[mod.recipes] RECIPE: Matzo rolls for passover

tovah@cepu.uucp (Tovah Hollander) (04/09/87)

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.RZ "PASSOVER ROLLS" "Bread-like Passover rolls"
This recipe comes from a poster-sized sheet of recipes printed by
Manischewitz many years ago (probably before I was born). Besides making
reasonably good mock ``rolls,'' it's also great fun for kids to make (very
.IH "Makes 12"
.IG "2 cups" "matzah meal" "?????"
.IG "1 tsp" "salt" "5 ml"
.IG "1 Tbsp" "sugar" "15 ml"
.IG "1 cup" "water" "25 cl"
.IG "\(12 cup" "peanut oil" "12 cl"
.IG "4" "eggs"
.SK 1
Combine matzah meal with salt and sugar.
.SK 2
In a medium saucepan, bring oil and water to a boil.
.SK 3
Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the matzah meal,
mixing well.
.SK 4
Beat in the eggs thoroughly, one at a time (this is where it
starts to get sticky).
Let the mixture stand for about 15 minutes (can be refrigerated).
.SK 5
With well-oiled hands, shape it into rolls and place on a
well-greased cookie sheet (you will have to keep re-oiling
your hands).
.SK 6
Bake in a preheated
.TE 375 190
degree oven for 50 minutes or until golden brown.
.I Difficulty:
.I Time:
35 minutes preparation (including waiting), 50 minutes
.I Precision:
measure the ingredients.
Tovah Hollander
UCLA Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, Los Angeles, California USA