johnl@ima.UUCP (Compilers mailing list) (09/29/86)
We're implementing a syntax analyzer for the JOVIAL language. We're looking for leads to either a JOVIAL J3 language BNF or a public domain lex and yacc for the langauge. If you know about previous work or BNF documentation we'd appreciate the contact information. Contact: John Hallisey, Raytheon MSD, Mailstop SWA1-2 Hartwell Rd., Bedford, Ma. 01730 (617)-270-1864 UUCP: {cvbnet|rayssd|applicon|linus}!raybed2!jhh [I thought Jovial was dead, having been replaced by fiat by Ada. You learn something new every day. -John] -- Send compilers mail to ima!compilers or, in a pinch to Levine@YALE.EDU Plausible paths are { ihnp4 | decvax | cbosgd | harvard | yale | bbncca}!ima Please send responses to the originator of the message -- I cannot forward mail accidentally sent back to compilers. Meta-mail to ima!compilers-request