boren@rand-unix (Patricia Boren) (07/25/86)
Copyright (C) 1986 USENET Community Trust Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the USENET copyright notice and the title of the newsgroup and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the USENET Community Trust or the original contributor. .RH MOD.RECIPES-SOURCE HOT-FUDGE-1 D "20 May 86" 1986 .RZ "CHOCOLATE SAUCE DELUXE" "Hot fudge sauce for ice cream" This is the fudgiest and best sauce you'll ever taste. The recipe has been passed down in our family for years and years. .IH "Makes 3 cups" "Makes 750 ml" .IG "\(12 cup" "butter" "100 g" .IG "3 oz" "bitter chocolate" "100 g" .IG "2 \(12 cups" "powdered sugar" "325 g" .IG "1 \(12 cups" "evaporated milk" "350 ml" .IG "1/8 tsp" "salt" "0.5 ml" .IG "1 tsp" "vanilla" "5 ml" .PH .SK 1 Melt butter with chocolate in saucepan. .SK 2 Add other ingredients (except vanilla) and cook 20\-25 minutes over medium heat. Mixture will slowly thicken. .SK 3 Add vanilla and serve over ice cream. .NX This sauce becomes like fudge candy when refrigerated, and it's hard to keep from poking your finger in it for a taste. Simply reheat in a saucepan to melt it down. .SH RATING .I Difficulty: easy. .I Time: 30 minutes. .I Precision: approximate measurement OK. .WR Pat Boren The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica CA decvax!randvax!boren