[mod.recipes] How to do your own TRoff commands

reid@decwrl (Brian Reid) (03/03/86)

If you put formatting commands in the recipes that you sub-
mit, they will go out more quickly, since the editor won't
have to do it.  It's easy to learn how.

The basic principle is to use as few commands as possible,
and in general to use only commands that are defined in the
manual macros or the recipe macro package. Various
processing programs search through these files and look for
string matches on things like ".IG" and ".RZ".  Print out a
few of the recipe source files from
/usr/spool/news/mod/recipes, and then use rctypeset or rcnroff to
produce formatted versions of them. Have that at hand when
you are formatting your recipe. You can test your formatting
by using rctypeset or rcnroff on your draft versions before
you submit the recipe.

A ``skeleton'' recipe follows. .RH is the recipe header com-
mand; it must be the first line of each recipe and it must
have 4 arguments. "RECIPE-ID" is the file name under which
the recipe will be stored; I will choose that.
The "?" is a "what kind of recipe" code from the code table
    .RZ "RECIPE TITLE" "One-line description of it"
    Introductory comments; use .PP for new paragraph.
    .IH "Serves 13"               <-- Ingredients Header
    .IG "1/2 cup" "butter"        <-- Ingredient (please use quotes)
    .IG "1" "onion"
    (medium to large, chopped fine. Don't try to use instant onion
    in this recipe)
    .PH                           <-- Procedure header
    .SK 1                         <-- Procedure step
    Preheat oven to 600 degrees   <-- Text for that step
    .SK 2                         <-- and so forth.
    .NX                           <-- Notes header
    Notes (commentary) goes here; use .PP to separate paragraphs.
    .WR                           <-- Wrapup
    Signature information goes here. As a minimum you should list your name,
    network address, organization (company, university, etc.), and the city you
    live or work in.
Remember that when you post to a moderated newsgroup, the
news software usually forgets to include your .signature
file, so you should be sure to include it manually. If it
manages to get there twice, I will remove the extra copy.

You can also use the following -man macros; see man(7) for
the complete list.
    .I "italic words"
    .B "boldface words"
    .SM "small words"
    .PP                           <-- paragraph break
    .PD <distance>                <-- paragraph distance
    .IP "indented paragraph".
    .RS                           <-- relative start: move things to the right
    .RE                           <-- relative end: move things left again
You can also use these nroff/troff commands: \fI, \fB, \fR,
.if, .ds, .br, .nf, .fi, and .ta, and any of the nroff special
characters such as \(12 or \(mu.

    M     Main dish           SL    Salad
    A     Appetizer or snack  SP    Soup
    B     Bread/cake/pasta    D     Dessert
    L     Beverage (Liquid)   V     Vegetable dish
The suffix ``V'' on any category means that it is
vegetarian; for example, a vegetarian main dish recipe would
be marked ``MV''.

reid@decwrl.UUCP (06/30/86)

If you put formatting commands in the recipes that you sub-
mit, they will go out more quickly, since the editor won't
have to do it.  It's easy to do.

The basic principle is to use as few commands as possible,
and in general to use only commands that are defined in the
manual macros or the recipe macro package. Various process-
ing programs search through these files and look for string
matches on things like ``.IG'' and ``.RZ''.  Print out a few
of the recipe source files from /usr/spool/news/mod/recipes,
and then use /usr/bin/rctypeset or
/usr/bin/rcnroff to produce formatted versions of
them. Have that at hand when you are formatting your recipe.
You can test your formatting by using rctypeset or rcnroff
on your draft versions before you submit the recipe.

Don't bother putting the copyright notice in. If you put it
in I will have to take it out, because the copyright notice
is installed automatically by the proofreading software as
a sign that the recipe has passed the proofreader.

A ``skeleton'' recipe follows. .RH is the recipe header com-
mand; it must be the first line of each recipe and it must
have 4 arguments. ``RECIPE-ID'' is the file name under which
the recipe will be stored. Normally the editor chooses the
recipe id, but you can put a suggestion there if you like.
It must be 14 characters or less, and must not duplicate any
previous or pending recipe id. The ``?'' is a ``what kind of
recipe'' code from the code table below.

    .RZ "RECIPE TITLE IN CAPITALS" "One-line description of it"
    Introductory comments; use .PP between paragraphs.
    .IH "Makes 4 cups"            <- Ingredients Header
    .IG "1/2 cup" "butter"        <- Ingredient (please use quotes)
    .IG "1" "onion"
    (medium to large, chopped fine. Don't try to use instant onion
    in this recipe)
    .PH                           <- Procedure header

    .SK 1                         <- Procedure step
    Boil the water.               <- Text for that step
    .SK 2                         <- and so forth.
    .NX                           <- Notes header
    Notes (commentary) goes here; use .PP to separate paragraphs.
    .WR                           <- Wrapup
    Signature information goes here. As a minimum you should list your name,
    network address, organization (company, university, etc.), and the city you
    live or work in.
Remember that when you post to a moderated newsgroup, the
news software usually forgets to include your .signature
file, so you should be sure to include it manually. If it
manages to get there twice, I will remove the extra copy.

You can also use the following -man macros; see man(7) for
the complete list.
    .I "italic words"
    .B "boldface words"
    .SM "small words"
    .PP                           <- paragraph break
    .PD <distance>                <- paragraph distance
    .IP "indented paragraph".
    .RS                           <- relative start: move things to the right
    .RE                           <- relative end: move things left again
You can also use these nroff/troff commands: \fI, \fB, \fR,
.if, .ds, .br, .nf, .fi, and .ta

reid@decwrl (Brian Reid) (11/28/86)

     If you put formatting commands in the recipes that you sub-
     mit, they will go out more quickly, since the editor won't
     have to do it.  It's easy to do.

