[mod.recipes] RECIPE: Lamb shish kebab

nlm@attunix (Nancy Mintz) (11/28/86)

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.RZ "LAMB SHISH KEBAB" "Spicy grilled lamb on a skewer"
This is a fairly spicy lamb shish kebab. Serve it with cucumber yogurt sauce.
.IH "serves 4"
.IG "1 tsp" "garlic" "5 ml"
(finely chopped)
.IG "2 tsp" "fresh ginger" "10 ml"
(finely chopped)
.IG "2 Tbsp" "lemon juice" "30 ml"
.IG "\(14 cup" "peanut or vegetable oil" "60 ml"
.IG "\(12 tsp" "ground turmeric" "2.5 ml"
.IG "\(12 tsp" "ground coriander" "2.5 ml"
.IG "\(12 tsp" "ground cumin" "2.5 ml"
.IG "1/8 tsp" "cayenne" "0.5 ml"
(or to taste)
.IG "1 Tbsp" "grated onion" "30 ml"
.IG "24 cubes" "lean lamb"
.AB "(approx. 2 lbs)" "(approx. 1 kg)"
.IG "2" "medium onions,"
cut into large chunks.
.IG "2" "green peppers,"
cut into large chunks
.IG "2" "tomatoes,"
cut into large chunks
.SK 1
Mix all marinade ingredients in a large bowl.  Add lamb cubes
and  marinate for 1 hour.
.SK 2
Preheat broiler or light the barbecue.
.SK 3
Divide the meat and vegetables evenly into 4 parts, and skewer the pieces on
4 skewers.
Place 4 to 5 inches from flame.  Grill, turning to cook evenly, for
approximately 10 minutes.
Serve with rice and cucumber\-yogurt sauce (see recipe 
.I Difficulty:
.I Time:
5 minutes preparation, 1 hour marinating, 10 minutes cooking.
.I Precision:
approximate measurement OK.
Nancy Mintz
UNIX System Development Lab, AT&T-IS, Summit, New Jersey, USA