recipes@decwrl.UUCP (04/01/87)
MARGARITA-1(L) USENET Cookbook MARGARITA-1(L) EASY MARGARITAS MARGARITA-1 - Vodka margaritas INGREDIENTS (Serves 3-4) 6 oz frozen limeade 6 oz vodka 6 oz water ice PROCEDURE (1) Blend equal parts of limeade, vodka, and water in a blender. (2) Add ice, and blend to slushiness desired. More ice makes it slushier. NOTES Officially, a margarita calls for tequila instead of the vodka, with a splash of triple sec. No one notices the absence of the triple sec and many people prefer the taste of vodka. RATING Difficulty: trivial. Time: 2 minutes. Precision: use equal measures of the ingredients. CONTRIBUTOR Patricia Boren The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica CA decvax!randvax!boren