[ont.sf-lovers] Requiem for a Ruler of Worlds

mason@utcsri.UUCP (Dave Mason) (01/07/86)

This is the first book I have read by Brian Daley.  It is about an Earthman
who has been left an inheritance that he must go off-planet to collect on.
It has a fairly strong primary plot of the adventures on the way, with a fairly
subtle sub-plot about political intrigue on Earth (the Earthservice expects to
confiscate the inheritance on his return)

on a scale of -4..4 I'd rate it a 2-3

The book does not really end cleanly.  Daley obviously hopes to have a long
string of these.  Overall the book has some interesting ideas, but is not
one of the "all-time great book"s

The sequel: Jinx on a Terran Inheritance is at a comparable level, although
I have not yet finished it, so cannot give a definitive opinion.
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	!utcsri!mason		Dave Mason, U. Toronto CSRI
	ryesone!mason		Dave Mason, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute
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