[mod.recipes] submit something. Yes, I mean you.

reid@decwrl.DEC.COM (Brian Reid) (05/18/86)

I have received only two unsolicited submissions to mod.recipes in 6 weeks.
If this trend continues we will all starve to death.

You folks in Europe: you made a lot of noises about metric conversions when
this group first started being sent to Europe. So I did a lot of work and now
the recipes can be printed in grams and milliliters as well as in useful
things like cups and spoons. Has anybody in Europe submitted a recipe yet?
No. Of course, I haven't yet gotten around to writing the reverse-conversion
software, that will input a recipe in grams and milliliters and add the cups
and spoons. Maybe I won't have to write it....

You folks in Australia: I have a recipe for damper, and two for Pavlova, that
are queued up to go out. Do you eat anything else down there? I'm sorely
tempted to put in a fake pommie parody of an Australian recipe, playing on
all of our strange Northern Hemisphere prejudices of what life is like down
there. Koala meat poached in beer? Do you really have shrimps the size of

And you folks in Louisiana and Nebraska and Ohio and Maryland and Michigan
and other spots where I know there are mod.recipes readers. Do you have
recipes? Do you cook?

If you are worried, somehow, about whether or not a recipe is "good enough",
please don't. Let me do the worrying. If you are worried about whether it is
original, please don't. Let me do that worrying. Old family recipes are
usually the best, but something that you cut out of the Weekend Food section
of last year's St. Lous Post-Dispatch, or the Lansing State Journal or
L'Express is also OK. Just tell me where you got it, and make sure you
include some commentary about how much you like it and how you have served

As a teaser, let me make an offer to you European and Australian readers.
Send me two or more "old family recipes". Something your grandmother used to
cook at Candlemas or Bastille Day, perhaps. To each of the first two people
from Europe and Australia who do this, I will send a notebook full of nice,
clean, laser-printed copies of every recipe in the mod.recipes database
(currently there are 147 recipes there). Laser-printed copies are *so* much
nicer than sending nroff output to a printronix, aren't they? (This offer is
not available in any store, and is void where prohibited.)


p.s.--I have queued submissions from the following people, waiting their turn
to go out: mtuni!mgh, adobe!shore, sysvis!george, alice!jj, tektronix!moiram,
esunix!loosemor, felix!bob, hpda!jrg, navajo!mogul, sftig!susan,
lll-crg!bandy, uiucuxc!paul, utastro!anita, diablo!morris, pta!alix,
murdu!stephenw, brown!jfh, chronon!petolino, hplabs!oday, utai!gkloker,
rtech!jeff, mtxinu!ed