[mod.recipes] RECIPE: Mom's Chili

ed@mtxinu (Ed Gould) (03/21/86)

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.RZ "MOM'S CHILI" "A mild, hearty chili"
This chili won't win any awards in Texas, but it's a nice, mild, flavorful
dish. The recipe can easily be multiplied; I usually make a triple batch and
freeze the excess. For a spicier chili, use more chili powder,
or\(emeven better\(emmix your own spices.
.IH "Serves 4"
.IG "1 lb" "ground beef"
.IG "2" "large yellow onions,"
.IG "1 lb" "kidney beans"
.IG "\(12 lb" "tomato paste"
.IG "6 oz" "water"
.IG "3" "cloves garlic"
(or more to taste)
.IG "1" "bay leaf"
.IG "1 glub" "ketchup"
.IG "1 Tbsp" "chili powder"
(or more to taste)
.SK 1
Brown the meat and onions, separately if desired.
.SK 2
In a large, heavy pot, combine the meat and onions,
and the other ingredients except the chili powder.
.SK 3
.I "at least"
one hour.
Six or more hours is better.
.SK 4
Stir in the chili powder.
I usually use more garlic\(emthe cloves can be left whole,
and will become soft and mildly flavored by simmering.
The flavor is best if the chili sits for a day before being served.
.I Difficulty:
.I Time:
15 minutes preparation, 1 to 6 hours cooking.
.I Precision:
approximate measurement OK.
Ed Gould                    mt Xinu, 2910 Seventh St., Berkeley, CA  94710  USA
{ucbvax,decvax}!mtxinu!ed   +1 415 644 0146