PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8604 MSC: 47D05, 34K05 PR: f 4,-- TI: Perturbation theory for dual semigroups, I: The sue-reflexive case ED: [by] P. Cl|ement, O. Diekmann, M. Gyllenberg [et al.] PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8605 MSC: 47D05 PR: f 4,-- AU: S. M. #Verduyn Lunel TI: Complex analytical methods in RFDE theory PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8606 MSC: 47D05, 34K05 PR: f 4,-- AU: H. J. A. M. Heijmans TI: Semigroup theory for control on sun-reflexive Banach spaces PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8607 MSC: 93B28, 47D05, 34K35 PR: f 4,-- AU: #Jiang Furu TI: Necessary conditions for resonance in turning point problems for ordinary d ifferential equations PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8608 MSC: 34E20 PR: f 4,-- AU: H. R. Thieme TI: Well-posedness of physiologically structured population models for Daphnia magna PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8609 MSC: 92A15 PR: f 6,40 AU: N. M. Temme TI: Laguerre polynomials: asymptotics for large degree PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Applied Mathematics ; R 8610 MSC: 41A60, 33A65, 34E05, 33A30 PR: f 4,-- *** CMCS. DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE *** AU: P. M. B. Vit|anyi TI: Non-sequential computation and laws of nature PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8618 MSC: 69B70, 69C20, 69D50, 69F22, 69G12 PR: f 4,-- AU: P. J. W. ten Hagen AU: M. M. de Ruiter TI: Segment grouping, an extension to the graphical kernel system PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8623 MSC: 69K32, 69K34, 69K30 PR: f 5,20 AU: R. J. van Glabbeek TI: Notes on the methodology of CCS and CSP PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8624 MSC: 69F12, 69F32, 69F43, 69D41 PR: f 4,-- AU: J. A. Bergstra AU: J. W. Klop AU: E.-R. Olderog TI: Failures without chaos: a new process semantics for fair abstraction PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8625 MSC: 69F11, 69F32, 69F43 PR: f 4,-- TI: A denotational semantics of a parallel object-oriented language ED: [by] P. America, J. W. de Bakker, J. N. Kok [et al.] PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8626 MSC: 69D13, 69D21, 69D41, 69F32 PR: f 6,40 AU: N. W. P. van Diepen TI: A study in algebraic specification: a language with goto-statements PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8627 MSC: 69D21, 69D41, 69F31, 69F32 PR: f 5,20 AU: P. M. B. Vit|anyi AU: B. Awerbuch TI: Atomic shared register access by asynchronous hardware STI: detailed abstract PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8628 MSC: 69B31, 69B43, 69D51, 69D54 PR: f 4,-- AU: F. W. Vaandrager TI: Process algebra semantics of POOL PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8629 MSC: 69D13, 69D21, 69F11, 69F12, 69F32, 69F43 PR: f 10,20 AU: M. L. Kersten AU: F. H. Schippers TI: Towards an object-centered database language PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8630 MSC: 69D42, 69H23, 69K14 PR: f 4,-- AU: M. L. Kersten AU: F. H. Schippers TI: Using the guardian programming paradigm to support database evolution PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8631 MSC: 69D42, 69H23, 69K14 PR: f 4,-- AU: J. C. M. Baeten AU: J. A. Bergstra AU: J. W. Klop TI: Decidability of bisimulation equivalence for processes generating context-f ree languages PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8632 MSC: 69F11, 69F32, 69F43 PR: f 5,20 AU: J. Heering AU: P. Klint TI: A syntax definition formalism PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8633 MSC: 69D21, 69D41 PR: f 4,-- AU: R. J. van Glabbeek TI: Bounded nondeterminism and the approximation induction principle in process algebra PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8634 MSC: 69F12, 69F32, 69F43, 69D41 PR: f 4,-- AU: P. Klint TI: Modularization and reusability in current programming languages PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8635 MSC: 69D40 PR: f 4,-- AU: J. C. van Vliet AU: J. B. Warmer TI: Intertable PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8636 MSC: 69K80 PR: f 4,-- AU: P. J. W. ten Hagen AU: A. A. M. Kuijk AU: C. G. Trienekens TI: Display architecture for VLSI-based graphic workstations PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8637 MSC: 69K31, 69K33, 69K37 PR: f 4,-- AU: J. W. de Bakker AU: J.-J. C. Meyer TI: Order and metric in the stream semantics of elemental concurrency PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Computer Science ; R 8638 MSC: 69D41, 69F32, 69F33 PR: f 4,-- *** CMCS. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS *** AU: J. A. Smith TI: Statistical modeling of daily rainfall occurrences PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8605 MSC: 60G55, 62M99, 62F12 PR: f 4,-- AU: K. O. Dzhaparidze TI: On LAN for counting processes PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8606 MSC: 62M99 PR: f 4,-- AU: J. A. Smith TI: Estimating the upper tail of flood frequency distributions PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8607 MSC: 62F10, 62F12, 62F25 PR: f 4,-- AU: V. V. Slavova TI: Berry-Esseen bound for student's statistic PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8608 MSC: 60F05, 62E20 PR: f 4,-- AU: S. A. van der Geer TI: A note on rates of convergence in least squares estimation PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8609 MSC: 60B12, 