[mod.recipes] RECIPE: Cabbage and potatoes

nemo@rochester (Richard Newman-Wolfe) (05/16/86)

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.RZ "CABBAGE AND POTATOES" "Cabbage and Potatoes"

With a nod toward Nancy Mintz who reminded me how good cabbage
can be, especially in the winter time when other fresh veggies are
.IH "Serves 8"
.IG "3 lb" "cabbage" "1.5 kg"
.IG "4-6 Tbsp" "bacon fat or butter" "60-80 g"
.IG "2" "onions"
.IG "a splash" "water or beer"
(whatever you're drinking)
.IG "1 Tbsp" "wine vinegar" "15 ml"
.IG "2-4" "white potatoes"
(washed and diced\(emI like the skins left on)
.SK 1
Cut the cabbage in half and soak in salted water for 15 minutes.
Agitate and drain well. Shred the cabbage.
.SK 2
Heat the bacon fat or butter in a large heavy skillet
and add the diced potatoes. Cook over medium heat until lightly browned.
.SK 3
Add 2 chopped onions and cook until transparent, about 5 minutes.
.SK 4
Add cabbage and toss well with two wooden spoons, \z\(gaa la stir-fry.
When the cabbage starts to wilt, add salt and freshly-ground
black pepper to taste and a splash of that beer in your left hand and 
.AB "1 Tbsp" "15 ml"
wine vinegar.
.SK 5
Cover, with lid slightly askew, and simmer over low heat until
tender (about 30\-45 minutes).
This recipe serves 8, and is good hot or cold.
Like Nancy said, one cabbage goes a loooonnnngggg way, so I
usually use a quarter to a half a head when cooking for 2
.I Difficulty:
.I Time:
30 minutes preparation, 45 minutes simmering.
.I Precision:
no need to measure.
Richard Newman-Wolfe
University of Rochester, Computer Science Dept.