     The basic principle is to use as few commands as possible,
     and in general to use only commands that are defined in the
     manual macros or the recipe macro package. Various process-
     ing programs search through these files and look for string
     matches on things like ``.IG'' and ``.RZ''.  Print out a few
     of the recipe source files from /usr/spool/news/mod/recipes,
     and then use /usr/local/bin/rctypeset or
     /usr/local/bin/rcnroff to produce formatted versions of
     them. Have that at hand when you are formatting your recipe.
     You can test your formatting by using rctypeset or rcnroff
     on your draft versions before you submit the recipe.

     A ``skeleton'' recipe follows. .RH is the recipe header com-
     mand; it must be the first line of each recipe and it must
     have 4 arguments. ``RECIPE-ID'' is the file name under which
     the recipe will be stored. Normally the editor chooses the
     recipe id, but you can put a suggestion there if you like.
     It must be 14 characters or less, and must not duplicate any
     previous or pending recipe id. The ``?'' is a ``what kind of
     recipe'' code from the code table below.

         .RH MOD.RECIPES-SOURCE RECIPE-ID ? "22 Dec 83"
         .RZ "RECIPE TITLE IN CAPITALS" "One-line description of it"
         Introductory comments; use .PP between paragraphs.
         .IH "Makes 4 cups"            <- Ingredients Header
         .IG "1/2 cup" "butter"        <- Ingredient (please use quotes)
         .IG "1" "onion"
         (medium to large, chopped fine. Don't try to use instant onion
         in this recipe)
         .PH                           <- Procedure header

         .SK 1                         <- Procedure step
         Boil the water.               <- Text for that step
         .SK 2                         <- and so forth.
         .NX                           <- Notes header
         Notes (commentary) goes here; use .PP to separate paragraphs.
         .WR                           <- Wrapup
         Signature information goes here. As a minimum you should list your name,
         network address, organization (company, university, etc.), and the city you
         live or work in.
     Remember that when you post to a moderated newsgroup, the
     news software usually forgets to include your .signature
     file, so you should be sure to include it manually. If it
     manages to get there twice, I will remove the extra copy.

     You can also use the following -man macros; see man(7) for
     the complete list.
         .I "italic words"
         .B "boldface words"
         .SM "small words"
         .PP                           <- paragraph break
         .PD <distance>                <- paragraph distance
         .IP "indented paragraph".
         .RS                           <- relative start: move things to the right
         .RE                           <- relative end: move things left again
     You can also use these nroff/troff commands: \fI, \fB, \fR,
     .if, .ds, .br, .nf, .fi, and .ta

recipes@decwrl.UUCP (02/28/87)

     If you put formatting commands in the recipes that you sub-
     mit, they will go out more quickly, since the cookbook edi-
     tor won't have to put them in.

     The basic principle is to use as few commands as possible,
     and in general to use only commands that are defined in the
     manual macros or the recipe macro package. Various process-
     ing programs search through these files and look for string
     matches on things like ``.IG'' and ``.RZ''.  Print out a few
     of the recipe source files from /usr/spool/news/mod/recipes,
     and then use /usr/local/bin/rctypeset or
     /usr/local/bin/rcnroff to produce formatted versions of
     them. Have that at hand when you are formatting your recipe.
     You can test your formatting by using rctypeset or rcnroff
     on your draft versions before you submit the recipe.

     A ``skeleton'' recipe follows. .RH is the recipe header com-
     mand; it must be the first line of each recipe and it must
     have 4 arguments. ``RECIPE-ID'' is the file name under which

     the recipe will be stored. Normally the editor chooses the
     recipe id, but you can put a suggestion there if you like.
     It must be 14 characters or less, and must not duplicate any
     previous or pending recipe id. The ``?'' is a ``what kind of
     recipe'' code from the code table below.

         .RH MOD.RECIPES-SOURCE RECIPE-ID ? "22 Dec 83"
         .RZ "RECIPE TITLE IN CAPITALS" "One-line description of it"
         Introductory comments; use .PP between paragraphs.
         .IH "4 cups"                  <- Ingredients Header
         .IG "1/2 cup" "butter"        <- Ingredient (please use quotes)
         .IG "1" "onion"
         (medium to large, chopped fine. Don't try to use instant onion
         in this recipe)
         .PH                           <- Procedure header
         .SK 1                         <- Procedure step
         Boil the water.               <- Text for that step
         .SK 2                         <- and so forth.
         .NX                           <- Notes header
         Notes (commentary) goes here; use .PP to separate paragraphs.
         .WR                           <- Wrapup
         Signature information goes here. As a minimum you should list your name,
         network address, organization (company, university, etc.), and the city you
         live or work in.
     Remember that when you post to a moderated newsgroup, the
     news software usually forgets to include your .signature
     file, so you should be sure to include it manually. If it
     manages to get there twice, I will remove the extra copy.

     You can also use the following -man macros; see man(7) for
     the complete list.
         .I "italic words"
         .B "boldface words"
         .SM "small words"
         .PP                           <- paragraph break
         .PD <distance>                <- paragraph distance
         .IP "indented paragraph".
         .RS                           <- relative start: move things to the right
         .RE                           <- relative end: move things left again
     You can also use these nroff/troff commands: \fI, \fB, \fR,
     .if, .ds, .br, .nf, .fi, and .ta