60F99, 62F12, 62J02 PR: f 4,-- AU: H. C. P. Berbee TI: Uniqueness of Gibbs measures and absorption probabilities PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8610 MSC: 82A25, 47D45, 60K35 PR: f 4,-- AU: R. Helmers AU: M. Hu`skov|a TI: Berry-Esseen bounds for L-statistics with unbounded weight functions PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8611 MSC: 60F05, 62E20 PR: f 4,-- AU: A. Sieders AU: K. Dzhaparidze TI: A large deviation result for parameter estimators and its application to no nlinear regression analysis PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8612 MSC: 60F10, 62F12, 62J02 PR: f 5,20 AU: R. Helmers AU: F. H. Ruymgaart TI: Asymptotic normality of generalized L-statistics with unbounded scores PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8613 MSC: 62G05, 62G30, 62E20 PR: f 4,-- TI: Papers on semiparametric models at the ISI centenary session STI: Amsterdam, [August 1985] ED: ed. [by] R. D. Gill [and] M. N. Voors PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Mathematical Statistics ; R 8614 MSC: 62G05 PR: f 12,70 *** CMCS. DEPARTMENT OF NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS *** AU: J. M. Sanz-Serna AU: J. G. Verwer TI: Stability and convergence in the PDE/stiff ODE interphase PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8619 MSC: 65M10, 65M20, 65X02 PR: f 4,-- AU: J. G. Blom AU: J. M. Sanz-Serna AU: J. G. Verwer TI: On simple moving grid methods for one-dimensional evolutionary partial diff erential equations PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8620 MSC: 65M50, 65M99 PR: f 4,-- AU: P. W. Hemker AU: B. Koren TI: A non-linear multigrid method for the steady Euler equations PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8621 MSC: 65N30, 76G15, 76H05 PR: f 4,-- AU: B. Koren AU: S. P. Spekreijse TI: Multigrid and defect correction for the efficient solution of the steady Eu ler equations PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8622 MSC: 35L65, 35L67, 65N30, 76G15, 76H05 PR: f 4,-- AU: J. J. Rusch TI: The use of defect-correction for the solution of the 2-D compressible Navie r-Stokes equations with large Reynolds number PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8623 MSC: 65N30, 76G15, 76H05 PR: f 5,20 TI: NUMVEC FORTRAN library manual STI: chapter: elliptic PDEs : routine: MGD1V and MGD5V ED: [by] P. M. de Zeeuw PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Numerical Mathematics ; R 8624 MSC: 65V05, 65N20, 65F10 PR: f 4,-- *** CMCS. DEPARTMENT OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND SYSTEM THEORY *** AU: A. Schrijver TI: Polyhedral combinatorics STI: some recent developments and results PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8607 MSC: 05-XX, 05C70, 90C27 PR: f 4,-- AU: C. van Hoesel AU: A. Schrijver TI: Edge-disjoint homotopic paths in a planar graph with one hole PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8608 MSC: 05C38, 05C35, 05C10 PR: f 4,-- AU: G. A. P. Kindervater AU: J. K. Lenstra TI: The parallel complexity of TSP heuristics PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8609 MSC: 90C27, 69F21, 69G11 PR: f 4,-- AU: A. Schrijver TI: Distances and cuts in planar graphs PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8610 MSC: 05C70, 05CXX, 90C35 PR: f 4,-- AU: C. A. J. Hurkens AU: A. Schrijver AU: |E. Tardos TI: On fractional multicommodity flows and distance functions PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8611 MSC: 05C70, 05CXX, 90C35 PR: f 4,-- AU: J. K. Lenstra TI: Interfaces between operations research and computer science PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8612 MSC: 90BXX, 69L20, 69F21, 69-01 PR: f 4,-- AU: P. J. C. Spreij TI: Selfexciting counting process systems with finite state space PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8613 MSC: 93E03, 60G55, 60J75 PR: f 4,-- AU: G. A. P. Kindervater AU: J. K. Lenstra TI: Parallel computing in combinatorial optimization PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8614 MSC: 90C27 PR: f 5,20 AU: S. A. Smulders TI: Modelling and simulation of freeway traffic flow PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Operations Research and System Theory ; R 8615 MSC: 60K30, 90B20, 93E03 PR: f 8,90 *** CMCS. DEPARTMENT OF PURE MATHEMATICS *** AU: M. Hu`sek AU: J. de Vries TI: Preservation of products by functors close to reflectors PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Pure Mathematics ; R 8604 MSC: 54B10, 18A40, 20M99 PR: f 4,-- AU: J. C. van der Meer AU: R. Cushman TI: Orbiting dust under radiation pressure PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Pure Mathematics ; R 8605 MSC: 58FXX, 70FXX PR: f 4,-- AU: M. Hazewinkel TI: Lie algebraic method in filtering and identification PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Pure Mathematics ; R 8606 MSC: 93E11, 93B30, 93E10, 60H15, 93B15, 17B65, 17B99, 57R25 PR: f 4,-- AU: A. M. Cohen AU: G. M. Seitz TI: The r-rank of the groups of exceptional Lie type PP: Amsterdam PY: 1986 RN: CWI. Department of Pure Mathematics ; R 8607 MSC: 20G15, 20E15 PR: f 4,-- _ |_| Please send us the reports marked above on exchange basis. _ |_| Please send us the reports marked above with an invoice Institution: ............................................................... Address : ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... Date : ............................. ......................... (signature)